[Added 6-8-2021 by L.L. No. 1-2021]
Lot line adjustments shall require the approval of the Planning Board.
Lot line adjustments shall be subject to all requirements of a minor subdivision, except that the Planning Board may abbreviate the procedure by waiving the requirement of a public hearing when the Planning Board, in its discretion, determines that: a) the resulting lots will comply with applicable New York State Department of Health regulations pertaining to well and septic systems and their distances from parcel boundaries; b) the application meets all requirements for a lot line adjustment; c) the lot line adjustment is not a matter of public concern; and d) the requirement of a public hearing is not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare.
The applicant shall submit a plat or map of the parcels affected by the proposed adjustment, showing all existing buildings, the location of existing utilities, easement and right-of-ways, wells and septic systems. The map shall show the existing lot lines, the location of the proposed new lot line, and the existing and new setback distances to any existing structures. The map shall have the title "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT between properties of (name) and (name)," shall clearly show the intent and the effect of the lot line adjustment, shall include the tax identification designation of each lot and the area of the lots both before and after adjustment and shall include a note to the effect that each resulting lot shall be a single and separate lot for zoning and tax purposes.