The Village has had a long-standing practice of protecting and
safeguarding the rights and opportunities of any person who might
seek or obtain employment without being subjected to sexual harassment
in the workplace.
A. It is Village of Deposit (the "Village") policy that all employees
have a right to work in an environment which is free of sexual harassment.
B. Sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and it is against the policies of the Village for any
employee to sexually harass another employee by:
(1) Making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature a term or condition
of an individual's employment; or
(2) Making submission to or rejections of such conduct the basis for
employment decisions affecting the employee; or
(3) Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment
by such conduct.
C. Sexual harassment does not refer to behavior or occasional compliments
of a social nature. It refers to behavior that is not welcome, that
is personally offensive, that fails to respect the rights of others,
or that lowers morale and/or interferes with work effectiveness. Sexual
harassment may take different forms. One specific form is the demand
for sexual favors. Other forms of harassment include but are not limited
to the following list. The list is not meant to be exhaustive but
to serve as examples of sexual harassment.
(1) Verbal. Sexual innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual
nature, sexual propositions, sexually degrading words to describe
an individual, graphic verbal commentary about an individual's
body, and threats.
(2) Nonverbal. Displaying in the workplace sexually suggestive objects
or pictures, graphic commentaries, leering whistling and obscene gestures.
(3) Physical. Unwanted physical contact, including touching, pinching,
brushing the body and any other type of coerced sexual activity.
D. Any employee who believes they have been the subject of sexual harassment
is responsible to report the alleged act to the Village Attorney.
There will be no discrimination or recrimination against any employee
for making a report of sexual harassment. The following steps will
be completed in the investigation.
The Village Attorney will separately interview complainant and
accused and document the interviews. In addition, the Village Attorney
will review appropriate files, hold discussions with eyewitnesses
and conduct other fact-finding activities deemed necessary. Resulting
recommendations will be made to the Employees Committee of the Village
Board for comment and concurrence.
All complaints will be handled in a timely and confidential
manner. During the internal investigation, information concerning
a complaint will not be released by the Village to third parties,
or to anyone within the Village who is not involved with the investigation,
nor will anyone involved be permitted to discuss the subject outside
the investigation. The purpose of this provision is to protect the
confidentiality of the employee who files a complaint, to encourage
the reporting of any incidents of sexual harassment, and to protect
the reputation of any employee wrongfully charged with sexual harassment.
A. If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, prompt
attention and disciplinary action to stop the harassment immediately
and to prevent its recurrence will be taken. The disciplinary action
taken with respect to each violation of this policy will be determined
in conjunction with the seriousness of the particular offense and
may range from written warnings, suspensions, demotion, discharge,
or a combination of actions.
B. The Village recognizes that the question of whether a particular
course of conduct constitutes sexual harassment requires a factual
determination. The Village recognizes also that false accusations
of sexual harassment can have serious effects on innocent persons.
It is a violation of this policy for anyone to knowingly make false
accusations of sexual harassment. Failure to prove a claim of sexual
harassment is not equivalent to a false accusation. If an investigation
results in a finding that a person who has accused another of sexual
harassment has knowingly or recklessly made false accusations, the
accuser will be subjected to appropriate sanctions, which may range
from written warnings to suspension, demotion or discharge or a combination
of actions.
In the event that a thorough investigation of an alleged incident
of sexual harassment reveals that an employee has not engaged in any
actions or conduct constituting sexual harassment, the Employees Committee
will inform both the employee and the complaining party that a thorough
investigation has been conducted and there exists no grounds or basis
to substantiate the alleged sexual harassment.
Should either the complainant or alleged offender be dissatisfied
with the findings or actions resulting from an allegation of sexual
harassment, that individual may further discuss the issues with the
Employees Committee of the Village Board who may reconsider the situation
and render a final decision in light of the appeal.