The following items shall be included in the SWM site plan:
A. Appropriate sections from the municipal's Subdivision and Land Development
Ordinance, and other applicable local ordinances, shall be followed
in preparing the SWM site plans.
B. The municipality shall not approve any SWM site plan that is deficient
in meeting the requirements of this chapter. At its sole discretion
and in accordance with this article, when a SWM site plan is found
to be deficient, the municipality may either disapprove the submission
and require a resubmission, or in the case of minor deficiencies,
the municipality may accept submission of modifications.
C. Provisions for permanent access or maintenance easements for all physical SWM BMPs, such as ponds and infiltration structures, as necessary to implement the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan discussed in Subsection
E(9) below.
D. The following signature blocks:
(1) "I, (Borough Official [Engineer]), on this date (Signature Date),
has reviewed and hereby certifies that the SWM site plan meets all
design standards and criteria of the New Freedom Borough Stormwater
Management Ordinance."
(2) A statement, signed by all landowners, acknowledging that the stormwater
BMPs are fixtures that cannot be altered or removed without prior
approval by the Borough.
"Acknowledgment of Permanence of BMPs:
I, the undersigned hereby represent that no person shall modify,
remove, fill, landscape, or alter any Stormwater Management BMPs,
facilities, areas, or structures without the written approval of New
Freedom Borough.
(3) A statement, signed by all landowners, referencing the operation
and maintenance (O&M) agreement and stating that the O&M agreement
is part of the stormwater management site plan.
(4) The following signature block for the qualified professional preparing
the stormwater management plan:
"I ___________________________, hereby certify that the Stormwater
Management Site Plan meets all design standards and criteria of the
New Freedom Borough Stormwater Management Ordinance.
Qualified Professional Signature"
E. The SWM site plan shall provide the following information:
(1) Maps or plan sheets. Map(s) or plan sheets of the site shall be submitted on minimum twenty-four-inch-by-thirty-six-inch sheets and shall be prepared in a form that meets the requirements for recording at the York County Office of the Recorder of Deeds and the requirements of the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan and O&M agreement (Article
V). If the SALDO has additional or more stringent criteria than this chapter, then the SALDO criteria shall also apply. Unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Engineer, the contents of the maps or plan sheets shall include, but not be limited to:
A listing of all regulatory approvals required for the proposed
project and the status of the review and approval process for each.
Final approval or adequacy letters must be submitted to the municipality
prior to (or as a condition of) the municipality's issuing final approval
of the SWM site plan. Proof of application or documentation of required
permit(s) or approvals for the programs listed below shall be part
of the SWM site plan, if applicable:
NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction
PADEP permits as needed:
[a] PADEP Joint Permit Application;
[b] Chapter 105 (Dam Safety and Waterway Management);
[c] Chapter
106 (Floodplain Management);
PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit;
Erosion and sediment control plan letter of adequacy; and
Any other permit under applicable state or federal regulations.
(2) A location map, with a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet or greater,
showing the site location relative to highways, municipal boundaries,
or other identifiable landmarks.
(3) The name of the project, tax parcel number(s), and the names, addresses
and phone numbers of the owner of the property, the applicant, and
firm preparing the plan.
(4) Signature and seal of the qualified licensed professional(s) responsible
for preparation of the maps and plan sheets.
(5) The date of SWM site plan submission and revision dates, as applicable.
(6) A graphic and written scale of one inch equals no more than 50 feet.
(8) Legal property boundaries, including:
The total project property boundary and size with distances
marked to the nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree.
Boundaries, size and description of purpose of all existing
easements and deed-restricted areas of the project property, with
distances marked to the nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree.
(9) Existing natural resources and natural or man-made hydrologic features
that are located within the site or receiving discharge from, or that
may otherwise be impacted by, the proposed regulated activity, including
but not limited to:
All existing natural resources, hydrologic features and drainage
patterns including natural waterways, water bodies, wetlands, streams
(intermittent and perennial), ponds, lakes, vernal pools, etc., natural
infiltration areas and patterns, areas of significant natural evapotranspiration,
and other water features and aquatic resources.
Any existing man-made drainage features, BMPs, conveyances,
facilities, open channels, swales, drainage patterns, or other flood,
stormwater or drainage control features.
For the site, discharge points and locations of concentrated
flows and their drainage areas.
For named waters, show names and their watershed boundaries
within the site.
For the water bodies, streams and wetlands identified in Subsection
E(9)(a), label or otherwise show the following attributes, if applicable:
The designated use and/or existing use as determined by PADEP
(25 Pa. Code Chapter 93);
Impairments listed on the PADEP "Integrated List" (as updated)
and the listed source and cause of impairment;
Name, date, and target pollutant(s) for any approved total maximum
daily load (TMDL); and
Drainages to water supply reservoirs.
Areas that are part of the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory
(PNDI) and a list of potential impacts and clearances received (for
regulated activities involving one acre or more proposed earth disturbance).
Woods, vegetated riparian buffers and other areas of natural
Topography using contours (with elevations based on established
bench marks) at intervals of two feet. In areas of slopes greater
than 15% [or other at option of municipality] five-foot contour intervals
may be used. The datum used and the location, elevation and datum
of any benchmarks used shall be shown.
Areas classified by the municipality as steep slopes.
Soil names and boundaries, general type of soils with hydrologic
soil group noted, and in particular note areas most conducive to infiltration
BMPs, such as Groups A and B, etc., estimated permeabilities in inches
per hour, and location and other results of all soil tests and borings.
If present, areas with underlying carbonate geologic units,
existing sinkholes, subsidence or other Karst features, and any associated
groundwater recharge areas with increased vulnerability to contamination.
Any contaminated surface or subsurface areas of the site.
Water supply wells.
Location of existing well(s) on the project property and delineation
of the(ir) recharge area(s) (if known), or a fifty-foot diameter assumed
recharge area;
Location of existing well(s) within 50 feet beyond the boundary
of the project property boundary (if public water supply is proposed
for the regulated activity).
Current FEMA 100-year floodplain boundaries, elevations, and
floodway boundaries for any special flood hazard areas on or within
100 feet of the property.
Four copies of the SWM site plan shall be submitted as follows:
A. One physical and electronic copy to the municipality.
B. One physical and electronic copy to the Municipal Engineer.
C. One copy to the York County Conservation District (when applicable).
D. One copy to the York County Planning Commission/Office (when applicable).
A modification to a submitted SWM site plan that involves a
change in SWM BMPs or techniques, or that involves the relocation
or redesign of SWM BMPs, or that is necessary because soil or other
conditions are not as stated on the SWM site plan as determined by
the municipality shall require a resubmission of the modified SWM
site plan in accordance with this article.
A disapproved SWM site plan may be resubmitted, with the revisions
addressing the municipality's concerns, to the municipality in accordance
with this article. The applicable review fee must accompany a resubmission
of a disapproved SWM site plan.
The municipality's approval of an SWM site plan authorizes the regulated activities contained in the SWM site plan for a maximum term of validity of five years following the date of approval. The municipality may specify a term of validity shorter than five years in the approval for any specific SWM site plan and such shorter term of validity shall be noted in writing to applicant as a condition of plan approval; provided, however, that if not so noted, the term of validity shall be five years. Terms of validity shall commence on the date the municipality signs the approval for an SWM site plan. If an approved SWM site plan is not completed according to §
188-30 within the term of validity, then the municipality may consider the SWM site plan disapproved and may revoke any and all permits. SWM site plans that are considered disapproved by the municipality shall be resubmitted in accordance with §
188-28 of this chapter.