No person shall cut and construct any new streets within the city without first obtaining from the city a permit to do so and any such person shall cut and construct such streets in accordance with specifications adopted in this section.
No cuts, repairs or construction of streets shall be undertaken or commenced in the city that do not conform to all of the specifications, requirements, and conditions set out in the specifications prepared therefor by Reaves and Gregory, Engineers, which have been approved by the city council. A copy of the specifications as prepared by Reaves and Gregory, Consulting Engineers, is on file in the office of public works.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 8(A)]
No person or any of their agents, servants, or employees shall cut and construct any street in the city, without executing and delivering to the city, a good and sufficient corporate surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state for an amount equal to one-half the cost of cutting and constructing such street which bond shall be conditioned as follows: Such bond shall be conditioned that all work done in the cutting and construction of any street shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and that such person shall faithfully and strictly comply with the specifications and with the terms of this division and such other ordinance, regulations, or resolutions that may be passed by the city council governing and relating to the construction and cutting of streets in the city and that the city shall be fully indemnified and be held harmless from any and all costs, expenses or damages on account of any injury done to any person or property in the prosecution of such work, or that may arise out of or be occasioned by the performance of such work; such bond shall be conditioned further that such person shall without additional cost to the city maintain all streets so constructed by such person for a period of one year from the date of the completion of such construction to the satisfaction of the city and shall repair or reconstruct such streets at any time within one year after such streets have been constructed, after ten days notice from the city, its authorized agent or employee that such street has been in a state of disrepair and that such defects were a result of the failure of such person to comply with the provisions of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city. The specifications in section 70-48 are hereby adopted as minimum paving standards.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 8(B)]
Industrial type paving.
Industrial type paving shall be used in the roadways around shopping centers, schools, and other public buildings, and in all districts as established under the zoning ordinance of the city, except all districts established as residence districts. Industrial type paving shall comply with certain standards identified as "standard industrial or thoroughfare street" section of the specifications prepared by Reaves and Gregory, Consulting Engineers for the city. Such specifications are hereby adopted as a part of this section to the same force and effect as if fully set out in this section. A copy of the specifications as prepared by Reaves and Gregory, Consulting Engineers, is on file in the office of public works.
Residential type paving.
Residential type paving shall be used in residential areas (other than main traffic arteries) and all connecting streets having light traffic. Residential type paving shall consist of a three-course penetration type asphalt treatment on a six-inch compacted thickness of flexible base material to be placed on a thoroughly compacted, finished and approved subgrade. Both types of paving, industrial and residential, shall conform as to materials and construction methods with the following applicable sections of the state highway department standard specifications for road and bridge construction, dated January 2, 1951:
Preparation of subgrade.
The subgrade on which the flexible base material is to be placed shall be well compacted, free of soft and unstable areas, true to line and grade and shall comply with all the applicable requirements of the state highway department specifications, Item 213, pages 95 and 96.
Flexible base.
Flexible base shall consist of a foundation course and shall be either "bank run gravel," "processed gravel," "iron ore," or "crushed stone." Materials and methods of construction shall conform to the state highway department specifications, items 213, 213-A, 214, and 215. Particular attention is called to the grading requirements of the base material and the maximum allowable limits for liquid limit, plasticity index, and linear shrinkage as set forth in these specifications. Developers and private organizations who construct paving, the maintenance of which will later be taken over by the city, are expected to have sufficient tests conducted by commercial laboratories to ensure that the base material does meet the specification requirements. The city reserves the right to test the material in place for compliance with the specifications before acceptance.
Three-course asphalt surface treatment.
This type of wearing shall consist of three applications of asphalt and three applications of aggregate conforming with the state highway department specification Item 306 for construction methods, Item 350 for asphaltic materials and Item 351 for aggregates. The asphalt shall be an oil asphalt with penetration between 120 and 200. The aggregate sizes shall be as follows:
First Course — Grade I (see T.H.D. Specification, pg. 282)
Second Course — Grade 2 (see T.H.D. Specification, pg. 282)
Third Course — Grade 10 (see T.H.D. Specification, pg. 282)
The rates of application for both asphalt and aggregate shall conform to the following limits and the rates are expected to be as near as possible to the average between the maximum and minimum allowable.
Gallons of Asphalt Per Square Yard
Aggregate Cubic Yards to Square Yards
Hot mix asphaltic concrete.
This item shall consist of a 1½ inch thick wearing surface of mineral aggregate and asphaltic material conforming to the state highway department specification Item 317.
Tack coat shall be cut back asphalt RC-2 and shall be applied at the rate of one-tenth to two-tenths of a gallon per square yard of base surface.
OA 90 asphalt cement shall be used in all hot mix asphaltic concrete. The asphalt shall conform to state highway department specification, Item 350.
The aggregate grading shall conform to Type D (Fine graded surface course) of the state highway department specification Item 317, page 202.
Paving over pipe trenches.
The pavement wearing surface shall not be placed over pipe trench areas until the pipe trench has been backfilled at least 30 days and the backfill has been thoroughly settled. Thorough compaction will be required on the backfill of all pipe trenches in paved areas.
Curb and gutter.
Concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed to conform to the Federal Housing Administration specifications, data sheet S.J.-100, and S.J.-200. Dimensions as to curb and gutter shall conform to the standard dimension now in use in this area.
Purpose of paving standards.
The standards for paving as written in this section are the minimum standards for the various types of construction that will be acceptable to the city. Where there is a variation or deviation proposed in the type of construction, the city, or its designated representatives, shall be the judge as to whether minimum requirements would be met under such a proposed plan.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 8(C)]
This division shall not apply to any branch of the state or federal governments.
This division shall not apply to persons making temporary cut and excavations for any purposes other than the construction of the street and this division shall in no way affect the ordinances, rules, and regulations of the city in regard to the obtaining of permits, filing of bonds and repairs of such cuts and excavations.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 8(D)]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction thereof be fined as provided in section 1-14.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 8(E)]