Enforcement powers of the Planning Board are granted in the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Bylaw, § 165-10.
The Planning Board or its designated agent shall enforce the bylaw, regulations, orders, violation notices, and enforcement orders, and may pursue all civil, criminal and noncriminal remedies for such violations.
The Planning Board or an authorized agent of the Planning Board may issue a written notice of violation or enforcement order to enforce the provisions of the bylaw or the regulations thereunder, which may include requirements to:
Cease and desist from construction or land-disturbing activity until there is compliance with the bylaw and the land disturbance permit.
Repair, maintain, or replace the stormwater management system or portions thereof in accordance with the operation and maintenance plan.
Perform monitoring, analyses, and reporting.
Fix adverse impacts resulting directly or indirectly from malfunction of the stormwater management system.
If the Planning Board or an authorized agent of the Planning Board determines that abatement or remediation of adverse impacts is required, the order may set forth a deadline by which such abatement or remediation must be completed.
The remedies listed in the bylaw and these regulations are not exclusive of any other remedies available under any applicable federal, state or local law.