The electric department shall be responsible for utility services accounting, utility customer invoicing, and collection for the electric, refuse, sewer and water service utilities of the city.
(Prior code § 2.23; Ord. 3721 § 1, 2001; Ord. 6643 § 1, 2023)
All applications for utility service shall be made at locations designated by the city manager, or his or her designee. Applicant must state fully the use of each service desired, and no person will be allowed a use for any other purpose than as stated in their applications, or to supply other parties than those covered by the application.
(Prior code § 2.24; Ord. 3430 § 2, 1999)
The utility director or other person in charge of utility customer care of the electric department may require any customer to deposit with the city an amount of money to secure the payment of the customer's bills for utility service, which deposit shall not exceed the estimated bill of the customer for two months' service.
Such deposit shall be returned to the customer upon the discontinuance of the service, less any bill remaining unpaid, and may, in any event, be returned to the customer at the expiration of one year, if the customer's bills for all municipal utility services have during that period, been paid before becoming delinquent.
(Prior code § 2.25; Ord. 4418 § 1, 2006; Ord. 6643 § 2, 2023)
Invoices for utility services rendered shall be as follows:
Except in instances where explicitly allowed by city ordinance or approved policy, utility services shall be invoiced monthly. Each invoice period shall represent as near as possible one month's service, except for new services which may have been connected during the invoice period. Flat rate charges shall be invoiced one month in arrears. New services established during an invoice period shall be invoiced for services received during that period.
Flat rate charges for new or discontinued services shall be prorated when service for a full billing period is not received.
For customer-generators eligible for the net metering rate with surplus (NM-1), as established by California Public Utilities Code, Section 2827, where the on-premises solar, wind, and/or solar/wind hybrid electric generation, interconnected behind the customer-generator's meter of record, and servicing a maximum of 100 percent of the customer-generator's meter of record total annual kilowatt-hour electric load, the customer-generator will receive an annualized billing for the energy charges for the electric meter of record, as allowed by city ordinance and/or approved city policy.
Annual Period for All Net Metering Customer Generators. The eligible net metering customer-generator's annual period is defined as:
A 12-month period, during which the customer-generator operates the solar, wind, and/or solar/wind system beginning with the occurrence of the anniversary date, resulting in the customer-generator being an annual net energy consumer or an annual net energy generator. A new annual period will begin with the end of each 12-month cycle with the next calendar occurrence of the anniversary date, or when a customer-generator has been classified as a net metering customer-generator.
When customer-generators discontinue electric service prior to the completion of their annual period, the default annual period is the amount of time between the customer-generator's annual period anniversary date and the date of service cancellation.
Anniversary Date. The "anniversary date" is defined as the beginning date of the annual period. The anniversary date is determined as follows.
For active electric accounts: the date the customer-generator electric account is transferred to a net metering rate.
For new electric accounts: the date the customer-generator electric account is transferred to, or established as, a net metering account.
Past due amounts on a customer's active utility service account may be transferred to any other active utility service account of the same customer. Where the final bill amounts from a customer's previous utility services accounts become past due and that customer has an active utility services account, the past due amounts shall be transferred to the current active account of the customer. No new utility services account shall be established until all of a customer's past due utility service obligations to the city have been paid in full.
Where a rental property owner has past due charges for utility services, no new account can be established for service at that same property until payment is rendered for those same charges.
Each supply of water or electric service shall be separately metered and meter readings shall not be combined for invoice purposes except as authorized by the finance director.
Invoice and payment of water and sewer service charges are inseparable.
Customers requesting same day service shall be charged a fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time. This service is subject to availability.
(Prior code § 2.26; Ord. 2670 § 1, 1993; Ord. 3430 § 2, 1999; Ord. 3721 § 1, 2001; Ord. 4418 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4521 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4707 § 1, 2009; Ord. 4898 § 1, 2010; Ord. 5800 § 28, 2017)
Where the city overcharges or undercharges a customer as the result of a billing error, the city may render an adjusted bill for the amount of the undercharge, without interest, and shall issue a refund or credit to the customer for the amount of the overcharge, without interest. Adjusted billing shall be computed back to the date that the city determines the billing error commenced, except that:
The period of adjustment for an undercharge shall not exceed 12 months for all classes of service.
The period of adjustment for an overcharge shall not exceed 12 months for all classes of service.
The city may estimate a customer's water and/or electric usage for the billing error period; based on the following:
Accurately metered subsequent use, normally 30 days or more. If the customer discontinues service after correction of the "billing error" use condition, but prior to the completion of 30 days, the director may use a shorter period; or
Accurately metered use prior to the onset of the "billing error" use, normally one year or more (the director may use less than one year when it is the only appropriate or available recorded prior usage); or
Accurately metered use from a remote check meter; or
The customer's equipment and hours of operation; or
The known percent error in metering attributable to the "billing error" use condition as determined by the director; or
Annual use profile of like customers (percent of annual use); or
Any combination of the methods listed above; or
Other reasonable and supportable billing methodology when none of the aforementioned estimating techniques is appropriate under the circumstances.
In accordance with Section 14.04.090, the customer has the right to dispute the city's estimate of the "billing error" usage on which the bill is based. However, the customer may be required to provide supporting information to substantiate this dispute.
(Ord. 4418 § 2, 2006; Ord. 6643 § 3, 2023)
All utility bill collections shall be prorated to each utility on the basis of the prior month's billing and shall be credited to the respective utility operation funds.
(Prior code § 2.27)
Utility service account payment shall be due upon receipt of invoice. Payment may be made either by mail, or at authorized payment locations or through other city-authorized payment methods. An account shall be considered past due if payment is not received on or before the bill due date, which shall be no less than 21 days from the invoice date.
Customers shall be mailed reminder notices if payment is not received on or before the bill due date. A reminder notice may also be conspicuously posted at the customer's premises. If payment in full is not received within 15 days of the reminder notice, service shall be subject to termination.
At least 48 hours prior to termination of service, a final notice shall be provided to the customer by telephone, mail, in person, or by posting in a conspicuous location at the premises in accordance with Section 10010.1(b) of the Public Utilities Code.
Service to an account already subject to special payment arrangements shall be terminated 24 hours after notice is posted on the served premises.
Customers requesting reestablishment of utility service following termination as provided above shall be charged a reestablishment fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time.
No terminated utility service shall be reestablished until a deposit equivalent to two months' estimated service charges has been made at the discretion of the finance department, together with all delinquent utility charges. A reestablishment charge as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time, shall also be due. If reestablishment of terminated service is requested after regular working hours and all deposits and delinquent charges have been paid, the after hours reestablishment fee shall be due as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time.
Payments for utility services not received by the due date shall be subject to a late payment fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time, which shall be added to the subsequent invoice for services.
In addition to the right to discontinue utility services, the city shall have the right to collect the unpaid utility charges from the owner or occupant of such premises at its discretion by any appropriate legal action.
Late payment charges may be waived if the customer enters into a payment arrangement agreement with the city.
(Prior code § 2.28; Ord. 1567 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1608 § 1, 1982; Ord. 2444 § 1, 1991; Ord. 2990 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3430 § 2, 1999; Ord. 3721 § 1, 2001; Ord. 4085 § 1, 2004; Ord. 4161 § 1, 2004; Ord. 4418 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4710 § 1, 2009; Ord. 5800 § 29, 2017)
Dishonored personal or business checks shall be subject to a check return fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time. Failure to immediately redeem an account following return of a dishonored personal or business check shall subject the customer to service termination after five days' notice. Terminated service shall not be reestablished until the amount due is paid in cash, money order, cashier's check, or credit card along with a reestablishment charge as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time.
Autopay or ABD transactions returned for nonsufficient funds shall be subject to a return fee as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time. Failure to immediately redeem an account following return of a payment shall subject the customer to service termination after five days' notice. Terminated service shall not be reestablished until the amount due is paid in cash, money order, cashier's check, or credit card along with a reestablishment charge as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 4418 § 2, 2006; Ord. 4507 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4534 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4583 § 1, 2007; Ord. 5800 § 30, 2017; Ord. 6643 § 4, 2023)
Any consumer who connects or reconnects a utility service without authorization by any means, including the breaking of meter seals, shall have his or her utility services immediately disconnected without notice and shall be charged a service fee for unauthorized service reconnect as established by resolution adopted by the city council, as amended from time to time. Such service shall be resumed only in compliance with Section 14.04.060(C) and when the unauthorized service reconnect fee has been paid.
Where the city determines that there has been unauthorized use of any utility service, the city may bill the customer for such use based on city's estimate of the amount of unauthorized use for up to three years. Such estimated billing shall indicate unauthorized use for the most recent three years.
(Prior code § 2.29; Ord. 4418 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4638 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5800 § 31, 2017)
Consumers must notify the electric department when service is to be discontinued, and no charge will be made for disconnecting service. Until such notification the consumer will be charged with continuous use.
If a final bill of a consumer who has moved to a new service address within the city is not paid in the time period provided in Section 14.04.060, such consumer's utility service at the new service address shall be cut off as so provided. Any final bill not paid within 30 days shall be turned over to a collection agency or the city attorney for collection.
(Prior code § 2.30; Ord. 2444 § 1, 1991; Ord. 6643 § 6, 2023)
In the event of disputed utility charges, the owner or occupant of any premises may within 20 days of billing, appeal utility charges by depositing the amount billed with utility customer care and making a written application to the utility director or designee stating the circumstances and requesting an adjustment in the charges. The utility director or designee may, upon such application, find that the rates or charges are unjust, inequitable or otherwise inappropriate as applied to the particular premises. The utility director or designee may adjust an individual bill or make a permanent adjustment as required by the circumstances.
The decision of the utility director or designee may be appealed to the Roseville public utility commission by filing a written request with the utility director or designee within 20 days of the utility director's decision.
The decision of the Roseville public utility commission may be appealed to the city council by the owner, the occupant or the city by filing a written request with the city clerk within 20 days of the Roseville public utility commission's decision.
(Prior code § 2.31; Ord. 2658 § 1, 1992; Ord. 6643 § 7, 2023)
As part of the meter retrofit program, billing for water services will be as follows:
Multiple Dwelling Units on a Single Assessor Parcel Operating Off of a Single Water Service Line.
For a water service feeding three or less dwelling units, a monthly service charge based on the meter size will be established for each connection and residential metered water rates will be used to bill commodity charges.
For a water service feeding more than three dwelling units, a monthly service charge based on meter size will be established and nonresidential metered water rates will be used to bill commodity charges.
Multiple Water Services Serving a Single Dwelling Unit, or Multiple Parcels Maintained as a Single Residence.
A monthly service charge based on the meter size will be established for each connection.
Residential metered water rates will be used to bill commodity charges.
Multiple Units on Multiple Assessor Parcels Operating Off of a Single Water Service Line. In the event a water service line serves two or more dwelling units on two or more parcels, the billing charges will be determined by the environmental utilities director.
Multiple Privately Owned Units Operating Off of a Common Water System, Applicable only to Roseville Greens and Cirby Woods III, the Only Two Condominium Complexes in the City When the Water Meter Retrofit Program was Initiated, and Not Applicable to Other Condominiums, or Complexes that Include Both Privately Owned and Rental Units.
Each owner unit will receive a flat-rate water bill. The flat rate will be calculated based on the amount due for the prior year's usage for the entire complex (not limited to a building or unit within the complex). The environmental utilities director has the authority to calculate the rate each June using the prior 12 months of usage ending in April. The amount will be calculated as follows:
A monthly service charge based on the meter size for each connection;
Nonresidential water rates will be used to calculate commodity charges;
The monthly amount billed to each unit will be the total amount due for all meters and backflow maintenance and repair for the complex for the prior year, divided by the total number of units, divided by 12 months;
If an owner (or owners) is/are delinquent, the unpaid balance will be collected through the use of all available legal means;
The water rates used will be consistent with the rate schedule as adopted by city council.
The usage used to calculate the flat rate will include all usage to the complex including landscape irrigation, pools and common areas.
The city will not adjust the rate to accommodate differences in dwelling size or occupancy.
Each property owner, whether the dwelling is occupied or vacant, is required to maintain water service.
Apartment Complexes and Mobile Home Parks with a Private On-Site Water System and Metered as Part of the Retrofit Program.
A monthly service charge based on the meter size will be established for each connection.
Nonresidential metered water rates will be used to bill commodity charges.
The city will not provide individual water bills or allocate bills to individual occupants/users.
The monthly charges will be billed to the property owner unless otherwise determined by the environmental utilities director.
(Ord. 4001 § 1, 2003.; Ord. 4362 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5007 § 1, 2011)