The Fire Department of the City shall consist of one Chief, as many assistant chiefs and such members as the Council may from time to time provide for, whose qualifications, hours of service and compensation shall be governed by the laws of the State, relating to Fire Departments of cities. The Manager shall nominate, and with the consent of the Council, appoint the Chief of the Fire Department, the Assistant Chief, and all firefighters.
(R.O. 1947 § 69; Ord. 1161 § I)
(Rep. by Ord. 1888, 8-1-2022)
The initial appointment of a firefighter shall be for a probationary term of six months. Thereafter, the Manager may nominate and, with the consent of the City Council, appoint such Chief, Assistant Chief, Fire Marshal and firefighters, who shall hold their respective appointments during good behavior and while they have the physical ability to perform their duties.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
The Manager may suspend the Chief, Assistant Chief, or any firefighter of the Fire Department for neglect of duty or violation of any of the rules of the Fire Department.
The Chief of the Fire Department may suspend the assistant Chief of the Fire Department or any firefighter for like cause.
The Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, with the consent of the Chief, may suspend any firefighter for a like cause.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
In all cases of suspension the person suspended must be furnished with a copy of the charge against him or her, in writing, setting forth reasons for the suspension. Such charges must be presented to the next meeting of the City Council and a hearing had thereon, when the suspended member of the Fire Department may appear in person or by counsel and make his or her defense to said charges.
Should the charges not be presented to the next meeting of the City Council after the suspension or should the charges be found not proven by the City Council, the suspended person shall be reinstated and be entitled to his or her usual compensation for the time so suspended.
If such charges are found proven by the City Council, the City Council, by a vote of a majority of the whole Council, may impose such penalties as it shall determine the offense warrants, either in continuation of the suspension for a limited time or in the removal of the suspended person from the Fire Department.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
In the event any member of the Fire Department subject to a collective bargaining agreement is disciplined, suspended, removed or discharged as a result of a decision by the City Manager, the affected firefighter may, as an alternative to the remedies available under this section, appeal said decision pursuant to the grievance and arbitration procedure contained in said collective bargaining agreement.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have sole command and control over all persons connected with the Fire Department and shall possess full power and authority over its organization, government and discipline, and to that end may from time to time establish such disciplinary rules and regulations as he or she may deem advisable, subject to the approval of the City Council. He or she shall have charge of and be responsible for the engines and other apparatus, the property of the City furnished the Fire Department, and to see that they are at all times ready for use in extinguishing of fires. The Assistant Chief of the Fire Department shall aid the Chief in the work of the Department and in his or her absence shall perform his or her duties.
(R.O. 1947 § 70)
No Fire Department company shall leave the City in case of fire in another area of Flathead County, except by order of the Manager or Acting Manager or pursuant to a duly authorized mutual aid agreement.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
It shall be unlawful:
To purposely or knowingly obstruct, hinder or impair, by using or threatening the use of violence, force or physical interference or obstacle, the prevention, control or abatement of a fire by a firefighter acting under color of such firefighter's official authority.
For any person, except a member of the Fire Department or Police Department, to enter within the lines formed at a fire by the officer in command, without permission.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
(Rep. by Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
It shall be unlawful to:
Purposely or knowingly molest, damage, or tamper with a fire alarm system within the City.
Purposely or knowingly cause a false alarm of fire or other emergency to be sent to the Fire Department or Ambulance Department of the City.
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
(Rep. by Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
The fees charged by the City of Kalispell Police and Fire Department for responding to a false alarm as set forth in Section III of Ordinance No. 1094 are hereby amended as follows:
The first false alarm in the calendar year is free;
The second false alarm in the same calendar year is $20;
The third false alarm in the same calendar year is $30;
The fourth false alarm in the same calendar year is $40; and
The fifth and any subsequent false alarm in the same calendar year is $50.
(Ord. 1311, 5-17-1999)
All members of the Kalispell Fire Department shall be eligible for and participate in the "Montana Firefighters' Unified Retirement Act."
(Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)
(Rep. by Ord. 1337, 11-1-1999)