Note: Chapter 22.32 was removed from the code in the 8-89 supplement, in accordance with Ord. 88-O-117. At the city's request, this chapter was, in the 8-90 supplement, returned to the code.
On major, primary and secondary streets, tree well easements shall be provided in accordance with Section 22.82.050.
(Ord. 76-O-115, 1976)
The developer shall install said trees in accordance with the master plan of street trees and city standards.
(Ord. 76-O-115, 1976)
Maintenance requirements shall be as follows:
On arterial highways, entrance planters and medians, a permanent underground irrigation system shall be provided by the developer in accordance with city standards;
Developer shall provide all maintenance to said trees for one year from the date the public improvements are accepted by the city or, in the case of residential subdivisions, one year from the date the last residence is occupied for the first time;
The cost of the installation of said trees shall be included in the improvement bond and an additional cash deposit, in the amount current at the time of installation, shall also be provided by the developer to guarantee maintenance and replacement of said trees.
(Ord. 76-O-115, 1976)