Editor’s note–This article consists of the zoning ordinance previously published as chapter XII, article 2, in the 2007 Code of Ordinances. Section numbers, style, capitalization and formatting have been changed to be consistent with the remainder of the Code of Ordinances, and this will be maintained in future amendments to this article. Changes in the names of state agencies have been incorporated without notation. Obviously misspelled words have been corrected without notation. Except for these changes, such ordinance is printed herein as published in the 2007 Code. Any other material added for purposes of clarification is enclosed in brackets.
The zoning districts and regulations as herein established have been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the village, and for the protection and preservation of places and areas of historical and cultural importance and significance. They have been designed to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures and to protect citizens and residents from the effects of severe weather conditions upon dwellings not designed or fabricated to withstand the same; to preserve and protect the cultural and recreational and aesthetic importance and significance of this village and to its citizens and property owners, and to lessen congestion and noise in the streets and roads; to secure safety from fire, panic and disease and other dangers; to provide light, air and prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, schools, parks and other public requirements; and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land and the body of water throughout the village.
(2007 Code, sec. 12-11)
There are and shall be hereby created and ordained several zoned districts of the village which are hereinafter described in alphabetical order.
District A - Single-family residential.
The lots, tracts and parcels of land lying within the areas and boundaries of that which is herein called “District A” are the places where living quarters for any such owners or lessees are, or may hereafter be, maintained by them. District A as herein defined and described constitutes and includes the parcels of land whose highest and best uses have been determined to be for single-family, permanent and/or vacation or recreational residences and designed and constructed so as to make the best use of the qualities and purposes of that land. Therefore, the boundaries, areas and locations of all lands constituting District A shall be those lands not hereinafter described as being parts of other districts.
Uses of land within District A.
All lots, tracts and parcels of land lying within the village limits and boundaries which are part of District A shall be used only for permanently constructed, single-family residences which are affixed and attached by pier and beam or concrete slab foundations to the land itself, which residences shall hereafter be constructed, enlarged and/or added onto only after submission of plans and specifications therefor in writing to the village building committee for its consideration and approval, and no such residences or addition shall be commenced until the building committee shall have issued a written permit for the commencement and completion thereof, such permit to be issued by such committee after it has inspected and approved such plans and specifications. However, if such plans and specifications shall not, in the opinion of the committee, fulfill the uses described and defined above for District A construction, then no permit shall be issued and such construction shall not be performed within such district.
District B - Commercial, service and active recreational areas.
The lands, tracts and parcels of land situated in District B, as hereinafter defined and described, are now being used, and shall hereafter be used as the means and locations whereby the lands and residences and areas within District A may be made and kept more desirable and functional places to live and enjoy wholesome recreations and to be free from nuisances and disturbances.
District B is and shall be described and identified as being all lots and parcels of land now being used for restaurant, clubhouse and meeting facilities, and for mail pickup and delivery boxes, as well as all parking areas and facilities now adjacent to and surrounding same and which are now in use as such; also the boat docking areas at the restaurant building and the filling and service station facilities thereat; and all of the area presently occupied by the 18-hole golf course, including fairways, roughs and the putting greens and the lands presently occupied by the shop buildings and service machinery as well as all land areas within 50 feet of said facilities and buildings, but only the parts thereof which are situated within the limits and boundaries of the village as same are shown on the map or plat and metes and bounds descriptions of said village which are on file in the records of the County Clerk of Randall County, Texas, reference to which is here made. The lots, tracts and parcels of land in District B as herein defined are and shall be hereby restricted only to the aforesaid uses.
(2007 Code, sec. 12-12; Ordinance 2014-1 adopted 3/11/14)
It shall be unlawful to use any mobile home, house trailer, motor home or any other type of mobile or transportable residence as a place of either temporary or permanent abode or residence inside the boundaries and limits of the village.
Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the owner of a lot from parking his vacation house trailer or motor home on his property; further, nothing herein shall prohibit the owner or occupant of a residence from parking his own or his guests’ vacation trailer or motor home upon his own property as long as adequate sanitary conditions are provided and as long as such parking is not upon any public road or right-of-way and shall not be occupied by the member of [or] his guest in excess of seven (7) days at any one time or thirty (30) days in one year.
This section’s provisions are enacted for the purpose of preventing blight upon the special and desirable aesthetic qualities of this village, and are part of a comprehensive plan to effectuate and preserve such qualities, the destruction or impairment of any of which would constitute a public nuisance.
(2007 Code, sec. 12-13)