This division is entitled the "Town of Whitewater Town Assessor Ordinance."
The Town Board of the Town of Whitewater has the specific authority, powers and duties pursuant to §§ 60.10 and 60.307, Wis. Stats., and has, with authorization of the Town Meeting, additional statutory authority, powers and duties related to Assessors. This authority does not apply to any town within the jurisdiction of a county assessor under § 70.99, Wis. Stats.
The Town Board of the Town of Whitewater has, by the adoption of this division, confirmed the specific statutory authority, powers and duties established in Chs. 60, 66, 70 and 79, Wis. Stats., and has established, pursuant to these chapters and this division, other statutory authority, powers and duties of the Town Assessor of the Town of Whitewater. (§ 60.01 et seq., Wis. Stats.)
The Town Board of the Town of Whitewater has created an appointed assessor system. The Town Assessor of the Town of Whitewater shall be appointed by the Town Board of the Town of Whitewater for a term as to be decided by the Board not exceeding five years.
The Town Assessor of the Town of Whitewater shall have all the statutory authority, powers and duties for property tax assessment required of the Town Assessor pursuant to Chs. 60, 66, 70 and 79, Wis. Stats. (§ 60.01 et seq., Wis. Stats.)