A business district intended to set apart that portion of the city which forms the center for financial, commercial, governmental, professional and cultural activities. This district is not intended for general application throughout the planning area. This zoning district would typically be found in areas designated as commercial on the Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map.
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1768, 3-21-2016)
Athletic club
Auto parking, surface
Bed and breakfast
Banks and financial institutions
Barber and beauty services
Bus station
Car wash, auto detailing shop
Catering establishments
Community center
Day care
home (12 or fewer)
center (13 or more)
townhouse (2 attached units)
multi-family (multi-family dwellings on the second or higher floor are permitted)
Fairgrounds (public)
Food bank
Funeral homes and crematoriums
Home occupations (refer to Section 27.20.060)
Hotel, motel
Jail facilities (public)
Police and fire stations
Libraries, museums and similar cultural facilities
Laundromats or dry cleaners
Media (newspaper, radio, TV)
Media, towers and facilities (accessory)
Microbreweries, wineries, distilleries, and tasting rooms
medical with limited overnight stay
Pack and ship shops
Photographic studio
Post office
Print and copy shops
Recreation area, indoor
Repair shops (clothing, electronics)
Retail business
Safe houses
K-12 (public)
post secondary (public)
Tattoo parlors
Veterinary clinic, small animals
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1720, 1-22-2013; Ord. 1768, 3-21-2016; Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016)
Assembly halls/stadiums/convention hall facilities (includes public fair grounds, auditoriums, and racetracks)
Auto (RV, boat, motorcycle) sales and/or repair
Auto parking, structure
Auto service station
Bars, taverns and clubs (Administrative CUP)
Casino-accessory (refer to Section 27.34.040)
townhouse (3 or more attached units)
Group home
8 or fewer persons
9 or more persons
Homeless shelters
Residential care home or facility
Utilities (primary distribution site)
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1768, 3-21-2016; Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016)
Minimum Lot Area: N/A
Minimum Lot Width (ft): N/A
Minimum Yards (ft):
Front Yard: N/A
Side Yard: N/A
Side Corner: N/A
Rear Yard: N/A
Attached Garage (Front/Side Corner): 20
Accessory Structures – See Section 27.20.020
Maximum Building Height (ft): 60 (unlimited with Conditional Use Permit)
Permitted Lot Coverage (%): N/A
Off-Street Parking (refer to Chapter 27.24)
Fences (see Section 27.22.040)
Maximum Heights (ft):
Front: 4
Side: 6.5
Rear: 6.5
Side Corner: 6.5
Signs (refer to Chapter 27.22)
(Ord. 1677, 7-19-2010; amd. Ord. 1768, 3-21-2016; Ord. 1771, 6-6-2016)