A personnel board consisting of five (5) resident and qualified voters shall be appointed by the council for four (4) year overlapping terms of office. Vacancies shall be filled by council appointment for the expired portion of the term. A member of the personnel board shall be removed from office by the council only for malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance and after charges have been filed and such member has been given a reasonable opportunity to defend themselves in an open public hearing before the council. In the event of a vacancy on the personnel board, other than vacancies caused by expiration of the terms of members, the city council shall appoint a person to fill the unexpired term. Such an appointment to fill an unexpired term shall not be considered as one of the two term limit. The board shall provide for its own organization and rules for conduct of meetings; provided, that all meetings shall comply with the public meeting requirements of state law. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum. Members of the board shall serve without pay, but shall be entitled to actual and reasonable expenses incurred outside of the City in the performance of their duties.
No member of the personnel board shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Reappointment of incumbents to the personnel board shall be for four-year (4) terms in accordance with this section.
(Res. No. 240; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020)
The personnel board shall have the power and shall be required:
To advise the council and administrative officials on all matters relating to personnel administration in the City service.
To investigate and pass upon the complaint of an employee or group of employees alleging unfair treatment resulting from a management decision, or lack of decision; concerning the interpretation of City rules or regulations governing personnel practices or working conditions within the control of the department head; in which case, the decision of the board, with regard to the interpretation of said rules or regulations, shall be binding upon the appointing authority.
To investigate and pass upon the claim of any person that their application for employment or promotion has not been processed and considered pursuant to the provisions of this charter and the personnel rules governing the classified service; in which case, the decision of the board shall be binding on the appointing authority.
To hear appeals from any action of suspension, reduction in rank or pay, or discharge of any employee in the classified service and to report its findings and decisions in writing to the appointing authority; such findings and decisions shall be final and binding on the appointing authority.
To subpoena witnesses and administer oaths.
(Res. No. 240; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The human resources director shall be appointed by the City manager. The human resources director shall be responsible for directing the personnel program of the City in accordance with the provisions of this charter and ordinances supplemental thereto.
(April 11, 1972; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
It is the intention of this article to provide for a merit system of employment in City service. The council shall enact by ordinance a set of rules governing classified municipal employment which shall, among other things, provide:
For the classification of all positions in the classified service.
For open, free and competitive examinations to test the relative fitness of applicants for such positions, and or reasonable publication and public advertisement of all examinations and for promotion based upon competitive examinations or records of efficiency, character, conduct and seniority, or upon examination and record.
For the creation of eligible lists upon which shall be entered the names of successful candidates in the order of their standing on the examination, except if waived or modified in the personnel rules, and for the certifications of those on the appropriate list to the manager or department heads for appointment to fill vacancies and for the manner in which appointments shall be made from such list.
For the period of time in which eligible lists shall continue in effect.
For a period of probation not to exceed one (1) year, both on original and promotional appointments, before the appointment is made permanent, during which time, in the case of an original appointment, the probationer may be discharged or, in the case of a promotion, returned to a position of their former classification by the head of the department of office in which employed. Provided, however, that no period of absence from work, leave, or limited duty assignment shall be credited toward completion of the probationary period, nor shall any overtime or additional work beyond normal working hours be credited towards completion of the probationary period.
For the rejection of candidates of eligibility who fail to comply with a bona fide occupational qualification in regard to age or sex or who fail to comply with a qualification standard which is job-related and consistent with business necessity; or who have been convicted of a crime which adversely affects their qualification for the position applied for; or who have attempted any deception or fraud in connection with an examination for employment by the City.
For the employment with examination of provisional employees, in cases of emergency pending appointment from an eligible list, but no such provisional employment shall continue for more than thirty (30) days after the establishment of an eligible list for the position held, and in no event for more than (90) days.
For transfer from one (1) position to a similar position in the same class and grade, for reinstatement after resignation, layoff or reduction in class or grade.
For the discipline of employees by suspension, demotion, discharge or other actions not inconsistent with the provisions of this article.
For the certification to the chief finance officer of the City of names and classifications of all persons legally employed in the City service, without which certifications this officer shall not authorize the issuance of salary paychecks.
(April 11, 1972; amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020)
All examinations shall be impartial and shall deal with the duties and requirements of the positions to be filled. They may be oral, written or based on observed performance or educational and experience record, or any combination thereof. Unskilled laborers may be appointed in the order of priority of application after passing such tests of fitness as the human resources director may prescribe. The human resources director may develop an apprenticeship program for the recruitment and promotion of employees in the skilled trades.
(April 11, 1972; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The council, upon recommendation of the City manager may contract with other political subdivisions of the state, or with any state department, or with an experienced private agency for the furnishing of personnel, fiscal or other consultative services.
(April 11, 1972; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The employments in the City service are hereby divided into the classified and unclassified service. The unclassified service shall consist of (a) officers elected by the people and persons appointed to fill vacancies in elective offices; (b) the members of boards and commissions as provided by this charter; (c) the City manager, assistant City manager, City attorney, deputy, associate or assistant attorneys, the heads of one or more departments, and all persons holding an assistant department head position who were hired or promoted to that position after March 5, 2014, as provided for in this charter; (d) persons employed in a professional or scientific capacity to conduct or complete a special inquiry, investigation, examination or project, not to exceed thirty-six (36) months full-time employment or equivalent without a break of at least three (3) months; (e) persons employed for a temporary, seasonal or special purpose for a period not to exceed fifteen hundred (1,500) hours employment or the equivalent thereof in any twelve (12) month period; (f) reserve firefighters and reserve police officers; and (g) disaster service workers whether recruited or conscripted. The classified service shall comprise all positions not specifically included in the unclassified service.
(April 11, 1972; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020)
(Repealed by Referendum April 11, 1972)