This Section shall apply only to the Downtown Historic sub-district.
A business located in the Downtown Historic sub-district may apply for an annual license to operate within a portion of the public sidewalk located on a sidewalk abutting and within the span of the facade of the business ("Sidewalk Space") under the following conditions:
If the business is a restaurant, the restaurant's kitchen facilities must be a permitted food service establishment;
Before a business may serve alcohol for on-premises consumption within a Sidewalk Space, the restaurant operating the Sidewalk Space must conform to all requirements of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC);
The business's proposed Sidewalk Space must be contained within that portion of the sidewalk located adjacent to the front entrance and exterior wall of the business and extending across the entirety of the front, exterior wall of the business and extending across the entirety of the front, exterior wall of the premises out towards the public street to a point no more than six feet from the top, inside edge of the curb;
The proposed Sidewalk Space may not interfere with visibility and lines of sight for drivers at street corners;
All elements of the Sidewalk Space shall meet and comply with all applicable provisions of the Texas Accessibility Standards.
The following prohibitions apply to a business's Sidewalk Space:
Cooking appurtenances are prohibited in the Sidewalk Space;
Enclosed spaces are prohibited in Sidewalk Space;
Sectional fencing and barriers are not allowed in a Sidewalk Space; and
Furniture and appurtenances may not extend beyond the approved boundary of the Sidewalk Space.
Design Guidelines.
Sidewalk Space must meet the following design guidelines:
The Sidewalk Space must be open air;
The Sidewalk Space must contain removable tables, chairs, planters, or other appurtenances;
All tables, chairs, and outdoor appurtenances must be durable, waterproof, and built to withstand the weather;
Furniture and appurtenances must be maintained to the standards of the original permit for the duration and life of the Sidewalk Space;
Sidewalk Space furniture and appurtenances must be constructed of finish-grade wood, sturdy recycled materials, and metals which are galvanized, coated, or otherwise treated to resist weather and avoid oxidization;
Sofas are prohibited in Sidewalk Space; and
Furniture and appurtenances may not contain breakable plastics, unfurnished lumber, turf, upholstery not designed for outdoor use, or bare metal that is subject to oxidization.
Furniture and appurtenances used in a Sidewalk Space are subject to review and approval by City staff.
Applicants must provide all information requested in the application. The City may consider information provided in the application, the site plan, the location, the proposed use, and proposed furniture or appurtenances, the best interests of the City, and the applicants' prior history of violations of relevant City ordinances or state law.
An application for a Sidewalk Space license and for any renewals must include a current certificate of commercial general liability insurance issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Texas and in an amount acceptable to the City of Garland. The insurance policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City, and shall contain an endorsement requiring the City be given thirty (30) days' notice of cancellation.
Termination of license.
The Sidewalk Space license is subject to termination for violation of the license terms, violations of relevant laws, or the best interests of the City.
License Term.
A license to operate a Sidewalk Space shall expire one year after issuance. An applicant may submit an application to renew the license annually, subject to review of the application materials and passing an annual inspection for compliance with applicable City ordinances. The licensee shall be responsible for scheduling the annual inspection.
(Ordinance 7446 adopted 7/11/2023)