[Amended 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 5739; 2-28-2023 by Ord. No. 5757]
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to permit large-scale commercial uses along the highway corridors of Union Township. These businesses are auto-dependent and typically serve the region.
Use standards.
Refer to the Schedule of Limitations (Attachment 4) for use standards.
Multiple uses and tenants shall be permitted to occupy a single site or single building.
Area, yard and bulk standards. Refer to the Schedule of Zoning Requirements (Attachment 5) for area, yard and bulk standards.
Off-street parking and internal roadways.
Off-street parking and internal roadways shall conform to the provisions of Article 13 and Article 26.
[Amended 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 5739]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permit large lots and buildings for the operations of industrial, office, warehousing, distribution, manufacturing, and similar businesses that generate considerable vehicle traffic, require large indoor spaces, and/or produce otherwise undesirable externalities.
Use standards.
Refer to the Schedule of Limitations (Attachment 4) for use standards.
Multiple uses and tenants shall be permitted to occupy a single site or single building.
Warehouses and distribution centers are prohibited in the C/I District.
[Added 12-6-2022 by Ord. No. 5747]
Area, yard and bulk standards. Refer to the Schedule of Zoning Requirements (Attachment 5) for area, yard and bulk standards.
Parking and interior roadways.
Off-street parking and internal roadways shall conform to the provisions of Article 13 and Article 26.
Overnight truck parking shall not be permitted.
Performance standards.
All uses shall be subject to the performance standards established in Article 17.
Manufacturing processes shall be conducted entirely within the confines of a building; shall be confined to the making of finished products or parts thereof from component parts and semifinished products; shall not involve the reduction, conversion or manufacturing of primary raw materials, except for drugs and pharmaceuticals; and shall not involve the production of nuclear or toxic chemical materials or wastes of any kind.
Research laboratories shall be located within completely enclosed buildings and shall not produce noticeable noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare outside of the buildings and shall not involve any of the processes prohibited in § 170-902E(2) above.
[Amended 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 5739]
Purpose. The purpose of the planned development option is to provide for the reuse of underutilized industrially zoned lands while protecting adjacent areas. The provisions and regulations set forth herein provide for commercial development, in accordance with an alternative zone plan to be approved by the Planning Board.
Standards for type, density or intensity of use.
The option may be exercised for any properties in the areas designated C/I.
Principal, accessory and conditional land uses shall be limited to the enumerated optional zones.
The plan shall provide for a tract area of not less than five acres of land, wholly or partially within the C/I District, to be developed as a single entity.
Gross density/intensity shall be limited to the maximums stated below, provided that the entire area of the tract is improvable and shall be reduced where said area is found to be less.
The plan shall provide that the floor area ratio shall not exceed 0.75:1 for all buildings and structures as determined by the sum of all building floors, including garages, divided by the gross tract area.
The plan shall provide that the aggregate floor area of all buildings, excluding garages, within the planned development shall not exceed 0.5 square foot of floor area per square foot of gross tract area.
Deviations within planned developments. Within a planned development, areas may be delineated and classified for development on the land use map in accordance with the following standards:
Any combination of the optional zones enumerated, provided that:
Commercial traffic can be reasonably linked to the regional roadway system without traffic hazards or congestion.
Commercial traffic can be reasonably linked to the regional roadway system without exposure to industrial fire or explosion risks.
Commercial land uses can be reasonably buffered from exposure to industrial fire or explosion risks.
The optional districts for which C/I District lands may be mapped shall be as follows: CC or C/I.
Bulk standards. The standards for the design, bulk and location of buildings shall be in accordance with the bulk standards for the optional zones delineated and classified for development on the land use map for the planned development.
Approval process. The Planning Board is authorized to approve planned developments in order to promote flexibility in the arrangement of land uses in accordance with this article and pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-39 and to grant approvals to general development plans consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-45.
Prior to granting approval to any planned development, the Planning Board shall find the following facts and conclusions:
That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conform to the zoning ordinance standards pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-65c.
That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space are reliable, and the amount, location and purpose of the common open space are adequate.
That provisions through the physical design of the proposed development for public services, control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate.
That the proposed planned development will not have an unreasonably adverse impact upon the area in which it is proposed to be established.
In the case of a proposed development which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the development are adequate.
Site plans for planned developments shall conform to the requirements for conventional site plans as well as to the requirements for planned developments. In the event of a conflict, the planned development requirements shall supersede site plan requirements. The following additional requirements shall be satisfied prior to final approval:
The staging proposals for any planned development shall ensure that each stage shall encompass a balanced mix of land uses in proportion to the mix for the entire development and that each stage shall provide for completion of all streets, utilities and services necessary for the section whether located within or outside the section.
The Planning Board may authorize a greater concentration of density or intensity within a stage but only where offset by a lesser concentration in any completed prior stages or offset by an appropriate reservation of open space on the remaining land by grant of easement or covenant in favor of the municipality.
The legal documents proposed to provide for deed restrictions, cross access agreements and cross maintenance agreements have been submitted and found to satisfactorily provide for the public's interests.
All open space created shall be set aside as a separate parcel and maintained for the benefit of the owners and/or residents of the development in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43.
Subdivision plats for planned developments shall conform to the requirements for conventional subdivision plats as well as to the requirements for planned developments. In the event of a conflict, the planned development requirements shall supersede subdivision plat requirements. The following additional requirements shall be satisfied prior to preliminary approval:
The staging proposals for any planned development shall ensure that each stage shall encompass a balanced mix of land uses in proportion to the mix for the entire development and that each stage shall provide for completion of all streets, utilities and services necessary for the section whether located within or outside the section.
The Planning Board may authorize a greater concentration of density or intensity within a stage but only where offset by a lesser concentration in any completed prior stages or offset by an appropriate reservation of open space on the remaining land by grant of easement or covenant in favor of the municipality.
The legal documents proposed to provide for deed restrictions, cross access agreements and cross maintenance agreements have been submitted and found to satisfactorily provide for the public's interests.
All open space created shall be set aside as a separate parcel and maintained for the benefit of the owners and/or occupants of the development in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43.
The Planning Board shall determine the appropriateness of proposed dedications of open space prior to granting subdivision approval. Unless dedicated for public use, organizations shall be established for the ownership and maintenance of all open space parcels.
The developer shall provide for an organization pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43 for the ownership and maintenance of open space created under a planned development.
Such organization shall not be dissolved and shall not dispose of any open space, by sale or otherwise, except to an organization conceived and established to own and maintain the open space for the benefit of such development, and thereafter such organization shall not be dissolved or dispose of any of its open space without first offering to dedicate the same to the municipality.
All owners of property within a planned development shall be required to become members of the owners' association charged with ownership and maintenance of open space and other common facilities. All properties shall include a provision in their deeds requiring membership in the homeowners' association. This requirement shall pass from owner to owner as a deed restriction.
The legal documents proposed in the establishment of the required owners' association shall have been submitted and found to conform with the objectives of the plans and proposals for the planned development and the intent of this article.
The plat shall contain specifics of the enabling declaration dealing with the title to the common property, the granting of easements of enjoyment, an indication as to whether the designated areas are dedicated for use by the general public or they are, or are intended to be, conveyed to an association.
Alternatives to conventional development. As an alternative to conventional development, the Planning Board may authorize planned developments for areas designated PD in accordance with plans and proposals which conform to the requirements of this section. The standards herein establish the limits of discretionary action which may be taken by the approving authority administering these provisions. No deviation from these standards may be granted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.
Standards for type, density or intensity of use. Planned developments may be approved by the Planning Board in conformity with the standards governing the type and density or intensity of use set forth by this subsection and those set forth for each PD designated area.
The minimum tract size shall be five acres.
All lands remaining outside of public streets, building lots and any other parcels approved for special purposes shall be set aside as open space. The boundaries of any open space parcels shall be designed to coincide with adjoining open space parcels, whether existing or proposed, so as to extend and expand upon an overall open space network.
Variations of standards. The type and density or intensity shall be varied from that otherwise permitted within a planned development in consideration of the amount, location and proposed use of common open space; the location and physical characteristics of the site; and the location, design and type of dwelling units and other uses as set forth by this subsection.
Gross density/intensity shall be reduced in direct proportion to the extent that the improvable area of the tract is less than the minimum established for the PD designated area.
Gross density shall be reduced in direct proportion to the extent that the site is to be developed for nonresidential uses, other than open space, for each PD designated area.
Deviations within planned developments. Within planned developments, deviations in the standards for type, density or intensity of use may be authorized by the Planning Board by designating areas to be developed under different standards in accordance with the limitations set forth by this subsection and those set forth for each PD designated area.
A land use map delineating and classifying areas for each variation shall be established for all planned developments. Land use maps shall be approved where the Planning Board finds the following requirements to be satisfied:
The land use proposals are consistent with the policies articulated in the adopted Master Plan as relates to land use, community facilities and housing.
The open space proposals protect any special environmental features by preserving land in an open undeveloped state and create suitable areas for organized outdoor recreation and are consistent with the policies articulated in the adopted Master Plan as relates to open space and environmental features.
The circulation proposals provide for a closed traffic circulation system, provide a pedestrian path network linking all parts of the development and are consistent with the policies articulated in the circulation element of the adopted Master Plan.
The utilities proposals are consistent with the policies articulated in the adopted Master Plan as relates to stormwater management, utilities, local services and fiscal impact on the county, municipality and special districts, including the local school district.
The overall proposals are consistent, inasmuch as is reasonably practicable, with other existing, planned or potential developments.
Classifications for land use areas shall correspond with the optional zone classifications enumerated for each PD designated area. Substitute classifications may be approved by the Planning Board to accommodate substitute bulk standards and shall be consistent with this section as follows:
Substitute classifications shall provide for the type, density or intensity of use.
Substitute classifications shall provide uniform standards which are of equal stringency for the type, density or intensity of use.
Substitute classifications shall provide standards which are consistent with the limitations established for the PD designated area.
Bulk standards.
The standards for the design, bulk and location of buildings for planned developments shall be evaluated by the Planning Board and approved where they are found to be in conformity with the regulations set forth by this subsection and those set forth for each PD designated area.
The standards employed shall be those standards for the zones which correspond to the land use classifications established for each delineated land use area. The Planning Board may approve substitute bulk standards as follows:
Substitute bulk standards shall provide for minimum lot area, width and depth; minimum setbacks along streets and other lot lines; maximum lot coverage; maximum floor area ratio; minimum improvable tract area and general design standards for multifamily residential development; exceptions for accessory buildings; requirements for parking, landscaping, lighting and other improvements.
Substitute bulk standards shall provide standards which are of equal or greater stringency to the corresponding zones with respect to minimum lot area; maximum building height measured in feet and stories; maximum floor area ratio; and minimum improvable tract area for multifamily residential development.
The Planning Board notify the governing body and Tax Assessor, by adopted resolution, within five days of approval, of the approval of substitute bulk standards for any planned development.
Zoning. Changes in zoning effectuated through the planned development approval shall be recorded on the Zoning Map.
Upon approval, the area comprising an approved planned development shall be delineated along with the name and date of approval of the proposed planned development on the Zoning Map.
The zoning standards shall be recorded through deed restrictions upon final approval, and the Zoning Map shall be periodically amended to reflect the completion of sections of a planned development.
Plans. Development shall be in conformity with site plans, subdivisions and any general development plan as approved by the Planning Board.