[HISTORY: Adopted by the Riverside Sewerage Authority as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-11-1990 by Res. No. 1990-13]
The rules and regulations of the Riverside Sewerage Authority are hereby supplemented by the adoption of the pretreatment program requirements as set forth in the Riverside Sewerage Authority's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permit.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit A containing the pretreatment program requirements of the Authority's NJPDES permit, and Exhibit B, the sewer use permit application, are on file in the Authority's offices.
The sewer use permit application is adopted as the official sewer use survey to be completed annually by each industrial user of the sewage system. The Superintendent of the waste treatment plant shall establish procedures for the implementation of the survey.
Failure to complete the annual survey or causing such discharge to enter the Riverside Sewerage Authority's treatment plant facility as may cause it to be in violation of its NJPDES permit will result in the Riverside Sewerage Authority taking such action as deemed appropriate pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58:11-54 through N.J.S.A. 58:11-56.
[Adopted 7-14-1997 by Res. No. 1997-17]
All Riverside Sewerage Authority customers shall provide information on the physical and chemical characteristics of all wastes proposed to be discharged.
No person shall discharge, deposit, cause or allow to be discharged or deposited into the Authority's treatment works any wastewater which significantly contributes to a violation of any of the parameters in the NJPDES permit of the Authority or which contains any of the following:
Oil and grease:
Oil and grease from industrial activities, in concentrations exceeding those in the attached Table 1.[1] This includes petroleum-based hydrocarbons as determined by silica gel absorption.
Editor's Note: See also § 55-5.
Wastewater from industrial facilities containing floatable fats, wax, grease or oil, whether emulsified or not or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32° F. and 150° F. (0° C. and 150° C.) at the point of discharge into the treatment works.
Explosive and/or flammable mixtures. Liquids, solids or gases which, by reason of their nature or quantity, are or may be sufficient, either alone or by interaction with other substances, to cause fire or explosion or be injurious in any other way to the treatment works or to the operation of the works. At no time shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of discharge into the treatment works, be more than 5% nor any single reading over 10% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) of the meter with the meter limited to gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, peroxides, chlorates, perchlorates, chromates, carbides, hybrids and sulfides.
Noxious materials. Pollutants which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are capable of creating a hazard to life and health or are present in sufficient concentrations to prevent entry into the treatment works for maintenance and repair.
Garbage. Garbage of any kind.
Radioactive wastes. Radioactive wastes of any type in any concentration, except in conformance with N.J.A.C. 7:28.
[Amended 10-3-2005 by Res. No. 2005-30]
Solid or viscous wastes. Solid or viscous wastes which will or may cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or otherwise interfere with the proper operation of the treatment works. Specific materials may be prohibited at the discretion of the Authority.
Excessive discharge. Wastewater at a flow rate or containing such concentrations or quantities of pollutants that, in the judgment of the Authority, would cause a treatment process upset and subsequent loss of treatment efficiency.
Toxic pollutants. Any toxic substance in amounts exceeding standards promulgated by these rules and regulations and/or the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to Section 307 of the Federal Act[2] or Section 4 of the State Act, including but not limited to those listed in Table 1, or any materials which may interfere with the biological processes or the efficiency of the treatment works or which will pass through the system.
Editor's Note: See 33 U.S.C. § 1317.
Stormwater. Discharge of stormwater, including surface water and groundwater from sump pumps, cellar drains and roof drains, into the treatment works from any source.
Discolored materials. Wastes with color which would cause the treatment works to exceed water quality standards.
Substances interfering with sludge management. Any substance which may cause the publicly owned treatment work's (POTW's) sludge to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse or to interfere with the reclamation process where the POTW is pursuing a reuse and reclamation program. In no case shall a substance discharged to the POTW cause the POTW to be in noncompliance with sludge use or disposal criteria, guidelines or regulations developed under Section 405 of the Act;[3] any criteria, guidelines or regulations affecting sludge use or disposal developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act[4] or the New Jersey Guidelines for the Utilization and Disposal of Municipal and Industrial Sludges and Septage.
Editor's Note: See 33 U.S.C. § 1345.
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq., 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq., and 15 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq., respectively.
Corrosive wastes. Any waste which will cause corrosion or deterioration of the treatment works. All wastes discharged to the treatment works must have a pH value in the range of 6.0 to 8.5 standard units; prohibited materials include but are not limited to acids, alkalies, sulfides, concentrated chloride and fluoride compounds and substances which will react with water to form acidic or alkaline products which have a pH value that does not fall within the range stated above.
Heat. Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the treatment works, resulting in interference or causing damage, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature exceeds 65° C. (150° F.) at the point of discharge at the MUA collection system, unless the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE), upon request of the POTW, approves alternate temperature limits.
Pathogenic bacteria (viable). Other than those normal to domestic sewage.
Discharge of any wastewater with a closed cup flash point under 60° C., pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-21.2, is prohibited.
[Added 10-3-2005 by Res. No. 2005-30]
The discharge of hauled wastewater is prohibited, except as specifically permitted by the Authority.
[Added 10-3-2005 by Res. No. 2005-30]
Table I represents the maximum concentrations of certain pollutants allowable in wastewater discharges to the treatment works by any user. Dilution of any wastewater discharge for the purpose of satisfying these requirements at the point of discharge, in lieu of installation of holding surge tanks, shall be considered a violation of these rules and regulations.
All users are limited by restrictions and prohibitions set forth in applicable state and federal regulations, including categorical pretreatment standards, as promulgated.
Table I
Maximum Permissible Concentration
One-Day Maximum (mg/l)
Thirty-Day Average (mg/l)
Endrin (manufacturer)
Endrin (formulator)
Toxaphene (manufacturer)
Toxaphene (formulator)
Benzidine (manufacturer)
Benzidine (dye applicators)
* = Prohibited from discharge.
The characteristics, per sample, of sewage and wastes discharged into the treatment works shall not exceed the following standards in mg/l:
Suspended solids
Total solids
Cyanide as Cn
Chromium as Cr
Copper as Cu
Iron as Fe
Nickel as Ni
Zinc as Zn
Boron as B
Lead as Pb
Ether soluble matter
Arsenic as As
Aluminum sulfate
Cadmium as Cd
Silver as Ag
Selenium as Se
Mercury as Hg
Grease and oil
Pet. hydrocarbons
Surfactants, active agents or synthetic detergents, shall be of an approved type with a high degree of biodegradability.
Upon the effective date of the federal categorical pretreatment standard for a particular, industrial subcategory, the federal standard, if more stringent than limitations imposed under these rules and regulations for sources in that subcategory, shall immediately supersede the limitations imposed under these rules and regulations.
State requirements. State requirements and limitations on discharges shall apply in any case where they are more stringent than federal requirements and limitations or those in these rules and regulations.
Right of revision. The Riverside Sewerage Authority reserves the right to establish more pretreatment requirements if deemed necessary to safeguard its system, employees, residents and to comply with all federal and state regulations.
Dilution of discharge. No user shall ever increase the use of process water to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate pretreatment to achieve compliance with the limitations contained in the federal categorical pretreatment standards or in any other pollutant-specific limitation developed by the Authority or the state.
If wastewaters containing any substance prohibited, exceeding prescribed limits or violating restrictions imposed by these rules and regulations are discharged into the treatment works of the Authority, the Authority shall take all actions necessary to:
Prohibit the discharge of such wastewater.
Require a user to demonstrate that in-plant modifications will reduce or eliminate the discharge of such substances so as to be in conformance with these rules and regulations.
Require pretreatment, including storage facilities, or flow equalization necessary to ensure complete compliance with these rules and regulations.
Require the user making, causing or allowing the discharge to pay all the additional cost of expense incurred by the Authority for any damages caused by excess loads imposed on the treatment works.
Take such other remedial action, including discontinuation of service, as may be deemed necessary or desirable to achieve the purpose of these rules and regulations.
Users shall provide necessary wastewater treatment as required to comply with these rules and regulations and shall achieve compliance with all federal categorical pretreatment standards within the time limitations as specified by the federal pretreatment regulations. any facilities required to pretreat wastewater to a level acceptable to the Authority shall be provided, operated and maintained at the user's expense. Detailed plans, specifications and other pertinent data relating to the pretreatment facilities and operating procedure shall be submitted by the user to the Authority for review and shall be approved by the Authority before construction of the facility. The review of such plans and operating procedures will in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modifying the facility, as necessary, to produce an effluent acceptable to the Authority under the provisions of these rules and regulations. Any subsequent changes in the pretreatment facilities or method of operating shall be reported to and be acceptable to the Authority prior to the user's initiation of the changes.
Approval. Restaurants, food processing and preparation facilities, etc., producing grease and/or oil in their discharge shall install a grease trap. The grease trap shall be an approved type. The type, size and location details shall be approved by the Authority prior to its installation.
Bioaugmentation. Bacteria addition for control of grease, metals, high organic loadings and sulfides shall be added by the facility discharging the grease and/or oil. The type of bacteria additive and the amounts shall be approved by the Authority.
Operating logs. The facility shall maintain an operation log on site. The log shall detail the amounts of bacteria added, the date and time of the addition and any information concerning the waste discharges. Monthly copies of the log shall be sent to the Authority no later than the 10th of the next month.
It shall be required that all grease traps be cleaned at least once every three months. Furthermore, it shall be required that all traps must be cleaned when grease and solids accumulation in the final compartment reaches 50% or more of the wetted height of the grease trap, meaning that many traps will have to be cleaned more often than the once every three months minimum. Grease trap waste may only be removed and transported by a liquid waste hauler that is permitted by the State of New Jersey.
[Added 12-12-2022 by Res. No. 2022-47]
Copies of the waste hauler's manifest records documenting that the grease trap is being cleaned according to this required schedule must be available on the premises. Another amendment of significance is that a single grab wastewater sample will be used by the Riverside Sewerage Authority to determine compliance with the FOG limit of 200 milligrams per liter.
[Added 12-12-2022 by Res. No. 2022-47]
The failure to meet any one of these grease trap maintenance or documentation requirements would be considered a separate violation of the bylaws and resolutions of the Riverside Sewerage Authority. Violators could be subject to fines of up to $2,000 per violation per day.
[Added 12-12-2022 by Res. No. 2022-47]
Pretreatment facilities shall be maintained in good working order and operated efficiently by the owner or operator at his/her own costs and expense, subject to the requirements of these rules and regulations and all other applicable state and federal codes, ordinances and laws. It should be noted that NJDEPE regulations require pretreatment facilities to have an NJDEPE licensed operator employed full time.
Whenever it shall be necessary for the purpose of these rules and regulations, the Authority, the Commissioner and/or the Regional Administrator, upon the presentation of credentials, may enter upon any property or premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting/copying any records required to be kept under the provisions of these rules and regulations.
The Authority, the Commissioner and/or the Regional Administrator, upon presentation of credentials, may enter upon any property or premises at any time for the purpose of inspecting any monitoring equipment or method and/or measuring, sampling and/or testing any discharge of wastewater to the treatment works.
Duly authorized employees of the Authority shall observe all safety rules applicable to the premises established by the company, and the company shall be held harmless for injury or death of the Authority employees, and the Authority shall indemnify the company against loss or damage to its property by Authority employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damages asserted against the company and growing out of the gauging and sampling operation, except as such may be caused by negligence of the company.
Plans. Each user shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other substances regulated by these rules and requisitions. Facilities to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the owner's or user's own cost and expense. Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be prepared by the user and kept on file. In case of an accidental discharge, the user shall immediately make copies of the plans available to Authority personnel. The Authority, at its discretion, may request from any user copies of the plan prior to the occurrence of an accidental discharge. No user who commences contribution to the POTW after the effective date of these rules and regulations shall be permitted to introduce pollutants into the system until accidental discharge procedures have been approved by the Authority. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the industrial user from the responsibility of modifying his/her facility as necessary to meet the requirements of these rules and regulations.
Telephone notice. In the case of an accidental discharge, or if for any reason a user does not comply, or will be unable to comply, with any prohibition or limitation in these rules and regulations, the user responsible for such discharge shall immediately telephone and notify the Authority of the incident. The notification shall include location of the discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume. Furthermore, such user shall take immediate action to contain the problem within the facility and minimize the discharge in order to prevent interference with the treatment process and/or damage to the treatment works.
Written notice. Within five days following the accidental or noncomplying discharge, the user shall submit to the Authority a detailed written report describing the date, time and cause of the discharge, the quantity and characteristics of the discharge and corrective action taken at the time of the discharge, and the measures taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to the sewer system or treatment works, fish kills or any other damage to person or property, nor shall such notification relieve the user of any fines, civil penalties or other liability which may be imposed by this article or other applicable law.
Procedures. Each user shall establish and furnish to the Authority a procedure to provide the above referenced notification procedures along with names and telephone numbers of personnel involved.
Notice to employees. A notice shall be permanently posted on the user's bulletin board or other prominent place advising employees of the procedure to be followed in the event of a dangerous discharge. Employers shall ensure that all employees who may cause or suffer such a dangerous discharge to occur are advised of the emergency notification procedure.
[Added 10-3-2005 by Res. No. 2005-30]
Throughout the Authority's Rules and Regulations, the Authority adopts the Department's definition of "significant indirect user" (SIU), as set forth in the Department's regulations at N.J.A.C. 7:14A-1.2.
Throughout the Authority's Rules and Regulations, any user of the sewerage system who is planning changes which will cause the user to become a significant indirect user (an SIU) must advise the Authority, in writing, at least 180 days prior to the intended date of the change.
For any user who becomes an SIU as a result of a regulatory change or a DEP decision, and for any user who becomes an SIU as a result of unplanned changes (e.g., by reason of a gradual increase in production), the user must advise the Authority, in writing, upon discovering that it is an SIU.