The arrangements, character, extent, width, grade and location of all proposed streets shall conform to the thoroughfare plan and their relationship shall be considered to that of the existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
All streets should be designed to be in line with existing streets in adjoining subdivisions. When conditions permit, centerline offsets should be at least 200 feet. Greater centerline offsets as may be required by the city engineer shall be planned where necessary for traffic safety.
Streets shall be named to provide continuity with existing streets. Names and numbers will be reviewed by emergency services for formal approval or recommended changes.
Streets designated to be dead-ended permanently shall be platted and constructed with a paved cul-de-sac. Any dead-end street of a temporary nature, if longer than 200 feet, shall have a surfaced turning area 80 feet in diameter for a cul-de-sac, and barricades as per the city standard details. Temporary dead-end streets shall have provisions for future extension of the street and utilities and, if the temporary cul-de-sac is utilized, a reversionary right to the land abutting the turnaround for excess right-of-way shall be provided.
A street ending permanently in a cul-de-sac should not be longer than 600 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 80 feet, and a street property line diameter of at least 100 feet. On extra wide lots, culs-de-sac may be longer.
Streets should be platted to allow two tiers of lots between streets when possible.
The reservation in private ownership of strips of land at the end of proposed or existing streets and intended solely or primarily for the purpose of controlling access to property not included in the subdivision shall be prohibited.
Construction of half streets shall be governed by the provisions in the North Central Texas Council of Government Standards for Public Works Construction.
Local streets shall be laid out so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
In the case of existing adjacent or abutting roads, the city may require that the entire right-of-way be dedicated and/or improved to the city's design standards, based upon factors including the impact of the proposed subdivision on the road, safety to the traveling public, conditions and life expectancy of the road, the impact of the proposed subdivision on other roads, the timing of this development in relation to need for improving the road, the impact of the traffic on the road and city's roadway system as a whole.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 11(B), 6-10-1997; Ord. No. 1063-06, § 16, 8-22-2006]
Street classifications shall be as follows:
Street Classification
Local street
A street which distributes traffic to and from residences. It is short in length and noncontinuous to discourage through traffic. It serves low-density residential/single-family uses.
Minor collector
A street which carries traffic from local streets to other collector streets. Also, it may serve local facilities such as schools and churches, low and medium density residential, limited commercial facilities, elementary schools, some small offices and as direct access within industrial parks.
Major collector
A street which carries traffic from collector streets to arterials. Also, it may serve local facilities such as schools, churches, fast food restaurants and mini-malls, medium and high density residential, limited commercial facilities, elementary schools, offices and as direct access within industrial parks.
Minor arterial
A street which receives traffic from collectors and distributes traffic to major arterials and activity centers. Also, it may feed through-traffic to freeways. Further it serves uses such as high schools, universities, other major educational-vocational facilities, and concentrations of high-density residential, commercial facilities.
Major arterial
A street which receives traffic from collectors and distributes it to major activity centers. Also, it feeds through-traffic to freeways. Further it serves uses such as universities, other major educational facilities, concentrations of high-density commercial, regional commercial facilities, other concentrated commercial facilities, industrial complexes, and major public facilities such as airports.
Freeways carry all types of traffic. They receive traffic from collectors and arterials and distribute traffic to major activity centers. Traffic on freeways does not stop, and all intersections are grade-separated.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 11(B), 6-10-1997]
Street layout shall provide for continuation of collector streets in areas between arterials.
Those local streets designated by the city council shall be extended to the tract boundary to provide future connection with adjoining unplatted lands. In general, these extensions should be at such intervals as necessary to facilitate internal vehicular circulation with adjoining unplatted lands.
Where single-family or duplex uses abut an existing or proposed collector or arterial street, the plat or dedication instrument will provide:
Lots to side onto the collector or arterial with a nonaccess restriction on the collector or arterial side;
Reverse frontage with screening and containing a nonaccess restriction along the rear property line;
Lots with screened rear alleys or other treatment as may be necessary or required for adequate protection of adjoining properties, and as approved by the city council after taking into consideration the proposed method of off-street parking and maneuvering which will prevent the necessity of backing into the arterial street.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 11(B), 6-10-1997]
Dedicated streets.
All dedicated streets shall conform to the following:
Street Classification
Minimum Right-of-Way Width
Minimum Roadway Width (Face to Face)
Parkway Width
Local street
Minor collector
Major collector
Two minor arterials plus center turn facilities when required
28 each
Major arterial (plus center turn facilities)
2 @ 40
State DOT standards
Technical design criteria.
All dedicated streets shall conform to the following Technical Design Criteria:
Street Classification
Minimum Design Speed
Maximum Percent Grade
Minimum Percent Grade
Area Free From Stormwater, Using a Five-Year Frequency Storm
Local street
Minor collector
Major collector
One lane (normally the center 12 feet)
One lane each direction
Horizontal curves.
Where streets classified as local are platted with curves, the degree of curvature should, as much as is practical, be consistent with the criteria for horizontal curves and minimum stopping sight distance for the design speed, in accordance with good engineering practice. When streets classified as collector or arterial are platted with curves, the degree of curvature shall be such so that the street when constructed will meet the requirements for horizontal curves and minimum stopping sight distance, etc., for the design speed, in accordance with good engineering practice.
Angle of intersection.
No street intersecting an arterial street should vary from a 90-degree angle of intersection by more than five degrees. Intersections of collector streets, and local streets should not vary from 90 degrees by more than five degrees.
Pavement types and thicknesses.
Pavement types and thicknesses shall be in accordance with the city street design standards.
Supplemental provisions.
Provisions not stated in this section will be regulated by the North Central Texas Council of Government Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 11(B), 6-10-1997]
Alleys serving single-family residential and duplex areas shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 24 feet. Alley turnouts shall be paved to the property line and shall be 12 feet wide at that point. Alleys shall be paved in accordance with city design standards and specifications, for a minimum width of 12 feet exclusive of any curbs which may be required. A uniform transition in alley pavement widths shall be made in a distance of not less than 20 feet.
Alleys should intersect streets at right angles or radially to curved streets.
Dead-end alleys shall be prohibited.
In cases where two alleys intersect or turn a sharp angle, lot corners shall be platted so that a triangular area of 25 feet by 25 feet or greater is dedicated as part of the alley for the purpose of providing a minimum radius of 30 feet to the inside edge of the alley paving.
Alley paving should have a minimum grade of 0.6 percent and a maximum grade of 10.0 percent.
Alley construction shall meet the requirements of the city standard details.
[Ord. No. 819-97, § 11(C), 6-10-1997]