[Added 8-20-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated
A portable, weather-resistant receptacle designed and used for the storage or shipment of household goods, wares, building materials or merchandise. Such container is typically rented or leased to owners or occupants of property for their temporary use and which is typically delivered and removed by truck.
A container, typically characterized by a rectangular footprint, which may utilize wheels to facilitate rolling the dumpster in place, and designed and used for the temporary storage of material. Such dumpster is typically rented or leased to owners or occupants of property for their temporary use and which is typically delivered and removed by truck.
[Amended 7-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-11]
No person shall park or leave unattended any portable storage container or roll-off dumpster on or along any public property, street, or right-of-way, including any property, street, or right-of-way owned or maintained by the Township, the County of Burlington, or the State of New Jersey, without first obtaining a permit in accordance with the provisions of this Article IIA.
Application. Prior to the parking of any portable storage container or roll-off dumpster on any public property, street, or right-of-way, including any property, street, or right-of-way owned or maintained by the Township, the County of Burlington, or the State of New Jersey, the party seeking to place such portable storage container or roll-off dumpster shall apply for and receive a permit from the Township Clerk. Application for the permit shall be made to the office of the Township Clerk on the form provided by the Township and shall include the following information:
The full name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the portable storage container or roll-off dumpster.
The full name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the property upon which the portable storage container or roll-off dumpster is to be parked.
The full name, address, and telephone number of the applicant, if different than the owner of the property.
The dimensions of the portable storage container or roll-off dumpster to be parked.
The proposed location of where the portable storage container or roll-off dumpster is to be parked.
A written statement, together with any supporting documents or other information, setting forth an explanation as to why the proposed portable storage container or roll-off dumpster cannot feasibly or realistically be parked on the private property of the owner of the property, such as in a yard or on a private driveway.
The dates upon which the portable storage container or roll-off dumpster is to be parked.
Review. A complete application for a permit to park a portable storage container or roll-off dumpster shall be distributed to the following Township departments for review, recommendation, and any conditions before a permit is issued:
Tax Collector. The Tax Collector shall ensure all taxes and liens of the subject property are current as nonpayment of taxes or liens may be reason to deny the application.
Police Chief. The Police Chief shall ensure adequate traffic control, public safety, and noise control is provided. It shall be in the Police Chief's sole discretion to require, as a condition of the issuance of a permit, the placement of safety equipment, including, but not limited to, traffic cones or reflective panels, around or on the proposed portable storage container or roll-off dumpster.
Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer shall ensure compliance with zoning and property maintenance ordinances and that proper location and performance standards are met. It shall be in the Zoning Officer's sole discretion to determine whether or not the applicant has adequately demonstrated that the proposed portable storage container or roll-off dumpster cannot feasibly or realistically be parked on the private property of the owner of the property, such as in a yard or on a private driveway.
Issuance. An approved permit to park a portable storage container or roll-off dumpster shall be dated, signed, and issued by the Township Clerk only after review and recommendation of issuance by the Township departments set forth in Subsection B. A permit issued in accordance with the provisions of this Article IIA shall be valid and remain in effect for a period of not more than 30 days, commencing on the first day upon which the approved portable storage container or roll-off dumpster is to be parked, as indicated in the permit application. If an application for a permit is denied or rejected, the Township Clerk shall state the reason(s) for such denial or rejection in writing.
Extension. A permit to park a portable storage container or roll-off dumpster may be extended for one additional thirty-day period, which thirty-day extension period shall commence concurrent to the expiration of the originally permitted period. In order to obtain such extension, an applicant must follow all steps as specified in this section for the approval of the original permit to park a portable storage container or roll-off dumpster.
Repairs. Any damage done to any public property, street, or right-of-way, including any property, street, or right-of-way owned or maintained by the Township, the County of Burlington, or the State of New Jersey, as a result of the parking of a portable storage container or roll-off dumpster in accordance with the provisions of this Article IIA shall be promptly repaired and restored at the sole cost and expense of the permit holder.
Enforcement. The Police Department and/or the Zoning Officer shall be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the requirements and provisions of this Article IIA.
Removal. Any portable storage container or roll-off dumpster parked in violation of this Article IIA, or which creates a hazard to the safety, health or, welfare of the public, shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic, and the Police Department and/or the Township may provide for the removal of such portable storage container or roll-off dumpster. The owner or operator of the portable storage container or roll-off dumpster shall bear the reasonable costs of removal and storage which may result from such removal, and such costs shall be remitted prior to regaining possession of the removed portable storage container or roll-off dumpster.
Except as otherwise provided in this Article IIA, the provisions of N.J.S.A. 27:5I-1 and any acts amendatory thereof shall govern and be of the same force and effect as though set forth at length herein.