[Adopted 12-15-2021]
As used in this article the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
A form-fitted default free cover specifically designed and manufactured for motor vehicles and which completely shields the body of an inoperable vehicle from view, and, in the agricultural zoning districts, can include a tarpaulin or other cover that completely shields the body of an inoperable vehicle from view.
Shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Code of Virginia, § 46.2-698(B).
Shall apply to:
Any vehicle which is not in operating condition;
Any vehicle which for a period of 60 days or longer has been partially or totally disassembled by the removal of tires and wheels, the engine, or other essential parts required for operation of the vehicle; or
Any vehicle on which there are displayed neither valid license plates nor a valid inspection decal.
Farm use vehicles shall not be considered inoperable solely for failure to display valid license plates and a valid inspection decal.
Every vehicle as defined in this section that is self-propelled or designed for self-propulsion except as otherwise provided in this title. Any structure designed, used, or maintained primarily to be loaded on or affixed to a motor vehicle to provide a mobile dwelling, sleeping place, office, or commercial space shall be considered a part of a motor vehicle. Except as otherwise provided, for the purposes of this article, any device defined by state law as a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, motorized skateboard or scooter, moped, or personal delivery device shall be deemed not to be a motor vehicle.
Every vehicle of the trailer type so designed and used in conjunction with a motor vehicle that some part of its own weight and that of its own load rests on or is carried by another vehicle.
The inoperable vehicle is not visible by someone standing at ground level from any vantage point outside of the property on which the inoperable vehicle is located because of one or more of the following:
Distance, terrain, or one or more buildings between the inoperable vehicle and the parcel boundary;
Evergreen vegetation;
An opaque masonry wall;
A wood fence of stockade, board and batten, panel or similar type design; or
Any combination of the foregoing.
Every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers wholly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle, including manufactured homes.
Every device in, on or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a highway, except personal delivery devices and devices moved by human power or used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any inoperable motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer on any property zoned for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes except as provided herein:
In all zoning districts, such inoperable vehicle(s) may be kept within a fully enclosed building or structure; and
In areas zoned residential, one such inoperable vehicle may be kept if it is under a cover, and a maximum of two such inoperable vehicles may be kept if they are shielded or screened from view, including any vehicle that is under a cover; and
In areas zoned agricultural, a maximum of nine such inoperable vehicles may be kept so long as no more than five of said vehicles are visible by someone standing at ground level from outside of the property on which the subject vehicles are located, and the remaining vehicles are shielded or screened from view.
The owners of property zoned for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes shall remove therefrom any such inoperable vehicles that are kept in violation of this section within 30 days of receipt of written notice thereof from the county. If a property owner fails to comply with this subsection, the county, through its own agents or employees, may remove any such inoperable vehicles. In the event the county, through its own agents or employees, removes any such inoperable vehicle pursuant to this subsection, the county may dispose of such inoperable vehicle no sooner than 15 days after giving written notice to the owner of the inoperable vehicle.
The cost of the removal and disposal described in Subsection B above shall be chargeable to the owner of the inoperable vehicles or premises and may be collected by the county as taxes are collected. Every cost authorized by this section with which the owner of the premises has been assessed shall constitute a lien against the property from which the inoperable vehicle was removed, the lien to continue until actual payment of such costs has been made to the county.
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, if the owner of an inoperable vehicle can demonstrate that he is actively restoring or repairing the inoperable vehicle, and if it is shielded or screened from view, the inoperable vehicle and one additional inoperative vehicle that is shielded or screened from view and being used for the restoration or repair may remain on the property.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to a licensed business which on June 26, 1970, was regularly engaged in business as an automobile dealer, salvage dealer or scrap processor.
Violations of this article shall be subject to a civil penalty for any one violation of $50 for the initial summons and $100 for each additional summons. Each day during which the violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. However, specified violations arising from the same operative set of facts shall not be charged more frequently than once in any ten-day period, and a series of specified violations arising from the same operative set of facts shall not result in civil penalties which exceed a total of $5,000.
Civil penalties shall preclude the prosecution of a violation as a criminal misdemeanor; provided, however, that when such civil penalties total $5,000 or more, the violation may be prosecuted as a criminal misdemeanor. Further, violations shall be a Class 3 misdemeanor in the event three civil penalties have previously been imposed on the same defendant for the same or similar violation, not arising from the same set of operative facts, within a twenty-four-month period. Classifying such subsequent violations as criminal offenses shall preclude the imposition of civil penalties for the same violation.
The Zoning Administrator or his deputy may issue a civil summons as provided by law for a scheduled violation. Any person summoned or issued a ticket for a scheduled violation may make an appearance in person or in writing by mail to the department of finance or the treasurer of the locality prior to the date fixed for trial in court. Any person so appearing may enter a waiver of trial, admit liability, and pay the civil penalty established for the offense charged. Such persons shall be informed of their right to stand trial and that a signature to an admission of liability will have the same force and effect as a judgment of court.
If a person charged with a scheduled violation does not elect to enter a waiver of trial and admit liability, the violation shall be tried in the general district court in the same manner and with the same right of appeal as provided for by law. In any trial for a scheduled violation authorized by this section, it shall be the burden of the county to show the liability of the violator by a preponderance of the evidence. If the violation remains uncorrected at the time of the admission of liability or finding of liability, the court may order the violator to abate or remedy the violation in order to comply with the article. Except as otherwise provided by the court for good cause shown, any such violator shall abate or remedy the violation within a period of time as determined by the court, but not later than six months of the date of admission of liability or finding of liability. Each day during which the violation continues after the court-ordered abatement period has ended shall constitute a separate offense. An admission of liability or finding of liability shall not be a criminal conviction for any purpose.
State law reference(s) — Authority for above section, Code of Virginia, §§ 15.2-904, 15.2-2209.