The purpose of this article is to establish and define the public and/or site improvements on- or off-site which will be required to be constructed by the developer in conjunction with the Board of Supervisors' approval of a subdivision and/or land development.
All construction shall be completed in accordance with the specific conditions of the subdivision and/or land development approval in a manner acceptable to the Township Engineer.
All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with specifications in PennDOT Publication 408 and Form 409 Specifications, as amended, Roadway Construction Standards, as amended, and specifications listed in Appendix D of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix D, Construction Standards, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The improvements addressed in this article are minimum requirements. However, the Board of Supervisors reserves the right in any case to increase the same if conditions so warrant.
If any mandatory provisions of this chapter are shown by the developer to be unreasonable and cause undue hardship as they apply to the proposed subdivision and/or land development, the Board of Supervisors may grant a waiver to such developer from such mandatory provisions, provided that such variations will not have the effect of nullifying the intent of this chapter. The responsibility of proof of hardship shall be borne by the developer.
In granting waivers and/or modifications, the Board of Supervisors may impose such conditions as will, in their judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified.
When minor changes from the approved subdivision and/or land development plans become necessary during construction, the developer must obtain written approval from the Township Engineer to implement such changes. In the event that such changes are deemed to be substantial or significant by the Township Engineer, written approval of the Board of Supervisors of an amended final plan shall be secured before the execution of such changes.
Any (required) improvements proposed for dedication shall be accepted or refused by the Board of Supervisors within the timelines established under the PA MPC.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
A written agreement and associated financial security is required for the satisfactory maintenance of all streets and other improvements proposed for dedication for a period of 18 months after dedication acceptance in accordance with the provisions of the PA MPC.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Monuments shall be placed at each change in direction of boundary; street lines shall be monumented at each change in direction and at the beginning and end of curves; utility easements shall be monumented at their beginning and at their end and areas to be conveyed for public use shall be fully monumented at their external boundaries.
Monuments shall be placed in the ground after final grading is completed, at the time specified by the Township Engineer. The monuments shall be concrete, minimum four inches square in width and two feet in length.
All monuments shall be certified for accuracy by the developer's professional registered land surveyor. Accuracy of monument shall be within three hundredths of a foot.
The construction of streets, roads, lanes, alleys, driveways, and parking areas, as shown on the approved subdivision and/or land development plans and as addressed within the land development agreements, shall in every respect conform to the requirements as specified in Article III of this chapter or as the Board of Supervisors may require.
Specifications. The minimum requirements for materials shall be those contained in the PennDOT Publication 408 Specifications, as amended, and Roadway Construction Standards, as amended.
All streets shall be graded to the grades shown on the street profiles and cross-section plans included with the approved subdivision and/or land development plans.
Sidewalks shall be constructed along all existing abutting streets and on both sides of all other streets proposed, including temporary and permanent cul-de-sacs, within a subdivision and/or land development for all districts.
Sidewalks, on-site walks, and ADA ramps shall be installed in conjunction with all proposed subdivisions and/or land developments for convenience and access to all living units from streets, driveways, parking areas, or garages, as well as convenient circulation and access to all project facilities.
All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408 Specifications, as amended, or § 305-313 of this chapter, whichever is more restrictive.
Bituminous walkways, constructed in accordance with Township specifications, may be permitted as an alternative to concrete sidewalks at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors.
Curbs shall be provided along both sides of all streets as specified in PennDOT Publication 408 Specifications, as amended, or as specified in Appendix D of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix D, Construction Standards, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Along the existing street on which a subdivision and/or land development abuts (hereinafter called "boundary streets"), curbs shall be constructed and the existing paved cartway shall be widened in accordance with the specifications contained within § 305-304 of this chapter along the entire frontage of the site.
The developer shall install at every intersection of a private or dedicated street a street sign or street signs having thereon the names of the intersecting streets. The developer shall be fully responsible for the erection of street signs on dedicated, private or nondedicated streets in all residential, commercial, and industrial developments.
Street signs shall be installed prior to the issuance of the first use and occupancy permit within a subdivision and/or land development. Materials, color, and lettering shall be in accordance with specifications acceptable to the Board of Supervisors based on the recommendations of the Director of Public Works. Temporary street signs may be installed with the approval of the Township Engineer but shall be made permanent before the close out of the land development agreement.
All proposed streets, whether dedicated or privately owned, intersections with existing streets and existing street improvements shall be illuminated as specified in § 305-317 of this chapter. Lighting layout and design shall be subject to final approval by the Township based on input provided by the Township Lighting Consultant.
In conjunction with any subdivision and/or land development, the developer shall construct stormwater drainage facilities, including curbs, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, swales and stabilized channels, and retention/detention basins in order to prevent flooding, erosion, sedimentation, and other hazards to life and property. All such facilities are to be of a size and gradient to adequately accommodate maximum potential volumes and velocities as indicated in the required stormwater management plan (see § 305-322 of this chapter and Chapter 288, Stormwater Management). Facilities size, type, and general construction shall follow those standards and specifications of PennDOT Publication 408 Specifications, as amended; the Natural Resources Conservation Service Engineering Field Manual, as amended; and PennDOT Roadway Construction Standards, as amended.
The developer shall construct water mains in such a manner as to make adequate water service available to each lot or dwelling unit within the subdivisions and/or land development. The entire system shall be designed in accordance with the requirements and standards of the public or private agency having jurisdiction and shall be subject to their approval.
The system shall also be designed with adequate capacity and appropriately spaced fire hydrants for firefighting purposes. Review and approval by the Fire Marshal shall be required in order to ensure that fire protection is provided.
All additions described in this section will be dedicated to the public or private agency having jurisdiction upon satisfactory completion as determined by the applicable agency.
Where no public water is accessible, as determined by the Warrington Township Engineer, water shall be furnished by private groundwater wells constructed by the developer in accordance with Chapter 353, Water, Article II, Well Rules and Regulations, of the Code of the Township of Warrington. Copies of all applicable documentation concerning well construction shall be submitted to the Township.
Whenever practicable, public sanitary sewer service shall be provided to all proposed subdivisions and/or land developments. If, at the time of final approval, public sanitary sewer facilities are not available to the subdivision and/or land development but will become available within a period of five years or a period determined by the Board of Supervisors from the date of recording of the subdivision and/or land development plans, the developer shall be required to install at their expense a sanitary sewer collection system consisting of sewer mains and service laterals to the street line in accordance with the requirements and standards of the applicable public or private agency having jurisdiction. Review and approval by the public or private agency having jurisdiction shall be required and the sanitary sewer collection system shall be dedicated to the aforementioned public or private agency having jurisdiction. The sanitary sewer collection system installation shall include the construction within street lines or easements to connect the system to the existing sanitary sewer system that is owned/operated by public or private agency having jurisdiction.
A sanitary sewer collection system shall be considered to be planned for extension to a given area any time after preliminary engineering and related studies have been completed, sewage facilities planning approval has been issued by the PADEP, and the construction of facilities adequate to serve the area containing the subdivision and/or land development has been programmed for completion within five years.
When capped sewers are provided, on-lot sewage disposal systems shall also be provided to service the proposed subdivision and/or land development on an interim basis.
Size and grade. Sanitary sewers, both public and private, shall conform to the construction specifications of the public or private agency having jurisdiction.
Manholes. Manholes shall be located at maximum intervals of 400 feet and at each change of line or grade. Manhole appurtenances shall conform to the construction specifications of the public or private agency having jurisdiction.
Laterals. Lateral connections to each lot shown on the approved subdivision and/or land development plans shall be installed to the edge of easements or street line of the street prior to paving. Each building shall have separate connection to the sanitary sewer collection system.
Construction and inspection. All sanitary sewers shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the specifications of the public or private agency having jurisdiction. All construction shall be inspected and approved by a representative of the public or private agency having jurisdiction prior to backfilling. As-built plans of the sanitary sewer collection system showing horizontal and vertical dimensions and locations of all components of the system shall be submitted to the Township, as well as the public or private agency having jurisdiction upon completion of the construction.
No public sanitary sewer system or treatment plant shall be constructed until plans and specifications have been submitted to the PADEP for review and approval and all applicable permits are issued and approved in accordance with existing regulations.
All public sanitary sewer lines and treatment plants shall conform to the construction specifications of the public or private agency having jurisdiction and shall be dedicated to the aforementioned public or private agency having jurisdiction upon satisfactory completion of construction.
Low-pressure sewer systems shall not be permitted in residential developments.
If public sewer facilities are not available as determined by the Township Engineer, the developer shall provide for sewage disposal on an individual on-lot basis in accordance with the applicable regulations of the PADEP and the Bucks County Health Department, and any amendments thereto made.
The dimensioned location of the on-lot sewage disposal system and the private well must be shown on the subdivision and/or land development plans and must be constructed and functioning prior to the issuance of a building permit by the Township.
All electric, telephone, cable television, broadband and communication service facilities, both main and service lines, shall be provided by underground cables, installed in accordance with the prevailing standards and practices of the utility and other companies providing such services, except where it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer that the underground installation herein required is not feasible because of the physical condition of the lands involved.
All wireless communication facilities shall be installed in accordance with Article IX of the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 370, Zoning.
Where practicable, all utilities shall be located within the street line. Otherwise, easements, as specified in § 305-320 of this chapter, for installation and maintenance of utilities shall be provided.
The subdivision and/or land development plans shall illustrate locations of all utilities and any associated easements or street lines and shall be coordinated with required street tree planting and other utilities servicing the subdivision and/or land development.
Cable television service and broadband cables shall be installed underground along with other utilities in the street lines or utility easements similar to the method provided for the installation of electric or telephone service and connections. Installation of cable television and broadband wires, cables or other means of service shall be by the enfranchised cable operator (operators, if more than one) authorized by the Township to provide television cable or broadband signals to the residents where the subdivision and/or land development is to be constructed. Cable television and broadband service shall be made available to all new construction in the Township. Each residence constructed within the Township shall be prewired to provide distribution of cable television and broadband within the residence at a minimum of one location. Such prewiring shall be performed either by the enfranchised cable operator if it chooses to do so or, in the event it does not choose to prewire the residence, then by a competent contractor or other communications provider who shall prewire the residential unit in accordance with specifications and standards established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Electrical Code (NEC).
Grading shall conform in all respects to the approved subdivision and/or land development plans and the requirements and standards specified in § 305-321 of this chapter.
Street trees and other required plantings shall be in accordance with § 305-329 of this chapter.
Street trees and other required plant material shall not be planted until the finished grading of the subdivision and/or land development has been completed.
The Township Planning Commission and the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) shall review plans of proposed street tree plantings or buffer zone plantings and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for consideration of approval or disapproval.