[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Marblehead 5-2-2022 by Art. 31. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Use of gas-powered leaf blowers shall be prohibited in the Town of Marblehead from Memorial day to Labor Day of each year. Such leaf blowers shall be permitted during the remainder of the year, subject to such other general rules of the Town as are in effect from time to time.
A representative chosen by the Select Board may allow the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in any situation that is deemed an emergency.
[Added 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 48]
The Marblehead Police Department and the Marblehead Health Department and their respective designees ("enforcing authority") shall have the authority to administer and enforce any violation of this bylaw.
The property owner upon whose property the violation shall have occurred shall be responsible for compliance with this bylaw. All warnings and fines shall be issued to the property owner.
In the event the Enforcing Authority witnesses a violation hereof, the Enforcing Authority shall require the person in violation to immediately cease using the gas power leaf blower.
The following penalties shall apply. For the first violation, a written warning shall be issued. For the second violation a fine of $100 shall be issued. For the third and any violation thereafter a fine of $200 shall be issued. Each violation shall constitute a separate violation.