No Sign shall be erected, enlarged, redesigned, structurally altered, or used without a Sign permit issued by the Building Commissioner, and, except as provided for elsewhere in this chapter, the advisory review of DRAB. Permits shall be issued only for Signs in conformance with this chapter.
The following Sign types require a Sign permit pursuant to application, review, and approval by the Building Commissioner ("Administrative Review"), but do not require DRAB review:
Awning Sign.
Directory Sign.
Identification Sign, except as provided in § 237-17.
Incidental Sign.
Temporary Signs over nine square feet in area.
Sandwich Board.
Banner Sign: A Banner Sign on private land may be approved for up to 30 days by the Building Commissioner without DRAB review.
All other Sign types, and all Illuminated Signs, shall be reviewed by DRAB incidental to Administrative Review.
Where a proposed Sign does not meet the requirements of this chapter, as determined by the Building Commissioner upon submission of a Sign Permit Application, DRAB may grant a waiver from such requirements.
A Sign Permit Application shall be submitted to the Building Department in the manner prescribed by the Commissioner. If an application is for or includes a request for a waiver from the requirements of this Chapter, the applicant shall so state in the application, specifying the waiver requested.
Unless exempt from DRAB review as above, at the time of submission of such application to the Building Commissioner, the applicant shall submit a copy of the Sign Permit Application to DRAB for its review and recommendation or decision, as may be required.
In cases where a submitted Sign Permit Application does not comply with the Sign Code and does not request a waiver for such non-compliance, the Applicant shall be notified by the Building Commissioner of non-compliance.
The Applicant may resubmit the Sign Permit Application, bringing the proposed Sign into compliance with this chapter, or requesting a waiver from the applicable requirements.
A DRAB decision is required for a waiver for a noncomplying Sign. See § 237-8 and § 237-25.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss the requirements of this chapter with the Planning and Zoning Department prior to submitting a Sign Permit Application.
Within 30 days of submission of a complete Sign Permit Application requiring DRAB advisory review, DRAB shall hold a meeting to consider the Application.
Within 10 business days following the meeting, unless such time is extended by agreement with the applicant, DRAB shall provide a written recommendation to the Building Commissioner and the Applicant.
The failure of DRAB to provide a recommendation within 10 days shall be deemed a favorable recommendation.
If the Building Commissioner determines that a waiver(s) is required from the requirements of this chapter, the Applicant may request such a waiver from DRAB pursuant to the filing of a Sign Permit Application. The Planning & Zoning Department may determine which information is required to support a waiver(s) request and list the requirements on the Application.
DRAB shall hold a hearing for any waiver request within 45 days from the date of filing the Sign Permit Application with the Building Department.
DRAB shall cause notice of such hearing to be published in a newspaper of general circulation and said notice shall be sent to the Applicant, abutters, and abutters to abutters within 300 feet of the Property line of the application as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list, notwithstanding that the land of any such owner is located in another city or town, no less than 7 days from the date of the hearing.
DRAB shall decide the waiver request within 60 days from the date of filing and shall file a written decision on such request within 14 days of the date of the decision. Failure by DRAB to file its written decision within the time required shall be deemed an approval of the waiver request. The required time for said decision and filing may be extended by written agreement between the applicant and DRAB.
DRAB may by an affirmative vote of four of its members grant waivers from the provisions of this chapter, subject to the criteria in this chapter.
No waiver may be granted by DRAB from § 237-18, Prohibited Sign types.
DRAB may grant a waiver upon making a written finding that undue hardship may result from strict compliance with the submittal requirements or review standards of this article, provided that such variation will not have the effect of nullifying the intent of this chapter. Hardship may exist when the conditions of the site do not allow for an appropriate Sign type that meets the requirements of this chapter.
DRAB may grant a waiver for a Creative Sign based on one or more of the following criteria:
The Sign creates a clear connection with the shapes, textures, colors, and materials used in the appearance of the buildings of the premise.
The Sign creates proportional sizes of Signs placed on or integrated into a building's architecture.
The Sign improves the legibility of Sign(s).
The Sign enhances driver reaction time to the Sign(s).
The Sign creates organized wayfinding and identification or messaging program.
The Sign protects Significant scenic views.
The Sign promotes a well-organized visual environment through appropriate sizes.
The Sign represents a best practice of the design of dark sky Sign illumination.
The Sign is consistent with approved design guidelines for the district or area in which it will be located.
The Sign is consistent with industry standards or best practices as defined by one or more of the following, with any inconsistencies to be resolved by DRAB in the best interests of the town:
Design standards from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, the National Association of City Transportation Officials' Urban Bikeway Design Guide, or other guides to design standards and legibility of signage.
DRAB may extend the duration of a Limited Duration Sign for longer than 90 days but for not more than six months.
The Building Department shall issue the appropriate Sign permit to the Applicant upon compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
The Building Commissioner shall act on a Sign Permit Application within 10 days of receipt of a recommendation from DRAB or the failure of DRAB to provide such recommendation, as required, and within 10 days of the receipt of a decision from DRAB on a request for waivers or the failure to act as required.
The Building Commissioner's failure to act within the time required shall be deemed a denial of the Sign Permit Application.
Any person aggrieved by the Building Commissioner's action or failure to act may file an appeal within 30 days with the Town Clerk. An appeal from the provisions of the Sign Code is heard by the Zoning Board of Appeals. A hearing for any appeal shall be held within 65 days from the date of filing with the Town Clerk. A written decision shall be made 100 days from the date of filing. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall cause notice of such hearing to be published in a newspaper of general circulation and said notice sent to Applicant, abutters, and abutters to abutters within 300 feet of the Property line of the application, and parties of interest within 300 feet of the Property line of the application as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list, notwithstanding that the land of any such owner is located in another city or town, no less than 14 days from the date of the hearing. The decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be final and appeals from such decision may be taken as provided by law. Failure of the Zoning Board of Appeals to act within the time required shall be deemed to be a denial of the appeal.