[Added 3-8-2023 by L.L. No. 4-2023]
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the CBM District:
Same as the BB District.
Two-family residences.
The following uses shall be permitted in the CBM District by a special permit issued by the Board of Trustees and shall be subject to the provisions of Article XIII:
Same as the BB District, except retail cannabis business shall be limited to the BB Zone District only. Retail cannabis business shall not be permitted in the CBM, Residential, Waterfront, Riverfront or Business A Zone Districts.
[Amended 12-12-2023 by L.L. No. 8-2023]
Multiple dwellings, subject to the following conditions:
The architectural appearance of the proposed structure incorporates common architectural elements present throughout the downtown. At a minimum, the horizontal spacing, vertical to horizontal proportions and alignment of windows should be harmonious and compatible with adjacent structures fronting on Piermont Avenue. Additionally, buildings with front facades that are wider than 50 feet should be broken up into segments no wider than 50 feet, each differentiated by articulation of setbacks, roofline or roof style, cladding materials, colors, or architectural style.
The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in the CBM District:
Same as the BB District.
The following uses shall be permitted accessory signs in the CBM District:
Same as the BB District.
The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in the CBM District:
Same as the BB District.
The following bulk regulations shall apply in the CBM District:
One-family dwellings:
Minimum lot area: 1,700 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 25 feet.
Required front yard setback: zero feet.
Minimum side yard setback: zero feet, but 10 feet where provided.
Minimum total side setback: zero feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 35 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio: 1.0.
Two-family dwellings:
Minimum lot area: 2,500 square feet, 1,250 square feet per dwelling unit.
Minimum lot width: 25 feet.
Required front yard setback: zero feet.
Minimum side yard setback: zero feet, but 10 feet where provided.
Minimum total side setback: zero feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 35 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio: 1.0.
Multiple dwellings:
Minimum lot area: 3,750 square feet, 1,250 square feet per dwelling unit.
Minimum lot width: 25 feet.
Required front yard setback zero feet.
Minimum side yard setback: zero feet, but 10 feet where provided.
Minimum total side setback: zero feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet.
Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 35 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio: 1.0.
All other uses:
Minimum lot area: 1,700, 1,250 square feet per dwelling unit.
Minimum lot width: 25 feet.
Required front yard setback: zero feet.
Minimum side yard setback: zero feet, but 10 feet where provided.
Minimum total side setback: zero feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: zero feet.
Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 35 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio: 1.0.