[HISTORY: Adopted by the Riverside Sewerage Authority 9-5-2003 by Res. No. 2003-33. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Riverside Water Reclamation Authority or its designee, as appointed by the Chairman.
The owner of the premises to be serviced.
The Authority-owned or leased piping and appurtenances in or along public highways and streets, or along a privately owned right-of-way, used for the transmission or the collection of domestic sewage or industrial waste from Authority customers.
Connection fees. The initial fee for the right to connect directly or indirectly to the Authority's sanitary sewerage system shall include a connection charge, which is a fixed charge per unit, as well as such other fees as set forth in the Authority's Rules and Regulations, which must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction.
Residential: $4,700 per unit, plus $35 inspection fee.
[Amended 9-12-2005 by Res. No. 2005-25A; 7-9-2007 by Res. No. 2007-21; 8-13-2007 by Res. No. 2007-23; by Res. No. 2012-01]
Multiple-dwelling units: $4,7000 per unit, plus $35 inspection fee.
[Amended 9-12-2005 by Res. No. 2005-25A; 7-9-2007 by Res. No. 2007-21; 8-13-2007 by Res. No. 2007-23; by Res. No. 2012-01]
Nonresidential. All nonresidential users shall pay a connection fee of $4,700, or an amount equal to the estimated daily average flow times $23.18 per gallon per day, whichever is greater.
[Amended 9-12-2005 by Res. No. 2005-25A; 7-9-2007 by Res. No. 2007-21; 8-13-2007 by Res. No. 2007-23; by Res. No. 2012-01]
Treatment works or other permit approval.
[Added 10-18-2004 by Res. No. 2004-29]
Any developer who requires a treatment works approval or other permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in order to obtain sanitary sewage capacity from the Authority shall pay the Authority's sanitary sewer connection fee prior to the date when the Authority issues its approval of the treatment works approval or other DEP permit application. In addition, the developer shall deposit with the Authority an appropriate dollar amount, to be held in escrow by the Authority, pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40:14A-7.3 et seq., for professional services employed by the Authority with respect to the calculation, collection, and refund of connection fees. The dollar amount for the Authority's professional services shall be calculated by the Authority consistent with law and with the Authority's rules and regulations.
Upon payment of the total dollar amount of the connection fee by the developer, 20% of the total dollar amount shall be immediately payable to the Authority. Interest shall accrue upon the remaining 80% of the total dollar amount until such time as the developer receives the treatment works approval or other permit from DEP, or until such time as the treatment works approval or other DEP permit expires or is cancelled, as set forth below. Fifty percent of the accrued interest shall be retained by the Authority, and the balance of the accrued interest shall be paid to the developer.
Consistent with DEP requirements, upon issuance by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection of a permit to construct the sanitary sewer improvements for the construction project, the developer must begin building, installing, or modifying, as appropriate, the subject sanitary sewer improvements within the initial approval period (two years from the date when DEP issued the approval). If the building, installing, or modifying of the subject sanitary sewer improvements has not begun within the initial approval period, and the expiration date of the treatment works approval or other DEP permit has not been extended pursuant to DEP regulations, the treatment works approval or other DEP permit will be cancelled by the Authority. Upon expiration or cancellation of the treatment works approval or other DEP permit for any reason, the Authority will refund 80% of the total dollar amount of the connection fee that was paid by the developer for the project.
Service connections.
Owner's service line. The owner shall make the physical connection to the Authority's main as well as furnish, install, and maintain the service line from the main to the structure, all of which shall remain the sole responsibility of the owner. The applicant shall pay a connection charge for each connection to be installed as prescribed in § 14-2A, Connection fees.
Size and kind of service lateral. The Authority reserves the right to determine the size and kind of the service lateral from the main to the curbline, from the curbline to the property to be served, or from the main in a right-of-way to the property to be served. Laterals of all sizes shall be constructed in accordance with the Authority's specifications. The service lateral from the main to the building shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the owner of the property, shall be laid in a straight line from the point of connection at the main to the structure and shall be at least four feet, where possible, below the surface of the ground when final grading of the property has been completed. The service lateral between the main and the vent installed and maintained by the owner shall be installed by the contractor approved by the Authority and shall be inspected and approved by the Authority's inspector prior to backfilling the trench. Otherwise, any connection not approved shall be immediately removed and reconstructed in an approved manner.
Separate trench. No service lateral shall be laid in the same trench with any gas pipe, water service, or any other facility of any public utility, nor within three feet of any open excavation, vault, meter pit, nor shall the location be in conflict with any sidewalk or driveway running at right angles to the front of the building.
Renewal or repair of service lateral. Where the renewal of the service from the main to the structure is necessary, the owner will renew the service for a fee of $125 to cover the cost of inspection, etc., in the prior location unless a new location has been approved by the Authority.
[Amended 12-10-2007 by Res. No. 2007-28; 1-14-2008 by Res. No. 2008-01; 3-10-2008 by Res. No. 2008-17; 3-10-2008 by Res. No. 2008-18; 4-9-2018 by Res. No. 2018-17]
Maintenance by customer. All connections, service laterals and fixtures furnished by the customer shall be maintained by the customer in good order. All leaks in the service lateral or any fixture for the premises served must be repaired immediately by the owner or occupant of the premises. The customer shall be responsible for notifying the Authority of the party engaged by said customer to do any maintenance work in the customer's service lateral prior to the work being commenced, and said party shall not backfill any trench until the work has been inspected and approved by the Authority's representative. Any work not acceptable shall be immediately removed and replaced by work which is acceptable.
Prohibited connections.
Under no circumstances will any of the following be connected to the sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly:
Area drains, yard drains, or subsurface drains.
Rain conductors, downspouts, or roof drains.
Grease pits.
Air-conditioning equipment.
Stormwater inlets or catch basins.
Drains from equipment or manufacturing process, except when specifically authorized by the Authority.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Res. No. 2021-17]
For new connections to the sewerage system which are to be charged to public housing authorities, to nonprofit organizations building affordable housing projects, and to any other affordable housing, including affordable housing units in inclusionary projects, there shall be a 50% reduction in the connection fee or tapping fee assessed to the unit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:14B-22.3.
Sewer service will not be considered as a service subject to being shut off except in cases of demolition, fire, flooding, or by order of the Health Department for vacating the building for health reasons.
Service may be discontinued by the Authority for any of the following reasons:
Misrepresentation in the application.
Discharge of wastewater detrimental to the Authority's system.
Discharge of wastewater from any other property or for a purpose other than that described in the application.
Violation of any rules of the Authority.
No plumber, owner, tenant, or other unauthorized person shall disconnect or remove the sewer connection without the consent of the Authority.
Should it be necessary to seal off an existing lateral connection to the Riverside Sewerage Authority collector mains due to any of the above reasons, the owner shall obtain a permit and appeal form from the Sewerage Authority representative to witness the capping off of the sewer outlet. The capping/sealing shall be at the main, using a stainless steel Fernco double band tightened to the manufacturer's recommendation of sixty-inch pound torque. All work shall be done by a plumber licensed with the State of New Jersey. Twenty-four hours' notice shall be given for inspection. Inspection shall be done by the Superintendent of the Riverside Sewerage Authority, the Riverside Sewerage Authority Inspector or any other person authorized by the Riverside Sewerage Authority. All permits and appeal forms shall be filed in the office of the Secretary. Removal of sewer charges will be considered by the Sewer Authority at its next scheduled meeting.
[Amended 12-14-2015 by Res. No. 2015-43]
Disconnecting and sealing existing laterals..
[Amended 7-9-2007 by Res. No. 2007-20]
The Authority's approved method of disconnecting and sealing an existing lateral shall be as follows:
Excavate around the cleanout/vent located at the curb to expose the service; and
Remove the tee and riser pipe; and
Seal the existing lateral service to the Authority's sanitary sewer main using a Fernco Qwik Cap with stainless steel clamp, tightened to the manufacturer's recommendation of sixty-inch pounds torque; and
The contractor/plumber performing the service must have the properly executed disconnect permit on-site for review and approval by the Authority's inspector; and
Backfill the trench after approval by the Authority's inspector.
If it becomes necessary for Authority employees to perform the services describe in this section, a flat rate charge of $250 will be billed against the property and/or all responsible parties, plus a charge of $100 for administration and inspection fees.
Any alternate method of sealing the lateral must be approved by the Authority prior to service disconnection and inspection.
A disconnection fee of $125 will be required to cover the cost of inspection, etc.
[Amended 12-14-2015 by Res. No. 2015-41]
Upon application and payment of the standard connection fee, the disconnected lateral will be reconnected following the standard procedures for the application of a new connection.
All outstanding bills must be paid to the Authority before reconnection of a lateral is permitted.
The fee for the reconnection of a capped or plugged lateral shall be the same as those in § 14-2A.
The sewer inspector shall be provided with a minimum of 48 hours' notice by the owner or contractor for a requested sewer inspection. The sewer inspection shall not be performed unless the contractor or owner shall provide the sewer inspector with a sanitary sewer permit signed by the secretary of the Authority certifying that all fees have been paid.
In the event of an emergency, the sewer inspector is hereby authorized to exercise the inspector's discretion to perform the inspection conditioned upon payment of the necessary inspection fee within 48 hours of the inspection.
The owners or designated representative shall obtain an inspection and appeal form from the Authority for a fee of $30.
[Amended 4-9-2018 by Res. No. 2018-19]
The inspection and appeal permit form must be completed and presented to the Authority at its regular monthly meeting for approval.
Inspection permit to inspect any plumbing fixtures, water lines, or drains required to be removed or capped off shall be in accordance with all applicable plumbing codes.
The Authority reserves the right to change or amend, from time to time, these rules and regulations establishing connection and related fees.
The consolidation of resolutions concerning charges, rules and regulations relating to the connection with and the use of the sewerage system of the Authority is intended as a compilation of the existing resolutions relating to the subjects contained herein.