The Board of Supervisors may grant a waiver of the requirements of one or more of the provisions of this chapter if the literal enforcement will exact undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, provided that such waiver or waivers will not be contrary to the public interest, Comprehensive Plan or the purpose and intent of this chapter. The burden of responsibility of proof of hardship shall be on the developer and/or landowner. Financial hardship alone shall not be sufficient proof of undue hardship.
All requests for waivers shall be in writing and shall accompany and be a part of the application for subdivision and/or land development. The request shall state in full the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or hardship on which the request is based, the provision or provisions of this chapter involved and the minimum modification necessary. The Township shall keep a written record of all actions taken on requested waivers. The list of approved waivers must be included on the record plans.
In granting waivers, the Board of Supervisors, with the advice from the Township Planning Commission and Township Engineer, may require such conditions as will, in its judgement, secure substantially the objectives of the requirements so waived.
Dollar amount of fees specified in this section can be found on the latest Township Fee Schedule approved by resolution by the Board of Supervisors.
The owner shall pay to the Township reasonable fees for the Township's professional consultants incurred by the Township, including review fees for the services of the Township Engineer incidental to the examination and other work incidental to the approval of each subdivision or land development application or section thereof. In addition, the fees for professional consultants shall also include reasonable legal fees incurred by the Township for legal services incidental to the preliminary and final approvals of such applications or sections thereof and the drafting of the contracts and bonds required in Appendix A of this chapter.[1] The owner shall also pay for legal services required by the Township which may arise by reason of the approval of such applications of each subdivision or land development, or section thereof, inclusive of the cost of legal services, incidental to the final acceptance by the Township of the streets laid out on the subdivision and/or land development.
Editor's Note: Appendix A, Required Contracts, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The fees for professional consultants required to be paid by this chapter shall be promptly paid to the Township by the owner upon the submission of invoices thereof by the Township to the owner, unless the fees are challenged in accordance with the provisions in Sections 503(1)(ii) and 510(g) of the PA MPC.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. §§ 10503(1)(ii) and 10510(g).
The fees for professional consultants required to be paid to the Township, shall include a percentage (according to the Township Fee Schedule) for administrative cost, which the owner shall pay to the Township as reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Township for administration and disbursement of such fees to the professional consultants.
A deposit in accordance with the Township Fee Schedule shall be required at the time of submission of the preliminary and final applications in order to address the fees for professional consultants incurred during review and approval of subdivision or land development plan applications.
The owner shall pay all fees incurred by the Township related to the recording of the approved subdivision or land development plans.
Fourteen days prior to the commencement of any operation in the construction or installation of streets, curbs, sidewalks, drainage of streets, curbs, or sidewalks, drainage facilities, water and sewer facilities, street signs, monuments, or capped sewers, the owner shall notify the Township Engineer, who shall inspect the work, materials, construction, and installation as to Township requirements.
The Township Engineer shall be authorized to have such tests of materials made as are specified in this chapter and the PennDOT Publication 408 Specifications, as amended, in order to have proper control of materials. The owner shall pay to the Township the cost of such tests plus an administrative percentage according to the Township Fee Schedule to reimburse the Township for the collection of such fees and disbursement of same to the Township Engineer.