It is the policy of the City to make, as provided in this Chapter, reasonable accommodation in the application of its programs, including Title 21's zoning and land-use laws, for disabled persons, to the extent required under Federal and State disability laws. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a process for disabled persons to submit and for the City to review a request for reasonable accommodation.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
For the purposes of this Chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words or phrases used in this Chapter are defined as follows:
means the City of Indian Wells, California.
"Person with a disability"
means a person who has a physical or mental impairment that makes achievement of a major life activity difficult, as defined by State and Federal disability laws; anyone who is regarded as having such impairment; or anyone with a record of such impairment.
"Reasonable accommodation"
means providing persons with disabilities flexibility in the application of City programs, including City land-use, zoning and building regulations, policies, practices and procedures, or waiving certain requirements when it is necessary to provide meaningful access to City programs or to eliminate barriers to housing opportunities for persons with disabilities.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
The Director of Community Development is the final authority on a request for reasonable accommodation relating to a requirement of Titles 16 (Building and Construction) and 21 (Zoning), and the Public Works Director is the final authority on a request relating to a requirement of any other part of the City's Municipal Code. Regardless of who the initial review authority is, a denial of a request may appealed by the requestor to a hearing officer. The hearing officer's decision is final.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
Eligible Applicants.
A request for reasonable accommodation may be made by any person with a disability, his or her representative, or a developer or provider of housing or other services for persons with disabilities, when the application of a City program, including a City land-use or building regulation, policy, practice or procedure, acts as a barrier meaningful access to City programs or to fair-housing opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Federal and State disability laws afford no protection to persons with or without disabilities whose tenancy presents a direct threat to the persons or property of others. Determining whether someone's tenancy poses such a direct threat must be made on an individualized basis, however, and may not be based on general assumptions or speculation about the nature of a disability.
Eligible Request. A request for reasonable accommodation may include a modification or exception to the practices, rules, or standards for a City program or for the development, siting, and use of housing or housing-related facilities that would eliminate regulatory barriers and provide a person with a disability with meaningful access to City programs and equal opportunity to housing of the person's choice.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
Requirements. An application for a request for reasonable accommodation is made to the review authority (see Section 1.24.030 above) on forms approved by the review authority and must be full and complete, including such data as may be prescribed by the review authority to assist in determining the validity of the request. Incomplete applications are not be accepted for filing.
Assistance with Application. Upon request, the City will provide assistance to a person needing assistance in making the request for reasonable accommodation to ensure that the process is accessible to persons with disabilities.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
Application Review. The review authority will approve, approve with conditions, or deny a request for reasonable accommodation in accordance with the required findings in Section 1.24.070 (Required Findings).
Decision Timing and Content. The review authority will issue a written decision on a request for reasonable accommodation within 30 days of receipt of a complete application. The written decision must explain in detail the basis of the decision under the required findings in Section 1.24.070 (Required Findings), give notice of the applicant's right to appeal the decision, and be sent to the applicant by certified or registered mail.
Request for Further Information. If necessary to reach a decision on request for reasonable accommodation, the review authority may request further information from the applicant consistent with State and Federal disability laws and this Chapter, specifying in detail the further information required. In the event that a request for additional information is made, the 30 day period to issue a decision under subsection (b)(1) (Decision Timing and Content) is stayed until the applicant responds to the request.
Compliance with other Regulations. An approved request for reasonable accommodation does not affect any person's obligations to comply with all other applicable regulations not at issue in the requested accommodation.
Confidentiality. Any information identified by an applicant as confidential will be retained in a manner so as to respect the privacy rights of the applicant and will not be made available for public inspection, unless disclosure is otherwise required by State or Federal law.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
Prior to approval of a request for reasonable accommodation, the following findings must be made consistent with Federal and State disability laws:
When housing is the subject of the request for reasonable accommodation, the housing will be used by a person with disabilities protected under fair housing laws.
As applicable, the requested accommodation is necessary to make housing available to a person with disabilities protected under the fair housing laws.
The requested accommodation would not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the City.
The requested accommodation would not require a fundamental alteration in the nature of the City's policies, practices or procedures, including consideration of alternatives which may provide an equal level of benefit.
The requested accommodation will not result in a direct and significant threat to the health or safety of other persons or substantial physical damage to the property of others.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
The action of the review authority is final unless appealed to within 10 working days. The notice of appeal must be in writing and, upon receipt and filing of the appropriate appeal fee, the review authority will schedule the appeal to be heard by a hearing officer within 30 days. The decision of the hearing officer is final.
Assistance with Appeal. Upon request, the City will provide assistance to a person needing assistance in filing an appeal to ensure that the appeals process is accessible to persons with disabilities.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
The applicant may request modifications to the approved request for reasonable accommodation. The application for modification must be submitted, processed, and reviewed in the same manner as a new application.
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)
Review Authority and Findings. The review authority may make changes or revoke the approval of applications when conditions of approval are violated, it is necessary to resolve a nuisance, or when the application contained incorrect, false, or misleading information.
Procedures. The review authority will notify the applicant of the change or revocation of the approval by mail no later than the next business day after the review authority decision. The applicant may appeal the review authority's decision to as provided in Section 1.24.080 (Appeals).
(Ord. 733 § 3, 2021)