[HISTORY: Adopted by the County Board of Stephenson County as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-18-2023 by Res. No. 23-05-86]
In the interest of promoting professional growth, representing the County at various functions and conducting official business, it is necessary for employees and other officials to travel out of the area from time to time. Any official travel requires prior approval (two weeks in advance is recommended) from:
For County employees - the employee's department head or County Administrator.
For County Board Members - County Board Chairperson.
It is the policy of the County to reimburse only reasonable and necessary travel expenses incurred by employees, or agents of the County. The following are types of official business for which travel expenses are allowed:
Professional education;
Professional certification or training;
Professional association or club conferences;
Lobbying activities on behalf of the County;
The conduct of meetings which cannot conveniently be held within the corporate boundaries of the County; and
Such other events or occurrences as may be necessary to adequately and fully attend to the duties and responsibilities assigned to the officer or employee.
It is intended that all reasonable costs incurred as a result of authorized travel shall be reimbursed in accordance with the following guidelines:
Periodic review. The County Treasurer and Administrator shall:
Periodically review, throughout the calendar year, the current vehicle rental rates vs. the reimbursement rates for using a personal vehicle and issue travel guidelines which incurs the lowest cost to the County.
Adjust travel reimbursement amounts throughout the calendar year.
Transportation and parking. The least expensive, but most direct mode of transportation shall be used when traveling 100 miles or more out of the county for official business. County staff cars shall be used whenever possible. Reimbursement for use of personal vehicles, when authorized (see Subsection A), while on authorized business outside of the County, will be at the most current rate per mile as established by the standard federal mileage rate as published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Such payment is considered to be total reimbursement for all vehicle-related expenses (i.e., gas, oil, depreciation, etc.). Charges incurred for parking at the destination and other highway tolls are reimbursable at the actual amount. No reimbursement shall be granted for damage, repairs or towing of personal vehicles used for County business. When traveling by air, the coach fare shall apply, except in extreme cases when other timely options are not available. Under certain circumstances, the use of rental vehicles may be more economical. Whenever a vehicle is rented by an official or employee, the optional collision, liability and medical insurance offered by the car rental company shall be declined. A copy of the proof of insurance card is available at the Administration Department. Gasoline, tolls, parking and garage charges attributable to the use of rental vehicles are reimbursable.
Meals. Expenses incurred for meals, at a reasonable rate, while on official County business will be reimbursed when travel extends through a normal meal period. If the employee returns to the County later than 6:00 p.m., the employee will be entitled to a dinner allowance. Charges incurred for meals are reimbursed at the actual amount, if supported by an itemized receipt. Expenses for alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable. Banquets and/or other meals, included as part of an official program or agenda, are fully reimbursable.
Lodging. Expenses covering the cost of a motel or hotel room will be reimbursed when travel requires an overnight stay(s). Submission of an itemized receipt is required. Overnight lodging will only be reimbursed when the required travel extends beyond 40 miles from the Stephenson County Courthouse. Employees shall make every effort to get the discounted conference or convention rate, when applicable. If not applicable, the employee shall stay at the government discount rate and may not exceed their lodging per diem rate established by the U.S. General Services Administration (www.gsa.gov) for the location. If the event prompting the work-related travel does not dictate lodging at a particular motel or hotel, employees must select a hotel or motel and type of room that is reasonable. Luxury hotels, suites and the like are not considered reasonable.
Registration fees. Expenses incurred for authorized employees to attend conferences, meetings, and/or seminars that can be directly or indirectly beneficial to the County are reimbursable.
Other expenses. It is understood that official travel requires expenditures for gratuities. A 20% allowance will be reimbursable for transportation and meal tipping. Reasonable expenses incurred for taxi services, baggage storage, telephone calls, rental of equipment, recording fees, and copying fees may be reimbursed upon presentation of an itemized receipt.
Travel and expense claim. Any reimbursement due to an employee must be requested on a Travel and Expense Claim Form (Exhibit A[1]), which is available in the County Administrative Office. All itemized receipts should be attached to this claim form and should be submitted within 10 days of the employee's return. Failure to timely submit a travel and expense form, with all necessary receipts, may result in a denial of reimbursement for all or part of the expenses.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Nonreimbursable expenses. The following travel expenses shall not be reimbursed:
Any entertainment expense. The term "entertainment" includes but is not limited to shows, movies, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement, unless entertainment occurs as a pre-scheduled part of the work-related event that prompted the travel.
Costs incurred by a spouse or relative or other travel companion accompanying an employee.
Personal expenditures such as valet service (unless no other form of parking is made available at the lodging facility), laundry and cleaning, hotel in-room movies, entertainment, unless it is included with the conference registration, or side trips.
Purchase of alcohol beverages.
County-owned credit card. The County may, on occasion, grant to public officials and employees the right to use a County-owned credit card to be used for the payment of the employee's travel expenditures. Expenses paid with a County credit card should be supported by appropriate itemized receipts on a travel expense voucher. Furthermore, expenses paid by the County credit card will be subject to all the reimbursement rates and rules provided in this policy. Misuse of a County-owned credit card for personal expenses shall be considered theft and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unauthorized use of a County credit card is grounds for corrective action up to and including termination of employment.
This resolution is referenced in County Code § 29-6C.