[Ord. 727, 7/14/1992]
Borough of Myerstown.
Uncontaminated, nonwater-soluble, nondecomposable inert solid material used to level an area or bring the area to grade The term does not include material placed into or on waters of the Commonwealth.
An establishment engaged in nonmanufacturing or nonprocessing business, including, but not limited to, stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers and theaters.
Solid waste resulting from the construction or demolition of buildings and other structures including, but not limited to, wood, plaster, metals, asphaltic substances, bricks, block, and unsegregated concrete. The term also includes dredging waste. The terms do not include the following if they are separate from other waste and are used as clean fill:
Uncontaminated soil, rock, stone, gravel, used and unused brick and block, and concrete.
Waste from land cleaning, grubbing, and excavation, including trees, brush, stumps, and vegetable material.
A portable device in which refuse is held for storage or transportation.
The animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of foods.
An establishment engaged in manufacturing or processing including, but not limited to, factories, foundries, mills, processing plants, refineries, and slaughterhouses.
An establishment engaged in service including, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, schools, and universities.
The Borough of Myerstown or an authority created by it.
Garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom, or other office waste and other material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material resulting from operation of residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, or institutional establishments and from community activities, and sludge not meeting the definition of residual or hazardous waste from a municipal, commercial, or institutional water supply treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, or air pollution control facility.
Permanent building or fixed mobile home that is currently being used on a regular or temporary basis for human habitation.
Any person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
The collection, separation, recovery, and sale or reuse of metals, glass, paper, plastics, and other materials which would otherwise be disposed of or processed as municipal waste.
The term “refuse” shall be interpreted to mean all solid wastes including garbage, all discarded articles or materials, except sewage and liquid wastes and including ashes and combustible and noncombustible waste. Refuse shall not include materials that are recyclable and have been separated and properly stored for recycling purposes in an approved receptacle or container.
Materials that are separated from municipal waste at the point of origin for the purpose of recycling.
Municipal waste that requires the application of special storage, collection, transportation, processing, or disposal techniques due to the quantity of material generated or its unique physical, chemical, or biological characteristics. The term includes sewage sludge, infectious waste, chemotherapeutic waste and ash from a municipal waste incinerator facility.
Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions including marshes, bogs, swamps, and similar areas. The term includes, but is not limited, to wetland areas listed in the State Water Plan, the United States Forest Service Wetlands Inventory of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Plan, the United States Fish and Wildlife National Wetland Inventory and wetland designated by a river basin commission.
[Ord. 727, 7/14/1992]
Preparation of Refuse.
All garbage before being placed in refuse containers shall be drained free from all liquids and shall be wrapped in several thicknesses of papers or placed in water-tight plastic bags.
All refuse shall be drained of any liquid before being deposited for collection.
All cans and bottles, whether or not they are to be recycled, which have contained food shall be thoroughly drained before being deposited for collection.
Tree trimmings, hedge clippings, old newspapers, and similar materials, which can not be conveniently placed in the aforementioned containers, shall be baled, tied, or sacked in compact bundles under three feet in length and placed in a location easily accessible to the collector.
Refuse Containers.
Refuse containers shall be kept as sanitary as possible and shall be thoroughly cleansed by the owner periodically after collection. Said container shall be in good condition and structurally sound, not likely to injure the collector or his employees, or hamper the prompt collection of refuse. Defective containers shall be replaced upon notice.
Containers shall be made of rust-resistant material, be water-tight, vermin proof, and fly tight, be provided with a water-tight cover, and have handles on the side.
No person shall use a refuse container having a capacity of more than 32 gallons or less than 10 gallons. However, in the case of multi-family dwellings of three or more families, commercial and industrial establishments, storage may be permitted in approved commercial-sized containers (dumpsters).
One- or Two-Family Dwellings. All containers shall be provided by the owner, tenant, or occupant of the premises. If containers for more than one person are collected from one premises, the container shall be properly identified.
Three or more family dwellings. All refuse containers shall be provided by the owner. If containers for more than one person are collected from one premises, the containers shall be properly identified, unless a dumpster is provided for the premises.
It is desirable that the owner, tenant or occupant of the premises provide racks or holders, for all refuse containers, convenient for both the householder and the refuse collection crew. The rack shall be made of a durable metal or wood. It shall be constructed to provide for the can, a minimum of 12 inches clearance from the ground, unless a concrete slab or other easily cleanable storage area is provided.
It shall be the duty of the refuse collector to handle all containers carefully and to replace the lid on containers after each collection. Failure to do so after notice by the Borough shall constitute a violation of this ordinance.
Storage of Garbage and Refuse.
[Amended by Ord. No. 864, 10/12/2021]
No person shall throw or deposit any garbage or refuse in any stream or any body of water or wetlands.
No person shall place any garbage or refuse in any street, alley, or other public place, or upon any private property within the Borough limits except if such garbage or refuse is placed in a proper refuse container for collection. These prohibitions shall not apply in regard to the following:
Manure, fertilizer, and refuse used as fertilizer in farming or gardening.
Solid wastes generated by or resulting from industrial plants or operations.
Soil, earth, sand, clay, gravel, loam, ashes, slate, stones, bricks, plaster, and cement, when used as fill, provided it is done in a safe, sanitary, and nuisance-free manner.
Garbage and refuse containers shall not be placed or stored on the front porch, front yard, private sidewalk, or on the public sidewalk. Garbage and refuse containers may be placed along the street's curbline on the evening prior to the property's designated collection day and shall be removed within 24 hours.
Any unauthorized accumulation of refuse on any premises is declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited. Failure to remove any existing accumulation of refuse within 30 days after notice from the Borough shall be deemed a violation of this Part.
Firewood may be stored and kept on the premises but it shall be cut and stored in a manner that does not create a nuisance or create a harborage for rodents. If stored firewood shall cause a nuisance or create a harborage for rodents, the owner of the stored firewood shall abate the nuisance or eliminate the harborage.
[Ord. 727, 7/14/1992]
Place of Collection. Refuse containers, for collection purposes, shall be placed at ground level on the property, not within the right-of-way of a street or alley, and easily accessible from the side of the street or alley from which collection is made, except where an agreement exists with the collector to collect from a basement or porch or other suitable place.
Frequency of Collection.
Refuse shall be collected at least once weekly, except where more frequent collection is deemed necessary because of the amount of refuse generated between normal scheduled collections.
Hotels, restaurants, and other such businesses shall have no less than semi-weekly collections, or more frequently if the amount or nature of the refuse makes more frequent collection necessary.
[Ord. 727, 7/12/1992; as amended by Ord. 793, 7/10/2007]
No person, except collectors who are authorized by the County of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, shall collect any garbage, municipal waste or refuse within the Borough of Myerstown. All collectors shall comply with all regulations and requirements as established by the County of Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 727, 7/14/1992]
All vehicles used for the collection of garbage and refuse shall have enclosed compactor-type bodies.
In extenuating circumstances collection of garbage and refuse will be permitted by truck-mounted dumpsters with lids. Said garbage and refuse shall be transferred to vehicles with compactor-type bodies for transport to an approved landfill place of disposal.
[Ord. 727, 7/14/1992]
No person shall hereafter dispose of any garbage or refuse collected within the Borough of Myerstown except by conveyance to an approved place of disposal.
After the date of enactment of this Part, any refuse disposal within the Borough of Myerstown, except as provided herein, shall constitute a violation of this Part, and shall be punishable as herein prescribed.
[Ord. 727, 7/14/1992; as amended by Ord. 818, 12/10/2013]
The Borough of Myerstown shall notify a person in writing of the violation of this Part. Unless otherwise specified in this Part, the time limit to correct the violation or desist from further violation of this Part shall vary from one day to 30 days; the notice period shall be set by the Mayor. However, the Borough Health Officer shall enforce this Part unless the Mayor shall notify the Health Officer in writing that he or she will be assuming the enforcement of this Part. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Health Officer, the Mayor shall enforce this Part.
In the event a person notified of a violation fails to correct the violation or desists from further violation of this Part within the time limit set for compliance, the Borough may correct such violation and bill the violator for the costs of such correction in accordance with the Borough Code, 53 P.S. § 45101 et seq. In the event the violator does not pay the bill rendered to him by the Borough within 30 days, the Borough, shall collect this bill by the filing of a municipal claim or civil action.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a magisterial district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
The Borough shall have the discretion to proceed according to any, some, or all of the remedies above or the discretion not to proceed with measures for enforcement.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
Legislative History. This Part is adopted pursuant to Article 1, § 27, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, and Act of Assembly, July 28, 1988, No. 101, 53 P.S. 4001.101 et seq., for the following purposes:
Whereas, § 27 of Article I of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides that the people have the right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic values of the environment Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.
Whereas, the Act of July 28, 1988, No. 101, known as the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Act, 53 P.S. § 4000.101 et seq., provides that each municipality of the Commonwealth shall have the power and duty to adopt and implement programs for the collection and recycling of municipal waste or source-separated recyclable materials.
Whereas, conservation of recyclable materials has become an important public concern because of the growing problem of solid waste disposal and its impact on our environment.
Whereas, the County’s designated solid waste landfill benefits greatly from municipal recycling programs.
Whereas, there is an increasing necessity to conserve our natural resources.
Whereas, the collection of recyclable materials form residences and commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments promotes the general public interest.
Whereas, the adoption and implementation of recycling will affect the conservation of natural resources, the protection of the right of the people to clean air, pure water, and preservation of the environment.
Short Title. This Part shall be known as the Borough of Myerstown “Recycling Ordinance” and the same may be cited in that manner.
Purpose. The Borough of Myerstown recognizing the reclamation of recyclable materials has become an important method for addressing the growing solid waste disposal problem through conservation of landfill space, preservation of natural resources, and a reduction in energy consumption, does hereby authorize the storage, collection, and transportation of recyclable materials in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, the Lebanon County Solid Waste Management Plan, and this Part. This Part is intended to be an integral part of an overall system designed to facilitate recycling and foster the cooperation of the residents and business community.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
The following words and phrases when used in this Part shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this Section:
Empty all-aluminum beverage and food containers.
Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority.
Empty metal beverage or food containers consisting of steel and aluminum.
The governmental jurisdiction and legal entity of the Borough of Myerstown, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
Any establishment engaged in a non-manufacturing or non- processing business including, but not limited to, stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, and theaters. For the purposes of this agreement, multi-family dwellings, townhouses, mobile home parks, hotels, motels, mixed use properties (combined business/residential on a single parcel), and farms which use commercial dumpsters shall be considered commercial establishments. Does not include properties where primary permitted use is residential and accessory use in commercial (i.e., home) occupations.
Church, school, civic, service group, municipal functions, and all other such functions.
Structural paper material with an inner core shaped in rigid parallel furrows and ridges.
The scheduled collection and transportation of recyclable materials place at the curb line or other area designated by the collector.
The owner of any residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional property located within the Borough.
An agent acting on behalf of a municipality whose powers and responsibilities are established in the Lebanon County Solid Waste Manage ment Plan and the Lebanon County license agreement administered by the Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority.
Those specified locations, staffed or unstaffed, where recyclable materials may be taken at specified times.
One or more rooms on premises which have cooking facilities and are arranged for occupancy by one person, two or more persons living together, or one family. Each dwelling unit within a non-commercial building shall be considered an individual customer. Owners of apartments having four or more units per property shall establish a collection system for the recyclable materials at their property, which must include easily accessible locations to suitable containers for collecting and written instructions to the occupants concerning the use of the collection system. At least once a month owners of said apartments shall transport or contract to have transported the materials transported to a recycling center. On or before January 15 owners shall report to the Borough the total tonnage of recyclables collected and transported during the prior calendar year. Owners shall be liable for the non-compliance of occupants of their buildings.
The official appointed by the Myerstown Borough Council to carry out the responsibilities of administering this Part.
Bottles and jars made of clear, green, or amber glass. Expressly excluded are noncontainer glass, automobile glass, plate glass, blue glass, lead crystal, and porcelain and ceramic products.
A person who operates a refuse removal service in Lebanon County to collect, transport, and/or dispose of municipal solid waste, recyclable materials and bulk waste from residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional establish ments. (The term may be applied to a person having the exclusive right to collect within the Borough.)
Plastic bottles and jars made exclusively from non-colored high density polyethylene, such as milk and water jugs.
All white paper, bond paper, and computer paper used in commercial, industrial, institutional, and municipal establishments.
Any establishments engaging in manufacturing or processing including, but not limited to, factories, foundries, mills, processing plants, and refineries.
Any establishment engaged in service to persons including, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, schools, and universities.
Shall include, but not be limited to, automotive, truck, and industrial batteries that contain lead.
Leaves from trees, bushes, and other plants, garden residue, chipped shrubbery and tree trimmings, but not including grass clippings.
Any garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom, or office waste any other material including solid waste, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous materials resulting form the operation of residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, or institutional establishments and from community activities, and any sludge not meeting the definition of residual or hazardous waste in the Solid Waste Management Act, 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq., from a municipal, commercial, industrial, or institutional water supply treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, or air pollution control facilities. (Pennsylvania Act 101, § 103).
All paper of the type commonly referred to as newsprint and distributed at fixed intervals having printed thereon news and opinions, containing advertisements and other matters of public interest. Expressly excluded are newspapers which are wet, yellowed, or soiled and color comics and glossy and colored advertising inserts.
An individual, partnership, corporation, association, institution, cooperative enterprise, Borough authority, Federal government or agency, State institution or agency, or any other legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
Plastic soda bottles composed of the polymer PET.
Shall mean source-separated recyclable materials, including materials listed in § 1501 of Act 101, and materials identified by the municipality to be recycled.
(See “dwelling unit”).
Empty all-steel food and beverage containers.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
Those recyclable materials separated under the provisions of this Part shall not be considered municipal waste and shall not be subject to provisions of Borough ordinances which require disposal of municipal solid waste at the Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority facilities by a hauler.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
The Borough hereby establishes a program for the mandatory separation of recyclables from municipal waste by residential dwellings, and commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments. Said recyclable materials shall be set forth in rules and regulations to be promulgated, and amended, from time to time by resolution of the Borough.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
All recyclable materials generated within the Borough shall be collected by a refuse hauler. Commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments may utilize an individual recycling program in conformance with § 20-206 at no additional cost to the residents.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
Commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments conducting their own recycling programs, not in conjunction with a hauler for the collection of municipal waste and recyclables, shall file with the Borough or its designated agent and have approved by the Borough or its designated agent, plans for individual recycling programs which provide for, at a minimum, the recycling of items listed in rules and regulations for the recycling program.
In addition to filing an individual recycling plan, commercial, industrial, and institutional customers who choose to establish an individual recycling program are required to submit annually to the Borough or its designated agent, weigh slips or other certification which show by weight and type of material recycled by that establishment. If weigh slips are not used, the form of certification requires the prior approval of the Borough or its designated agent. Required information is due within 30 days of the end of the reporting period designated in the regulations for the recycling program.
An individual recycling plan for commercial, industrial, or institutional establishments shall provide the following information:
Applicant’s company name, address, telephone number, contact person, and owner’s name.
Company name, address, telephone number, and contact person for entity providing the recycling service.
Description of materials to be recycled, frequency of collection, method of storage and how service will be provided.
Form of certification to assure proper disposal of recyclable materials.
Municipality in which the establishment is located.
Other information as may be required by the Borough or its designated agent which is intended to assure the proper disposal of recyclable materials.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
The Borough or its designated agent shall establish and promulgate regulations on the manner, days, and time of collection of recyclable materials, and for the bundling, handling, location, and time of placement of such materials for collection. Regulations shall be promulgated for each of the programs undertaken for residential dwelling units, and commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
Lead Acid Batteries. No person shall place a used lead acid battery in mixed municipal solid waste, discard or otherwise dispose of a lead acid battery except by delivery to an automotive battery retailer or wholesaler, to a secondary lead smelter permitted by the Environment Protection Agency, or to a collection or recycling facility authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Leaf Collection. The Borough reserves the right to provide regulations concerning leaf collection by a resolution duty adopted by the Borough at a later date.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
It is understood that any recyclable materials located at the curb line are the property of the property owner. It is further understood that any recyclable materials deposited at drop-off sites, or in storage bins associated with residential dwellings, or commercial, municipal, industrial, and institutional establishments are the property of the owner. Nothing shall be deemed to impair the ownership of separated materials by the person who generated them unless and until such materials are collected or recycled. Recyclable materials deposited in containers owned by the Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority are the property of the Authority.
It shall be a violation of the Part for any person(s) to collect or remove or cause to be collected or removed any such recyclable materials specified by the Borough rules and regulations unless authorized by the Borough, or its designated agent. Each such collection in violation hereof shall constitute a separate and distinct offense punishable as outlined in § 20-212.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
The Council shall appoint an enforcement officer or officers to enforce and administer the provisions of this Part.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003]
Any person may donate or sell recyclable materials to individuals or organizations authorized by the Borough Otherwise, such materials are to be placed at curbside, in drop-off facilities or storage bins or similar authorized locations for collection by the hauler as applicable. Drop-off facilities may be sited for use by residents of Lebanon County, outside of Myerstown Borough, not serviced by a curbside route, with the prior approval of the Borough.
[Ord. 777, 5/13/2003; as amended by Ord. 818, 12/10/2013]
Upon the discovery of any violation under the terms of this Part, the Borough may, through its authorized agent, give notice to the owner or occupant of a violation hereunder, either by personal delivery to such owner or occupant, by United States mail directed to the last known address of such person or persons, as shown in the real estate registry records of the Borough, or by leaving the same on the premises where such violation occurs.
Such person shall, within seven days after the delivery, mailing or leaving of such notice, make settlement by paying to the Borough the sum of $100 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense and for the third or more offenses, $200, but not more than $1,000. The failure of such person to make a settlement, as aforesaid, within seven days, the Borough may institute an action for violation pursuant to subsection .2.
In addition to the foregoing penalty, the Borough may require any person to remove any accumulation of solid waste or secure the containers of any solid waste or recyclables within five days following receipt of a written notice, the Borough may cause the solid waste to be collected and disposed of, with the cost for such action to be charged to the owner of the property in a manner as provided by law.
Nothing contained in the Section shall affect, in any way, the provisions of this Part regarding separate offenses for every day any violation occurs.
Fines for Nonparticipation or Nonpayment. On neglect or refusal of the occupant of any dwelling serviced by curbside recycling collection; residential dwelling unit, or commercial, industrial, or institutional establishment, to separate recyclable materials from municipal solid waste and place them at curbside or sites established by the Borough or its designated agent, or make settlement in subsection .1 or upon notice as set forth in subsection .1 herein above, of violation of any other provision of this Part and upon failure to remedy the same, that person, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
Unauthorized Collection. If any person, firm, corporation, or other entity, unauthorized by the Borough or its designated agent collects or removes or causes to be collected or removed any such recyclable materials as specified in the Myerstown Borough regulations, or in violation of the provisions of this Part, such person, firm, corporation, or other entity, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
Pilfering of Collection. Containers If any person is responsible for pilfering of collection containers issued to a residence slated for either curbside collection or any other place of the Myerstown Borough Recycling Program, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and,in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense. The affected resident will be responsible for replacing any missing container through purchase from the Borough or its designated agent.
Equitable Action. Upon failure to remedy any violation of this Part which has been duty noticed in accordance with subsection .1 above, the Borough may proceed to file and prosecute an action in equity before the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County to compel compliance and for imposition and collection of any appropriate fine or penalty together with such legal fees incurred by the Borough at the hourly rate charged by the Borough’s Solicitor and as authorized by resolution.