This chapter permits specific uses in specific districts, and
these performance standards are designed to limit, restrict, and prohibit
the effects of those uses outside their premises (property line) or
district. No structure, land, or water shall hereafter be used except
in compliance with its district regulations and with the following
performance standards.
No activity shall emit any fly ash, dust, fumes, vapors, mists
or gases in such quantities as to cause soiling or danger to the health
of persons, animals, vegetation, or other forms of property in accordance
with the applicable provisions of Ch. 285, Wis. Stats., and Chs. NR
400 to 499, Wis. Adm. Code.
All activities involving the utilization or storage of inflammable and explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire explosion and with adequate fire-fighting and fire-suppression equipment and devices that are standard in the industry, in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter
290, Fire Prevention, of the Shorewood Code, the American Insurance Association Fire Prevention Code, and the Wisconsin Administrative Code, in addition to the recommendations, rules and regulations of the National Fire Protection Association related thereto. In case of conflict between local, state and national code provisions, the stricter provisions shall govern.
No activity shall discharge at any point onto any land or into
any water or public sewer any materials of such nature, quantity,
noxiousness, toxicity, or temperature which can contaminate, pollute,
or harm the quantity or quality of any water supply, can cause the
emission of dangerous or offensive elements, can overload the existing
municipal utilities, or can injure or damage persons or property.
All noise shall be so muffled or otherwise controlled as not
to become objectionable due to sound level, intermittence, duration,
beat frequency, impulse character, periodic character or shrillness.
No activity shall emit any odorous matter of such nature or
quantity as to be offensive, obnoxious, or unhealthful outside its
premises (property line) in accordance with the applicable provisions
of Ch. 285, Wis. Stats., and Chs. NR 400 to 499, Wis. Adm. Code.
No activity shall emit radioactivity or electrical disturbances
outside its premises (property line) that are dangerous or adversely
affect the use of neighboring premises.
No activity in any district shall emit vibrations which are
discernible without instruments outside its premises (property line).