A subdivision created by rent or lease, such as manufactured home parks, recreation vehicle parks, or campgrounds, is any tract of land divided by renting or leasing portions thereof. It is owned, however, as one parcel under single ownership.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Manufactured home parks, recreation vehicle parks and campgrounds are exempt from the surveying and filing requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act but must be submitted for review and approved by the Kalispell City Council before portions thereof may be rented or leased. Approval shall be based upon the criteria and standards included in these regulations.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Manufactured home parks, recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds comprised of six or more spaces, units or lots, shall comply with and shall be processed in accordance to the procedures stated in Section 28.02.06 of these regulations.
Manufactured home parks, recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds comprised of five or less spaces, units or lots, shall comply with the processing requirements stated in Section 28.02.07 or 28.02.08.
In lieu of filing a final plat, the subdivider shall submit to the Kalispell Planning Department four blue line copies and one digital copy of a plat labeled "Revised Preliminary Plat" conforming to the requirements for preliminary plats contained in Appendix A along with supplemental information. The revised preliminary plat shall show the lot layout and the typical location of the manufactured home, recreational vehicle, or other unit on the lot. The revised preliminary plat shall also show all existing and proposed buildings and structures, streets, parking and recreational area. The revised preliminary plat shall be reviewed to assure that it conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the conditions of approval of the preliminary plat. The approved revised preliminary plat shall be maintained in the Kalispell Planning Department Office and in the Office of the Clerk of the Council, City of Kalispell, Montana.
Before any portion of a rental or lease subdivision may be rented or leased, the subdivider shall have installed all required improvements. In case of a phased development, unit spaces in each phase shall be rented or leased only after all improvements pertaining to that phase are completed. Preliminary plans, profiles, tentative grades and specifications for proposed improvements shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the construction of improvements. The City may provide for inspection of all required improvements in order to assure conformance with the approved construction plans and specifications.
Manufactured home parks, recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds are required to be licensed by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
If a subdivision that will provide multiple spaces for recreational camping vehicles or mobile homes is also a "trailer court," "work camp," "youth camp," or "campground" as those terms are defined in Section 50-52-102, M.C.A., the governing body will not grant final approval of the subdivision until the subdivider obtains a license for the facility from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services under Title 50, Chapter 52, M.C.A.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Subdivisions created by rent or lease shall comply with all the provisions of Article 3, Design Standards, except where modified by this article.
The City Council may require:
Storage facilities on the lot or in compounds located within a reasonable distance.
A central area storage for parking of boats, trailers or other recreational vehicles.
Landscaping to serve as a buffer between the development and adjacent properties.
An off-street area for mail delivery.
Curbs and gutters.
Street lighting.
Management regulations.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
The City Council may waive park land dedication and cash donation requirements if the subdivider agrees to develop at least one-ninth of the area of the development as park or playground.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
No on-street parking shall be permitted on the entrance street for a distance of 100 feet from the point of entrance.
Streets within the subdivision shall be private unless otherwise required by the City Council and shall comply with the street design standards in Section 28.03.14.
Rights-of-way in excess of the roadway width shall not be required for private streets.
Streets shall be adapted to the topography and site conditions and shall have suitable alignment and gradient for traffic safety and drainage.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
Lot Requirements: All lots of manufactured home spaces in a manufactured home park shall meet the following requirements:
Manufactured home lots shall be arranged to permit the safe and practical placement and removal of manufactured homes.
The minimum lot width shall not be less than 50 feet and the minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet for single-wide manufactured homes and 6,000 square feet for double-wide manufactured homes.
Minimum Standards:
All manufactured homes shall be located at least 25 feet from any property boundary line abutting upon a public street or highway right-of-way and at least 15 feet from the other outer boundaries of the park.
All buildings, structures and manufactured homes shall be located at least 10 feet from the street providing access to it.
Lot Coverage: A manufactured home shall not occupy more than one-third of the lot area. The total area occupied by a manufactured home and its roofed accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed two-thirds of the area of the lot.
Distance Between Manufactured Homes: No manufactured home nor its attached structures, such as awnings or carports, shall be located within 20 feet of any other manufactured home or its attached structures.
Detached Accessory Structures: No detached structure, such as a storage shed, shall be located within five feet of any manufactured home or its attached structures.
Parking Spaces Required: A minimum of two parking spaces shall be provided for each manufactured home lot. In addition, guest parking at the ratio of one space for each five lots and vehicle storage parking at the ratio of one space per each 10 lots shall be provided. Each parking space shall measure nine feet by 20 feet.
Marking of Manufactured Home Lots: The limits of each manufactured home lot shall be clearly marked on the ground by permanent flush stakes, markers or other suitable means. Location of lot limits on the ground shall be approximately the same as shown on the approved plans.
Manufactured Homes to be Skirted: Each manufactured home shall be skirted within 60 days after it is moved upon a lot within the manufactured home park. Said skirting shall be of a fire resistant material complementary to that of which the manufactured home exterior is constructed and shall be attached to the manufactured home.
Electrical Systems: All electrical lines serving the subdivision shall be buried underground.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)
The provisions of this article shall apply to recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds, except as follows:
Roadway Width: The following standards shall govern the roadway widths:
A minimum 10 feet roadway width shall be provided for one-way streets or roads within the park/campground, provided such street:
Does not exceed 500 feet in length;
Has no on-street parking;
Serves 25 or less spaces.
Otherwise the following shall apply:
Twenty-four feet if no on-street parking is proposed;
Twenty-eight feet if parking is proposed on one side of the street;
Thirty-six feet if parking is proposed on both sides of the street;
Minimum centerline curvature radius of 45 feet.
Recreational Vehicle Space: The lots or recreation vehicle spaces shall meet the following standards:
Minimum Lot (Space) Width: 25 feet.
Minimum Lot (Space) Area: 1,500 square feet.
Distance Between Recreational Vehicles: The distance between the recreational vehicles shall not be less than 15 feet. This includes any fold-out or pop-out portion or awnings attached to the vehicle.
(Ord. 1707, 12-19-2011)