General Municipal Elections for the election of officers and for such other purposes as the council may prescribe, shall be held in the City on the date specified by the Elections Code of the State of California for State-wide general elections (Elections Code Section 2550). Such General Municipal Elections shall be conducted in each even-numbered year. All other municipal elections that may be held by authority of this charter, or of general law, or by ordinance, shall be known as Special Municipal Elections.
(Res. No. 240; amended April 10, 1984; amended December 22, 1993; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
Unless otherwise provided by ordinances hereafter enacted or this charter, all elections shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, as the same now exist or may hereafter be amended, for the holding of elections in cities, insofar as the same are not in conflict with this charter. The City clerk shall be the chief elections official of the City in all elections, including consolidated elections. Any local or special election may be conducted by mail, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
The council authorizes the use of mail ballots for the election.
The election does not occur on the same date as a statewide direct primary election or statewide general election.
The election is not a special election to fill a vacancy in a statewide office or the office of Representative in the United States Congress, State Senator, or Member of the Assembly.
At least one polling place for the election shall be provided, the location of which shall be determined by the City clerk.
(Res. No. 240; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)