The purpose of this document is to set forth the rules, regulations and standards to guide developers and builders in the service area of Riverside Sewerage Authority (hereinafter called the "owner"), so as to promote the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the municipality. These rules and specifications shall be administered by the owner to ensure the orderly growth, development, and construction of sanitary sewer systems in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and of the owner.
This chapter is an addendum to the regularly adopted rules and regulations of the owner. It supersedes and compliments all prior rules and regulations. Any alleged conflict between any of the articles or paragraphs or rules and regulations of the owner will be interpreted by the owner and the owner's interpretations and ruling shall be final. These regulations, administered by the owner, are minimum requirements. They are intended to apply to the usual conditions encountered during design and construction. These specifications are subject to amendment for exceptional situations. The owner reserves the right to specify greater or less stringent requirements in any case, in its judgment, to be in the best interest of the community.
Prior to commencement of any detailed design for any sanitary sewer system, it is advisable to prepare preliminary reports and plans, and in turn schedule a meeting with the owner and/or its Engineer for the purpose of review and discussion of the proposal. At this time, the owner will make comments and/or provide pertinent data applicable to these plans. The owner will provide the forms and information necessary to obtain approval for construction of the new facilities.
The owner recognizes the fact that questions may arise during the planning, construction and/or testing phases of sanitary sewerage development that may or may not be covered by specifications, rules or regulations. In these cases, the owner will take whatever action is necessary to either clarify the meaning of the specifications or provide direction or information necessary for the developer, builder or contractor to understand and meet owner requirements.
Prior to the onset of any construction of sewage systems or pumping stations, the developer shall submit performance bonds in the full amount, as calculated by the Engineer, for review and acceptance. At the owner's discretion, letters of credits may be posted in lieu of performance bonds.
At no time shall any sewer or pump station construction take place without approved performance bonds or without expressed written approval from the owner.
Upon completion of a substantial portion of the work, the developer may request a reduction of the performance bond.
Upon completion of all of the utility work, the developer may request a release of the performance bond. A performance bond shall not be released until all final paving is complete, manholes and valve boxes are brought to grade, and as-built drawings are approved. The owner may release the performance bond after a two-year maintenance bond is posted in its place. Typically, the two-year maintenance bonds required will be for 15% of the original performance bond amount. Before owner release of the maintenance bond, a walk through will be performed and punch list generated.
All items on the punch list must be completed prior to owner release of the maintenance bond.
Sanitary sewer collection systems and pumping stations are installed to provide a means of conveying wastewater from its source of origin to a wastewater treatment plant.
Wastewater is essentially the water supply of the community after it has been fouled by a variety of uses. Wastewater contains organic materials and numerous pathogenic or disease-causing organisms which must be immediately and safely removed from its source of origin.
In order to provide a wastewater collection system which will function properly for many years, the design must be reviewed, evaluated and approved by the owner and Engineer prior to construction. During the period of construction, the owner and Engineer will perform inspections of all approved sewer systems.
Once all construction has been completed, but prior to the owner accepting the lines, the lines will be air tested for infiltration and exfiltration. All lines shall be free and clear of construction debris and/or other matter. The lines shall be mandrelled prior to placement in service. Should any problem be encountered during the tests or any other facet of the installation process, it will be the developer's or builder's responsibility to make the necessary repairs and/or replacements.
All taps into the owner's existing sanitary sewer system require a minimum forty-eight-hour notice to the owner and Engineer.
Pumping stations. All sewage pump stations shall be completely cleaned prior to testing and shall be tested under the direction of the owner and its Engineer. All equipment will be tested for operation during low-, medium- and high-flow situations and for operation during a power outage. All pieces of equipment must operate in a satisfactory manner before the pump station can be placed into service. The owner, at its discretion, may authorize operation of a pump station prior to completion of the punch list items.
A licensed operator is required for the operation of all pumping stations at all times. If the owner authorizes operation of the pump station prior to the owner's acceptance and ownership of same, it is the responsibility of the Developer to provide a state-licensed pump station operator at all times.
The owner will be responsible for and provide operation and maintenance of the pumping station upon release of the pumping station performance bond. At this time, all utilities (electric, telephone, alarms) shall be placed in the owner's name. In addition, it is at this time that the developer shall deed the pumping station to the owner.