The village shall have the power to determine, fix and regulate the charges, fares and rates of any person, firm or corporation or company acting as a public utility in furnishing gas, telephone, light or power being provided or sold or otherwise furnished to the inhabitants of the village and to prescribe the kind of service to be rendered, the equipment to be used, and the manner in which such service shall be rendered, and to change such regulations from time to time; in order to ascertain all the facts necessary for a proper understanding of what is or should be a reasonable rate or regulation, the governing authority shall have full authority to inspect the books and other records of such person, firm or corporation and compel the attendance of witnesses for such purposes.
Accordingly, the power, authority and privilege accorded to and delegated to the village by the state is hereby claimed, adopted and enacted.
(2007 Code, sec. 11-1)
Motor vehicles of two wheels or more, while operated by agents and employees of public utility services or businesses then in the course of employment and duties for such public services, shall be free to use the streets and thoroughfares of the village.
(2007 Code, sec. 11-2)