Signs shall comply with the standards in this Article.
Awnings and Awning Signs:
The Awning location on the building shall not obscure or cover the architectural Sign Band of the building.
Awnings must be made of canvas or duck cloth and be completely opaque.
The color of the Awning shall be consistent with the overall design scheme for the building.
Awning Signs shall only be permitted on Awnings installed on the ground floor of the building.
Awning Signs shall be painted on or attached to the surface of the Awning or its valance.
The area of an Awning Sign shall not exceed 25% of the surface area of the Awning. This area does not include the exempt single line of lettering noted in § 237-16.
Awning Signs shall not extend beyond the valance or any other part of the Awning, nor be attached at an angle projecting through the Awning, nor be attached to or displayed on the sides or underside of the Awning.
Awning Signs shall not be backlit or internally illuminated.
Changeable Copy Sign:
The area of the Changeable Copy may not be greater than 30% of the area of the Sign on which it is located.
The Sign on which it is located must indicate the business, establishment, product, or services to which the Commercial Message refers.
Digital Display Signs:
Digital Display Signs are restricted to approved Sign Packages.
These Signs shall have a maximum Sign Area no greater than that of a Freestanding Sign in the respective district.
No Digital Display Sign shall indicate movement or animation; static displays must be employed with image changes at least five minutes in duration and included transition times between images of at least one second.
Nighttime illumination levels must be lower than daytime illumination levels to reduce glare and reflected light.
A default display must be provided in the case of failure of the system.
The Applicant must demonstrate that the programming and control of the Sign are secure.
Freestanding Sign: All Freestanding Signs shall be located within a curbed, landscaped area extending a minimum of three feet on all sides of the Sign base.
Identification Sign:
The Sign Area of an Identification Sign shall not exceed four square feet.
Identification Signs may be wall-mounted or freestanding.
Freestanding Identification Signs shall be no greater than five feet in height.
Incidental Sign: An Incidental Window Sign that is more than two square feet in area shall be regulated as a Window Sign.
Historical Marker Sign: A Historical Marker Sign shall include only building name, date of construction, or historical data on historic site and must be cut or etched into masonry, bronze, wood, or similar material.
Limited Duration Sign: A Limited Duration Sign of any size may be displayed for between 30 and 90 days. DRAB may grant a waiver for a longer defined duration.
Off-Premises Sign: DRAB may grant a waiver upon demonstration of a hardship requiring location of a Sign(s) off-premise. The waiver application must provide information about the legal right or permission to maintain the Sign off-premise, identify who maintains the Sign, and indicate that compliance with this Sign Code is the responsibility of the owner of the Sign.
Projecting Sign and Suspended Sign: A Sign projecting more than 12 inches from the face of a building shall be at least eight feet above Normal Grade and its upper edge no more than 14 feet above Normal Grade.
Sandwich Board Signs:
Each business is allowed one Sandwich Board Sign within 30 feet of the main entrance of said Premises whether on a public sidewalk or private Property.
The Sign may be displayed only during business hours and must be removed after business hours. A Sandwich Board Sign shall not be included in the calculation of total Signage allowed on the site.
The Sign frame shall be no greater in size than two feet wide and three feet six inches high. The message panels attached to the frame shall be no greater than two feet wide by three feet high.
The Sign must be located in front of the establishment it advertises. Under no circumstances shall a Sign obstruct vehicular/bus stops, benches, fire hydrants, or other features legally in the right-of-way, nor shall it obstruct parking access, handicapped parking access, or vehicular paths of travel. A minimum clear sidewalk width of 48 inches shall be maintained.
The Sign frames must be constructed of materials that present a finished appearance and use durable weather-resistant materials including, but not limited to, painted or decay-resistant wood, metal, or wrought iron. Natural chalkboard or corkboard shall be used for the message area.
Sign lettering shall either be painted in a professional-looking manner, computer-generated or handwritten on a chalkboard. Lettering and number characters shall not exceed eight inches in height.
Logos are encouraged.
The following are prohibited: Sign frames constructed of rough-cut plywood, cardboard, paper, fabric, or non-rigid materials, or use of whiteboards, magnetic letters, illumination, or changeable letters on tracks.
Sign Package: An approved Sign Package allows for a streamlined process to acquire a Sign permit for multiple tenants in a single building or on a single lot. All Signs within a Sign Package must follow the regulations in this Sign Code. Sign Packages that contain noncomplying Signs require one or more waivers from DRAB.
A Sign Package may be requested for the following:
Planned Commercial Development.
All multi-tenant buildings with more than six tenants.
All Lots with more than one building.
Applicant requirements for a Sign Package:
Sign regulations specific to the location.
Administration of the Sign Package, including the process for review, approval, and enforcement.
Relationship of landlord approval process to town's approval process.
A List and Type of Signs by ownership/responsibility (Tenant, Landlord).
Sign types and definitions.
Requirements for the design and construction of Signs.
Criteria for approval.
Replacing Signs shown on Sign Package.
Where the owner of a Property has a Sign Package on file with DRAB, the Building Commissioner shall issue a Sign permit for a Sign that conforms to that Sign Package.
Temporary Signs: A Temporary Sign of any size may only be displayed for less than 30 days, except as provided for in § 237-14 and shall not apply to signs erected according to § 237-17B.
Wall Signs:
Any Wall Sign installed on a building with an architectural Sign Band shall be located within that Sign Band which is the horizontal plane of the facade of the building defined by architectural details such as cornices, lintels, pediments, pilasters, and windows.
On a building without an architectural Sign Band, no wall Sign, except Window Signs which identify a business occupying space in a level above the ground floor level, shall extend higher than the lowest of (i) 25 feet above grade or (ii) below the second-floor window frame unless DRAB grants a waiver for a Creative Sign. See § 237-9C.
No Wall Sign shall extend above the lowest point of the roof unless it has been integrated into the architecture of the roofline, for example, a parapet.
Window Signs:
The maximum area of a Window Sign is 25% of the transparent, glazed windows and doors in a facade.
For Window Signs, one Sign may consist of a Digital Display Sign or Edge Lit Sign up to a maximum area of two square feet, or one Neon-Type Sign with a maximum area of six square feet.
An Incidental Window Sign shall be informational only and shall not contain a Commercial Message. Any such Sign larger than two square feet in area shall be considered a Window Sign.
No Sign shall be lighted except by a steady, stationary source shielded and directed at the Sign except as specifically provided for in this chapter.
External illumination shall be by white, steady, stationary source shielded and directed at the Sign or backlighted. The foregoing is also applicable to permanent interior Signs which are designed to be Visible through a door or window.
Internal illumination shall be by white, steady, stationary source directed on translucent materials to illuminate the Sign except as specifically provided for in this chapter.
Neon-type illumination components of Signs may be employed up to a maximum of 5% of the allowable Sign Area for Marquees and Wall Signs.
Illumination of Awning Signs is restricted to External Illumination.
Sandwich Boards shall not be illuminated.
Illumination of Digital Display Signs and Changeable Copy Signs may use LCD, LED, or other illumination technologies.
Times of illumination. No Sign shall be illuminated in any district beyond the business hours of the establishment to which it pertains nor between 12:00 a.m. midnight and 6:00 a.m. unless allowable business hours extend into such period.
No Internally Illuminated, Digital Display, or Changeable Copy Signs shall be permitted in any residential districts or Limited Manufacturing district.
No illumination shall be permitted which casts direct light or glare beyond the perimeter of the Property on which the Sign is located.
No illumination shall be permitted which casts direct light or glare onto any residential Premises or onto any portion of a way as to create a traffic hazard.
No pylon, pole, or Sign-supporting structure shall be illuminated, except as required by other applicable state or federal law.
Signs are permitted by type in each zoning district as identified in Table 1.[1] The maximum total area of all Signs on a Lot, except an Incidental Sign, Historical Marker, Window Sign, and Flags, shall not exceed the lesser of the listed calculations.
Residential Districts:
A residence shall have no more than one Identification Sign.
A multi-tenant residential project may have one additional Freestanding or Wall Sign per Lot. The Sign Area of each Sign shall be no more than 15 square feet.
For institutional uses (as that term is used in the Dedham Zoning By-laws Use Regulation Tables) in a residential district, Sign Area for any Commercial Message on a Sign may not exceed 20 square feet, with a maximum vertical dimension of six feet.
The height of a Freestanding Sign shall be no greater than five feet, and the Sign shall be set back from the front lot line by a minimum of three feet and from the side lot line by a minimum of five feet.
Central Business, Local Business, and General Business:
The maximum total Sign Area per Lot is one square foot per one linear foot of the Principal Facade. If the building has two or more facades that are both Visible and serve as approaches for customers from travel ways or parking lots, the maximum Sign Area per Lot may be increased by 50%.
One Identification Sign is permitted per Lot.
A Wall Sign is limited to 10% of the total Wall Area.
One Freestanding Sign is allowed per Lot. The Sign Area shall be no more than 20 square feet. The height shall be no greater than eight feet, and the Sign shall be set back from the front and side lot lines by a minimum of five feet. In no case shall the actual Sign Height exceed the actual Sign Setback from any adjacent Lot that is zoned and used for residential purposes.
Highway Business:
The maximum total Sign Area per Lot is two square feet per one linear foot of the Principal Facade. If the building has two or more facades that are both Visible and serve as approaches for customers from travel ways or parking lots, the maximum Sign Area per Lot may be increased by 50%.
A Wall Sign is limited to 10% of the total Wall Area.
One Freestanding Sign is allowed per Lot. The Sign Area shall be no more than 100 square feet. The height shall be no greater than 20 feet, and the Sign shall be set back from the front and side lot lines by a minimum of 10 feet. In no case shall the actual Sign Height exceed the actual Sign Setback from any adjacent lot that is zoned and used for residential purposes.
Limited Manufacturing A & B:
The maximum total Sign Area per Lot is one square foot per one linear foot of the Principal Facade. If the building has two or more facades that are both Visible and serve as approaches for customers from travel ways or parking lots, the maximum Sign Area per Lot may be increased by 50%.
One Identification Sign is permitted per Lot.
A Wall Sign is limited to 10% of the total Wall Area.
One Freestanding Sign is allowed per Lot. The Sign Area shall be no more than 100 square feet. The height shall be no greater than 12 feet, and the Sign shall be set back from the front and side lot lines by a minimum of 10 feet. In no case shall the actual Sign Height exceed the actual Sign Setback from any adjacent lot that is zoned and used for residential purposes.
Research Development & Office:
The maximum total Sign Area per Lot is two square feet per one linear foot of the Principal Facade. If the building has two or more facades that are both Visible and serve as approaches for customers from travel ways or parking lots, the maximum Sign Area per Lot may be increased by 50%.
A Wall Sign is limited to 5% of the total Wall Area.
One Freestanding Sign is allowed per Lot. The Sign Area shall be no more than 40 square feet. The height shall be no greater than 12 feet, and the Sign shall be set back from the front and side lot lines by a minimum of 10 feet. In no case shall the actual Sign Height exceed the actual Sign Setback from any adjacent lot that is zoned and used for residential purposes.
Planned Commercial:
A Sign Package shall be required for a Planned Commercial Development and permitted Sign types and locations shall be as defined by the Sign Package approved by DRAB. See § 237-19L.
Senior Campus:
The maximum total Sign Area per Lot is one square foot per one linear foot of the Principal Facade. If the building has two or more facades that are both Visible and serve as approaches for customers from travel ways or parking lots, the maximum Sign Area per Lot may be increased by 50%.
One Identification Sign is allowed.
A Wall Sign is limited to 10% of the total Wall Area.
One Freestanding Sign is allowed per Lot. The Sign Area shall be no more than 40 square feet. The height shall be no greater than 12 feet, and the Sign shall be set back from the front lot line by a minimum of five feet and from the side lot lines by a minimum of 10 feet. In no case shall the actual Sign Height exceed the actual Sign Setback from any adjacent Lot that is zoned and used for residential purposes.
Lighted or unlighted Signs Visible from a position outside of the SC District, provided that each such Sign shall not exceed 15 square feet, are exempt from the provisions set forth in Table 1[2] and § 237-17.
The following principles shall control the computation of Sign Area:
The area of a Sign which has only one face shall be of the entire Sign Panel and shall be computed by means of the smallest square, circle, rectangle, triangle, or combination thereof that will encompass the extreme limits of the Sign Panel.
The Sign Area of a Sign with more than one face shall be computed by adding together the area of all Sign Panels Visible from any one point. When two identical Sign faces are placed back-to-back so that both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time, and when such faces are part of the same Sign structure, the Sign Area shall be computed by the measurement of the larger of the two Sign Panels.
The Sign Area of a three-dimensional Sign such as a Trade Figure, Symbol Sign, or Art Sign shall be computed based on a square, circle, rectangle, triangle, or combination thereof that will encompass the largest Visible profile.
All Signs shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the following standards:
All Signs shall comply with applicable provisions of the state building code, General Bylaws, and the electrical code of the town at all times.
Except for Banners, Flags, Limited Duration Signs, Temporary Signs, and Window Signs conforming in all respects with the requirements of this chapter, all Signs shall be constructed of permanent materials and shall be permanently attached to the ground, a building, or another structure by direct attachment to a rigid wall, frame, or structure.