The office of electrical inspector in and for the city is hereby created, which office shall be filled by appointment by the city manager. The person chosen to fill the office shall be of good moral character; shall be possessed of such executive ability, training, and experience as is required for the performance of his duties of enforcing this division or any other ordinances or amendments dealing with this subject; and shall be well versed in the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association. He shall receive such compensation and serve for such term as may be fixed by the governing body.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-121)
The electrical inspector, by and with the consent of the city manager, shall have power to deputize one or more assistants; and each one of the assistants shall in every case be known to be competent to discharge the duties of electrical inspector and the rights and privileges conferred upon each assistant to the electrical inspector when properly appointed.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-133)
It shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to enforce the provisions of this division or any ordinance or ordinances now in force or which may hereafter be adopted concerning electric wiring or apparatus.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-129)
The electrical inspector or competent assistant appointed by him shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building, manhole, or subway in the discharge of his official duties or for the purpose of making any test of the electrical apparatus or appliances therein contained; and for that purpose he shall be given prompt access to all buildings, private or public, and to all manholes and subways on application to the company or individual owning or in charge or control of same.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-134)
No person shall interfere with the electrical inspector or any competent person or persons lawfully deputized to assist him as hereinbefore provided, while in the performance of duty; and each such interference shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense within the intent and meaning of this division.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-145)
The electrical inspector shall keep a full and complete record of all work done, permits issued, examinations made, or other official work performed as required by this division, and shall annually make a full and detailed report thereof to the city. The record shall be so arranged as to afford prompt information concerning the condition and general arrangement of any electrical equipment at the time of the electrical inspector’s last visit.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-146)
The electrical inspector may make a thorough inspection of all electric wires and apparatus in any dwelling or building which has been vacant or uninhabited for a period of six months, and may make a thorough inspection of all electric wires and apparatus within the city at least once a year; and where wires or apparatus are in dangerous or unsafe condition, or are deemed to be an interference with the work of the fire department, he shall notify the person, firm, or company owning, using, or operating them to place them in a safe, secure, and noninterfering condition. Any person, firm, company, corporation, or agent thereof failing, neglecting, or refusing within ten days to make the necessary repairs or changes and have the necessary work completed within said time after the receipt of said notice shall be deemed guilty of violation of this division; and every day which shall elapse after the expiration of said ten days until the wires and apparatus are repaired, removed, or changed as required by the electrical inspector shall be considered a separate offense within the intent and meaning of this division.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-132; Ordinance adopting 2004 Code)
Upon completion of the installation of electric wires and apparatus for use in connection with electric light, heat, or power, it shall be the duty of the person doing the same to notify the electrical inspector or competent assistant deputized by him, who shall at his earliest convenience, but no longer than eight hours after request for inspection, inspect the same. If approved by him, he shall issue a certificate of satisfactory inspection and outline of the results of such examination; but no certificate shall be issued unless all apparatus, wires, etc., connected therewith are in strict conformity with the rules and regulations herein set forth; nor shall current be turned on any wiring or apparatus until certificate of satisfactory inspection is issued. The electrical inspector or his authorized deputy shall also issue a statement authorizing the electrical department of the city to turn current on such wiring and apparatus, and such utility shall not turn on such current on such wiring or apparatus until such statement has been delivered to it.
(Ordinance 91-15 adopted 11/19/91; Ordinance adopting 2004 Code)
No person, firm, corporation, or agent thereof shall conceal or cause to be concealed any electric wiring or apparatus mentioned in this division except with the express permission of the electrical inspector; and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove any flooring, lathing or plaster, sheet metal, or other material which may conceal any electric wiring or apparatus contrary to the provisions of this division.
On completion of the inspection of any electric wiring or apparatus designed to be concealed and found to be in full compliance with the provisions of this division, it shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to post a notice to that effect at the main cutout center. The notice shall be considered as an express permission to conceal the electric wiring and apparatus, but no concealment shall take place until such notice has been posted by the electrical inspector.
Any inspector finding wiring acceptable shall leave such wiring as he found it.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-138)
The electrical inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to cause the turning off of electric current from all conductors or apparatus which are deemed by him to be in unsafe condition or which have not been installed in conformity with the provisions of this division and from which the electrical inspector has caused the electric current to be turned off. Otherwise the procedure outlined in section 230-70 of the National Electrical Code shall be followed.
(1977 Code, sec. 3-139(b))