The following words, terms and phrases when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Abnormal sewage
means any industrial waste having a total suspended solids or BOD content in excess of that found in normal domestic wastewater but which is otherwise acceptable into a public sewer under the terms of this division.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
means the quantity of oxygen by weight, expressed in mg/l, utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory conditions for five days at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.
Boundary (or along site) facilities
means those water and/or sanitary sewer facilities located in a street, alley or easement that is common to or between two or more tracts of land of different ownership such that the one facility serve more than one tract of land.
Developer and/or subdivider
are synonymous and are used interchangeably, and shall mean any person, partnership, firm, association, corporation and/or any officer, agent, employee, servant and trustee thereof who does or participates in the doing of any act toward the subdivision of land.
Director of public works
means the administrative head of the public works department of the city, as designated and appointed by the city council or their designated representative.
means a person duly authorized under the provisions of the state engineering act, as heretofore or hereafter amended, to practice the profession of engineering in the state. The term "developer's engineers" shall identify the engineers employed or retained by the developer to perform design or engineering functions for the developer.
means the representative of the city who is specifically assigned to inspect any or all parts of the water and sanitary sewer system, particularly new subdivision extensions, but who is without authority to revise, alter or revoke the requirements of the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the city or the approved contract documents for the job. Such inspection, or lack of inspection, will not relieve the contractor from any obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents and/or applicable city, county or state codes.
Normal domestic wastewater (sewage)
means wastewater discharged by a person into sanitary sewers and in which the average concentration of total suspended solids is not more than 250 mg/l, BOD is not more than 170 mg/l and which is otherwise acceptable into a public sewer under the terms of this Code.
Off-site facilities
means the water and/or sewer mains located outside the boundaries of and not contiguous with the area of development except by point of contract but that are required to join the development to the prior existing system.
On-site facilities
means those water and/or sanitary sewer mains situated within or surrounded by a single development. Generally, all discussions of facilities will pertain to on-site facilities unless they are specifically denoted to the off-site or boundary facilities.
Over-size cost
means the difference in cost between the main built and the cost of the size main determined to be the minimum size required to serve the subdivision as determined by the director of public works. The minimum size main upon which oversize cost shall be determined shall not be less than the standard main.
means any person, firm, association of persons or corporation, including a public, private or municipal corporation.
Sewer service
means that portion of the connecting sewer located in the roadway, street, alley or easement between the sewer main and the right-of-way line or property line and shall consist of the "Y," "T," manhole or tapping saddle and the required length of service pipe.
Standard methods
means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the latest edition, at the time of analysis, of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater as prepared, approved and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation.
Standard size sewer main
means a sanitary sewer main six inches or larger in diameter.
Standard size water main
means a water main six inches or larger in diameter, adequately supported by eight inches or larger water mains to provide fire protection as recognized by the National Board of Underwriters.
Standard specifications
shall mean the Revised Standard Specifications for Waterworks and Sewerage Improvements in the City of Richland Hills.
Subdivision or development
means the division of any lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more parts.
Suspended solids
means solids, measured in mg/l, that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, wastewater or other liquids, and which are largely removable by a laboratory filtration device.
Water department, waterworks, or water utilities department
means the city waterworks system and mains, and all other works of the city directly connected therewith, and all plants, properties and appliances incident to or connected with the operation of such water department, and shall include the sanitary sewerage system and sewage treatment plant of the city.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 4(A)]
Basic policy.
Subdivisions being subdivided for the retail sale of homesites, industrial, commercial and other residential subdivisions within the city shall be provided with water supply and distribution systems and with an approved sewage collection and disposal system. Connection with the sanitary sewer system shall be required.
The developer shall pay all costs attributable to the installation of water and sewer facilities as are needed to fulfill the basic criteria requirements of the city for service within his subdivision.
All subdivision extensions shall be covered by a written and executed agreement of form prepared or approved by the city attorney which clearly defines the scope and details of the proposed extension and particularly contains the developer's agreement to abide by all regulations of the city and to deliver to the city clear and unencumbered title to all the proposed improvements at the time of acceptance by the city, which must be prior to commencing service.
Basis of extension.
Where extensions of water and sanitary sewer systems are required to serve property which is to be subdivided or platted for development by a developer, water and sanitary sewer facilities may be extended to such properties on the following basis and in accordance with minimum standards and procedures described below:
Plan to be approved.
It shall be unlawful for any person to provide water and sewerage to any lot, plot of land, tract or any part thereof unless and until such plan, plat, or re-plat for such lot or tract of land has conformed to the platting requirements of the city, has been approved by the planning and zoning commission and has been filed for record with the county. Before consideration of a final plat by the planning and zoning commission, owners of the tract or subdivision shall submit to the director of public works, for his approval, a map or plat showing the location of water and sanitary sewer mains which will be required to ensure adequate service and fire protection to the lots specified in such proposed tract or subdivision.
Extensions within property to be developed.
Developers of such property will defray the entire cost of water and sanitary sewer system within their subdivision except that the city will refund the oversize cost of any water main or sanitary sewer main larger than six inches in size, unless a larger size is required to serve the subdivision in question. Size of mains for adequate service shall be determined by the engineer and submitted to the director of public works for approval. The request for city participation on oversize facilities shall be submitted to the city council for their approval prior to any construction taking place. Refunds for oversize cost will be made upon acceptance of the systems by the city. All water and sanitary sewer mains shall be extended to the tract or addition line in order to provide service to adjacent property where applicable. The city reserves the option of requiring all on-site sewage flows generated by any development or part thereof to be delivered to a single location for off-site disposal. Should a lift station and/or force main be required to utilize a provided off-site service location, such lift station and/or force main shall be installed at the developer's cost. Where a lift station is required to be constructed, the developer shall provide allweather access facilities, initial power supply and a wet-well for such lift station at developer's cost. The drawings shall be submitted to the director of public works for approval prior to beginning construction. When a treatment plant is necessary to serve a development or any part thereof, the developer is to provide, at no cost to the city, the sewage treatment plant, all-weather facilities and initial power supply. Additionally, when the city in its permit requirements is required to provide treatment greater than secondary or is required to pipe the effluent beyond the discharge point of the plant location, the developer shall pay for all costs for such equipment connected with such additional treatment or pipe extensions. Developers of such property will defray the entire cost of such lift station, force main and/or sewage treatment plants except that the city will refund the oversize cost of any lift station force main and sewage treatment plant larger than that is necessary to serve the subdivision in question. Capacity of such lift station, force main and/or sewage treatment plant necessary to serve the subdivision shall be determined by the engineer and submitted to the director of public works for approval. The director of public works' decision will be final. The request for city participation on oversize facilities shall be submitted to the city council for their approval prior to any construction taking place. Refunds for oversize cost will be made upon acceptance of the system by the city.
Mains lying along one or more sides of a subdivided tract.
For mains six inches in size, the developer will be refunded one-half of the actual construction cost of the size main constructed. The request for city participation on oversize cost shall be submitted to the city council for approval prior to any construction taking place. Such refunds will be made upon acceptance of the system by the city.
For mains larger than six inches in size, the developer will be refunded the difference between the cost of such water and/or sanitary sewer main and one-half the cost of six-inch main or such larger sizes as are required to serve the subdivision for which extensions are required, provided the developer has advanced the total cost of such mains. The request for city participation on oversize cost shall be submitted to the city council for approval prior to any construction taking place. Refunds will be made upon acceptance of the system by the city.
Off-site extensions.
Where water and/or sanitary sewer facilities are not available to a tract to be developed, the city will pay for such facilities to the subdivision property line within the following limitations:
The request for city participation on off-site facilities shall be submitted to the city council for their approval prior to any construction taking place. If the request is denied, the developer may install these facilities at his entire expense. If the city council approves the request and funds are available, refunds will be made upon acceptance of the system by the city and upon application by the owner.
If funds are not available for the city's participation at the time of acceptance, the city may enter into a contract with the developer to reimburse him for 100 percent of the city's cost of off-site facilities. Payment on this contract will be based on 50 percent of the water and sewer revenue received for water and sewer service received from this subdivision each year until the full cost has been recovered, if such arrangement is approved by the city council.
Control of meters.
All water furnished by the water department to its consumers shall be measured by meters. The size, type and right to own and control all meters installed or used by consumers shall be determined by the water department.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 4(C)]
When an existing water or sanitary sewer main lies in a street, alley or easement in or adjacent to an area or tract of land to be subdivided and developed, the developer shall pay to the public works department the applicable pro rata charge for the water main and sanitary sewer main before extensions from or connections to such line or lines are made. Should such existing main lie alongside the subdivision, one-half of these costs shall be paid if the city has participated in the original construction cost.
Methods of procedures.
Water and sanitary sewer main extensions to serve a subdivision in the city may be accomplished in the following manner:
Upon approval by the city, a developer shall have his engineer design and prepare construction drawings of water and sanitary sewer facilities to serve the subdivision including any off-site facilities that may be required. These drawings shall conform in all details to the city's standard specifications as to design, grade, location, size and quality of materials and construction.
Plans and profiles submitted by the developer's engineer shall be on standard 24-inch by 36-inch sheets of blueline paper. Plans and profiles shall be shown at scales of one inch to 40 feet or one inch to 100 feet horizontal, and one inch to four feet vertical, unless approval is given otherwise. Plans and profiles shall show clearly all surface improvements, all existing or proposed subsurface utility lines and obstructions and street and alley grades as approved by the department of public works. The engineer submitting the plans and profiles must affix his seal and signature to the tracings of all drawings.
Upon preliminary approval of the drawings by the city, the developer may enter into a contract with a water and sewer contractor approved by the city; provided however, that the construction and installation of the water mains and sanitary sewer mains shall be viewed by inspectors of the city to see that the installation is made in accordance with the drawings and the city's standard specifications which in every instance shall be a part of such installation contract.
Upon preliminary approval, the engineer for the developer will be furnished with three blank forms of the standard city developer agreement. This agreement shall be executed by the water and sewer contractor, shall be executed by the developer and approved by the city prior to any construction beginning in the subdivision. The contract entered into between the developer and a contractor shall provide for a performance bond, payment bond and a two-year maintenance bond, which is a part of the standard city developer agreement. Each of the bonds referenced in this subsection shall be in an amount equal to the total contract price.
Upon final approval, the developer's engineer shall furnish the city such prints as the city may require. There shall also be furnished to the city half size mylar reproducibles of the drawings. When the project is ready for construction and the plat has been filed with the county, it shall be the responsibility of the developer's engineer to furnish line and grade stakes on water and sanitary sewer mains, water and sewer services, fire hydrants, manholes and manhole tops. After installation and acceptance by the city, the developer's engineer shall furnish one as-built set of drawings to the city. No installation of water and/or sanitary sewer mains will be made at any other location except a dedicated street, alley or an easement running in favor of the city, which shall be filed of record by the owner of such addition. Any such installation, when made, shall become the property of the city, free and clear of all encumbrances.
The city specifically reserves the option to advertise for bids and install all or any portion of extension of off-site water and sanitary sewer mains and oversize water and sanitary sewer mains. When the extension or improvement is to be installed under contract between the city and contractor, the cost of which is to be paid wholly or partially by a developer, the contractor shall not be authorized to commence work until after the city has received the full amount due in cash from the developer, such amount to be placed in escrow.
After final completion of the work to the satisfaction of the director of public works, a letter of acceptance will be furnished to the developer. No payment in an amount more than 90 percent of the total cost of the water and sewer contractor's work shall be made to the water and sewer contractor by the developer until such letter has been received.
General disposition of funds.
Any and all sums of money hereinafter collected as a fee or connection charge at the rate set out in this section shall be credited to the water and sewer fund of the city.
City not obligated if funds not available.
In no event shall the city be obligated to proceed under the terms of this division if funds are not available or if in the discretion of the city the extension may not be practical. Nothing in this division shall be construed as a surrender by the city of its control over streets, alleys, public ways or public easements. The decision of the director of public works shall be final in determination of line size and approval of drawings and specifications.
Standard specifications.
All water and sanitary sewer work shall be done in accordance with the revised standard specifications for waterworks and sewerage improvements in the city, as adopted by the city council, and the latest revisions thereof.
Treatment plants and lift stations upon public property.
Where it is necessary to provide a treatment plant or lift station as a part of the sewer service to a development or any part thereof, all portions of such treatment facilities or lift stations including access roads thereto shall be upon public property or within an easement or right-of-way secured by an appropriate written instrument suitable for filing with the county clerk.
No vested rights.
No person shall acquire any vested rights under the provisions of this division.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 4(D)]