Unless otherwise defined in this section and section 1-1, the words, terms and phrases when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in V.T.C.A., Transportation Code § 541.001 et seq., except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section.
means a line adjacent to the edge of the roadway which may be either a raised or lowered surface, marked or understood.
Divided roadway of highway
means a highway divided into two roadways by leaving an intervening space, or by a physical barrier, or by a clearly marked and indicated dividing section between the two roadways.
Double park
means parking of a vehicle alongside of a vehicle that is parked parallel to a curb or behind a vehicle that is angle parked at a curb or curb line.
means every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle or assumes control of a vehicle.
Fire lane
means any street or part upon which parking either is restricted or prohibited for the purpose of facilitating the use or passage of equipment of the fire department or is restricted or prohibited as an escape route for persons from a public place.
Flammable fluid
means any liquid which has a flash point of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or less, as determined by a tabliabue or equivalent closed cup test device.
means any saddle or harness animal.
Laned roadway
means a roadway which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular travel.
Limit lines
means boundaries of parking areas, loading zones, or danger zones, crosswalks, and lines marked for the purpose of exclusive use of traffic or parking.
Liquefied petroleum gas
means any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butanes (normal butane or isobutane and butylenes).
Loading zones
means a space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading and unloading of passengers or materials.
Metal tire
means every tire the surface of which is in contact with the highway is wholly or partly of metal or other hard nonresilient material.
Motor assisted scooter
shall be defined as provided in V.T.C.A., Transportation Code ch. 551, as amended.
means the want of such care and caution as a person of ordinary prudence would use under like or similar circumstances, negligence shall not be presumed from the mere fact of a collision.
Neighborhood electric vehicle
shall be defined as provided in V.T.C.A., Transportation Code ch. 551, as amended.
Official time standard
means Central Standard Time.
One-way streets
means any street or highway on which traffic is restricted to proceed in one direction only.
means any person in control of or assuming control of a vehicle.
means a person who holds the legal title of a vehicle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale or lease thereof with the right of purchase upon performance of the condition stated in the agreement and with the immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee or lessee, or if a mortgagor shall be entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee or lessee or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of this chapter.
Parking or standing
means the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or traffic sign or traffic signal.
means that portion of a street between either the curb line or the lateral line or a roadway and the adjacent property line.
Personal injury
means a wound or injury to any part of the human body which necessitates treatment.
Pneumatic tire
means every tire in which compressed air is designed to support the load.
Police officer
means every officer of the municipal police department or any officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations.
Public place
means a place where people are assembled or to which people commonly resort for the purpose of business, amusement, recreation or other lawful purposes.
means the privilege of the immediate lawful use of the roadway.
Road tractor
means every motor vehicle designed and used for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon either independently or any part of the weight of a vehicle or load so drawn.
means the surfaced portion of a street between either the curb or the lateral line of a roadway and the adjacent property line; intended for the use of the pedestrians.
Solid tire
means every tire of rubber or other resilient material which does not depend upon compressed air for the support of the load.
means, when required, complete cessation of movement.
Through street
means every street or highway or portion thereof at the entrance to which vehicular traffic from intersecting streets or highways is required by law to yield before entering or crossing such intersection and when stop signs, yield signs, or official traffic control devices are erected as provided for in this chapter.
means pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street for the purpose of travel.
Traffic section
means the traffic section of the police department of the city.
[Code 1984, ch. 10, § 1(A); Ord. No. 977-03, § 1, 12-9-2003]
The state H.E.A.T. (Help End Auto Theft) Program within the city shall be administered by the city police department under policies promulgated by the chief of police.
[Code 1984, ch. 10, § 40; Ord. No. 796-96, § I, 6-11-1996]
The City of Richland Hills, Texas, will reduce emissions from fleet activities by performing the following actions as practicable:
Implement an idle-reduction policy/standard operating procedure (SOP) that applies to all of the entity's vehicles and equipment, except where exempted as determined by Richland Hills; communicate idle-reduction expectations to staff, vendors and visitors; and utilize idle-reduction technology.
Maximize use of vehicles and equipment with the lowest emissions wherever possible.
Ensure all conversions are EPA and/or California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified; ensure that aftermarket technologies are EPA and/or CARB verified, or are listed as an emerging technology by the EPA or a state environmental agency; and both conversions and aftermarket technologies are compatible with Texas Low Emission Diesel Program (TxLED) requirements.
Establish a plan to modify non-essential fleet activities on high ozone days to reduce air quality impacts.
Implement vehicle and equipment disposal strategies which minimize negative impacts on air quality.
Implement vehicle and equipment emissions inspection practices which meet or surpass the standards required by statute, including prompt resolution of any illuminated malfunction indicator lamp (MIL).
The City of Richland Hills, Texas, will reduce overall fuel consumption, particularly the use of conventional petroleum fuels, by performing the following actions as practicable:
Pursue low-emission vehicles and equipment for acquisition, with an emphasis on alternative fuel, advanced technology, and/or SmartwaySM certified vehicles and equipment.
Improve overall fleet fuel efficiency.
Establish practices to reduce vehicle miles traveled, passenger miles traveled, engine hours, and/or ton miles traveled, as appropriate.
The City of Richland Hills, Texas, will partner with the NCTCOG and DFWCC by performing the following actions as practicable:
Maintain membership and active participation in DFWCC and submit timely Clean Fleet Policy reporting.
Evaluate and consider participation in programs to test/commercialize/demonstrate new technologies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and/or increase fuel efficiency.
Pursue activities which support peer fleets' efforts to implement fuel-or emissions-reducing activities by sharing and maximizing resources.
Encourage fleet activities which minimize water, solid waste, or other environmental impacts of fleet activities, as appropriate.
The City of Richland Hills, Texas, will ensure drivers/operators and fleet personnel are familiar with air quality and petroleum reduction goals by performing the following actions as practicable:
Provide in-house training and/or attending training administered by NCTCOG for fleet personnel and other staff involved in fleet decisions to review policy elements and provide recommendations for achieving objectives.
Consider other mechanisms to increase understanding and awareness among fleet personnel and others.
The City of Richland Hills, Texas, acknowledges that adoption of the Clean Fleet Policy, adoption of an idle reduction policy/SOP, as outlined in subsection (a)(1), submittal of both policies, and submittal of Clean Fleet Policy reporting is required to be eligible for future clean fleet funding from the RTC, and may be considered when determining other funding actions. The extent of Clean Fleet Policy implementation, as documented through reporting, will also be a factor in receiving DFWCC fleet recognition.
This policy shall be in effect immediately upon its adoption and replaces the prior Clean Fleet Vehicle Policy of the adopting entity.
[Ord. No. 1288-15, §§ 1—4, 1-20-2015]