Administration of this article shall be the responsibility of the city. The city shall not issue a permit with respect to this article until clearances necessary from the respective state and federal agencies are obtained.
No development or activity regulated by this article shall commence in any area known or suspected to be inundated by the base flood (100-year return frequency storm) without prior written approval from the city in accordance with the requirements of this article.
No zoning clearance, building permit, or plat or subdivision approval shall be issued for development activity or land subdivision in a known or suspected base flood area until the proposed use, structure, development, subdivision or activity is approved by the city.
The city shall enforce the provisions of this article, and for that purpose shall have the following additional powers and duties:
Require a registered professional engineer to review and examine all applications for such permits to assure compliance with the provisions of this article;
Issue permits and keep permanent records thereof;
Issue certificates indicating compliance with this article and keep permanent records thereof;
Conduct inspections of buildings, structures, lands and uses as are necessary to determine compliance with this article. Such inspections may be made by the building official or inspector in conjunction with normal building or construction inspections;
Receive, file and forward as necessary all applications pertaining to this article;
Initiate, direct and review from time to time the provisions of this article and make recommendations to the council as necessary;
Initiate amendments to this section as may be necessary to comply with changes in the National Flood Insurance Program;
Revoke permits, certificates of compliance and post stop work orders where the provisions of this article are being violated;
Require or conduct elevation surveys and monumentation as necessary to assure compliance;
Issue notices of violation where necessary and take further action as specified in this article to obtain compliance;
Provide and maintain public information relative to all matters arising out of this article.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 7, art. II(F)]
All applications for building permits shall contain a statement that such buildings or structures and appurtenances connected herewith include facilities for the orderly runoff or retention of rain. Plans submitted with such application shall include a signed statement issued by a state registered professional engineer that the plans include facilities adequate to prevent harmful runoff. For single-family dwellings to be located in a subdivision meeting the requirements of this article, the signed statement may, in lieu of the above, be placed on the face of the final plat.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 7, art. II(B)]
Any person wishing to develop real estate or accomplish landscape disturbing activities within the city limits of this city must make application for and procure a permit from the city which agrees to compliance with this article. Such application shall be accompanied by plans for the water detention facilities and all other plans called for by this article. The plans shall be drawn and signed by a registered professional engineer. The application shall be on a form provided by the city administrator and accompanied by a fee as provided in appendix A.
Landscape disturbing activities which increase the danger of excessive erosion and sedimentation shall be subject to the terms of this article and a permit shall be required of all such activities which:
Alter floodway storage or conveyance capacity of a floodway. Where floodways are not determined, the entire area inundated by the 100-year flood shall be considered to be a floodway.
Alter existing floodwater or stormwater drainage or storage in a manner which would divert or direct stormwaters or floodwaters onto another property so as to cause damage.
Produce a high risk of excessive erosion, sediment transport or deposition.
A permit shall not be issued unless it can be demonstrated through competent hydraulic analysis that alteration will not increase flood stages and/or flood damage to adjacent upstream or downstream properties.
To secure a permit, the applicant shall submit for approval to the city, all plans, materials or calculations which are required to demonstrate conformity with the general requirements of this article.
In regulating landscape disturbing activities, the city shall have the authority to:
Require modification of submitted plans where necessary to prevent damages to other properties and where such modifications are reasonable and economically feasible;
Issue a stop work order with regard to the landscape disturbing activity where such activity is in violation of this article or not in compliance with authorized plans and schedules;
Issue orders requiring corrective measures to be undertaken to bring landscape disturbing activities in compliance with this article and any authorized plans and schedules;
Orders issued by the city shall be serviced or posted at the location of the landscape disturbing activity.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 7, art. II(C)]