The following terms as used in this Chapter unless otherwise indicated, have the respective meanings set forth:
"Bulky items"
means objects of furniture, household or industrial appliances, shipping crates and containers or other large, bulky, or heavy objects not normally discarded on a regular basis from City residences or commercial or industrial establishments.
shall mean the City of Indian Wells.
"City facility"
means any building, park, or other site located within the corporate limits of the City, owned, leased, or used regularly and significantly by City personnel of the City.
means the operation of gathering together and transporting refuse to the point of disposal.
"Commercial establishment"
means any organization, private or civil, of any number of persons or objects that provides goods or services to the City or its inhabitants, such as hotels, motels, offices and professional buildings, and retail establishments of all kinds, including supermarkets, filling stations, department and variety stores.
"Contractor" or "city contractor"
means the person or persons entering into a contract with the City for the collection and disposal of refuse.
means the County of Riverside.
means the complete operation of treating and disposing of the accumulations of refuse and of the product or residue arising from such treatment.
means food wastes or trimmings from restaurants, markets, or residences. It shall also include restaurants' swill, offal from any slaughter pen or butcher shop, and dead animal carcasses.
"Green waste"
means all forms of biodegradable plant material, including but not limited to tree trunks and logs that have been clipped, tree trimmings, and grass clippings.
"Hazardous waste material"
means those materials which may not, by law, be disposed of at a Class II disposal site. A list and description of hazardous waste material shall be maintained on file at the City Hall for inspection by the general public.
"Health officer"
means the County Health Officer if the City is under contract with the County to provide health services, or the City Health Officer if the City is not under contract and has its own full time City employee as a Health Officer.
"Industrial establishments"
means any organization, private or civic, of any number of persons or objects that manufactures, assembles, combines, grows, harvests, converts, stores, or refines any product, substance, liquid element, material or energy source of any type.
means the process of collecting and turning used projects, including but not limited to, newspapers, plastic, cans, corrugated cardboard, bottles, and green waste into new products by reprocessing or remanufacturing them.
is the inclusive term for all garbage, rubbish, trash, and solid or liquid wastes, excepting sewage and hazardous waste, which originates from normal household, business, commercial, and industrial activity.
means any structure or space provided for or used for the inhabitation or occupancy of people and/or their belongings on a permanent, temporary, or transient basis and shall also include recreational areas.
means non-putrescible solid wastes consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes which originally accumulate in the operation of household, business, commercial, and industrial activities. "Rubbish" shall not include waste material from major demolition or construction, but does include normal waste material from home and building repair and remodeling. "Rubbish" shall not be deemed to include earth, sod, rock, concrete, trees or parts thereof, or major wastes resulting from manufacturing processes.
means to remove without authorization any recyclable materials, including, but not limited to, newsprint, corrugated cardboard, plastic, bottles, or metal, which are placed within the vicinity of any curb, collection point, or refuse bin for collection purposes.
"Solid waste"
means the usual customary types of household and commercial garbage, trash and refuse such as wastes from the preparation and cooking of foods, waste food, waste paper, cloth, containers such as bottles, tin cans, cartons and crates; material such as wood, plastic, rubber, metal, glass, grass, tree and plant trimmings and other refuse items customarily deposited by City residences, commercial and industrial establishments, homeowners, occupants, contractors, builders and visitors, in collection containers or areas for pickup and disposal by themselves or others.
The following materials are excluded: (1) wastes consisting primarily of earth and earth materials; (2) liquid wastes; (3) special wastes such as chemicals, oils, or materials of any poisonous, hazardous or explosive nature.
means tree stumps, roofing materials, plaster, concrete, or other substances that may accumulate as a result of repairs or construction to land or buildings or as a result of initial clearing of lots or as a result of building operations.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991; Ord. 297 §§ 1-2, 1992)
Residential Owner. Every person in charge of residence or residences, whether single-family or multiple family, shall make arrangements with the City's Contractor to have removed, not less than once a week, from the property upon which the residence or residences are located, all refuse created or produced or brought upon the premises.
Commercial Owner. Every person in charge of a commercial or industrial building shall not less than twice a week cause to be removed from the property upon which the building is located by the City's Contractor all refuse created or produced or brought upon the premises; provided, however, that upon written approval of the Health Officer, refuse created, produced or brought upon the premises of an industrial or commercial building may be removed not less than once a week. This latter provision, however, will not apply to food handling establishments from which refuse shall be caused to be removed not less than twice a week. Those food handling establishments having a self contained compactor may, with the written approval of the supervising sanitarian, Department of Health, have their refuse removed once a week. This approval will be on a case by case basis.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
It shall be the responsibility of the holder of the building, demolition, or grading permit for the construction, demolition, or grading project involved to see that no sand, gravel, lumber, or other building, construction, demolition, or grading equipment or materials, including trash, are stored or stockpiled on City streets or parkways or on private property unless a permit therefore has been obtained from the City.
It shall be the responsibility of the holder of the building, demolition, or grading permit for the construction, demolition, or grading project involved to provide trash bins on the activity project site sufficient in capacity to contain all of the trash accumulated on the job.
(Ord. 545 § 1, 2003)
Every person in charge of a single-family residence shall deposit or cause to be deposited all refuse in standard containers which shall be made of metal or plastic, watertight and covered with a tight fitting lid, tapered sides, two handles or bales, and shall not exceed 35 gallons in size or 50 pounds gross weight when filled. Plastic bags specifically designed for refuse may be used in place of standard containers. Garbage shall be separately bagged or wrapped before placing in container.
No person shall maintain or place for collection any container not in conformance with the standard container designated in this Section and no person authorized to collect refuse shall remove contents of containers not in conformance with the standard container. Residences and dwelling units who furnish their own gallon containers shall be responsible for their maintenance, cleanliness and replacement.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Containers of the Contractor to be used by multiple-family residences, or industrial or commercial establishments shall be provided by the Contractor. Containers shall have the name and the phone number of the owner clearly visible on two sides in letters not less than three inches in height. Containers shall be of a design and side to contain all the contents therein in such manner as to promote good housekeeping conditions. The owner of such containers shall maintain them in a safe and sanitary condition.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Every person in charge of a residence shall store containers in such a manner as not to be viewable by the public from a public right-of-way in order to maintain the aesthetic and property values of surrounding property.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
It is unlawful for any person other than the person in charge of a residence, commercial, or industrial business, or the City's Contractor to remove any container from the location where the container was placed by the person in charge for storage or collection or to remove any solid waste from the location the solid waste was placed by the person in charge for storage of collection. It is unlawful to place refuse in any standard container or commercial bin without prior written approval of the person in charge of the container. this Section shall not be construed to authorize any person to haul his own refuse.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
No person shall place non-compactable solid waste for collection or removal purposes without prior approval and arrangements with the City's Contractor.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
No person shall remove, transport or convey any solid municipal waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse, or recyclable materials originating on or from any residence or commercial or industrial establishment, including construction/demolition activity, in the City, upon or along any public street, alley or place within the City, unless he holds a contract with the City for the collection and disposal thereof and has a valid or existing permit from the County to haul solid municipal waste, except that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to (1) City employees removing refuse from City facilities; (2) any persons, including construction and landscaping contractors, with valid City business licenses, removing refuse with their own equipment and employees; or (3) any person removing bulky items or shrubbery, grass, tree cuttings, tree trimmings or other agricultural debris from any property owned or occupied by such person.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Sufficient Equipment. The Contractor shall provide sufficient collection equipment to maintain a regular schedule of collection.
Requirements for Containment of Refuse. Trucks used for the collection or transportation of solid waste shall be leak proof and equipped with a close fitting cover which shall be affixed in a manner that will prevent spilling, dropping or slowing of any solid waste upon the public right-of-way during collection or transportation.
Maintenance Requirements. All trucks used for collections or transportation of solid waste shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, neatly and uniformly painted, and shall carry a shovel, broom and fire extinguisher.
Identification Requirements. The person who owns any trucks used for collection or transportation of solid waste shall have his name, address, telephone number and truck number printed on each side of all trucks in letters not less than four inches (4") high.
Sanitation Requirements. All garbage conveying trucks, tanks, containers, and other receptacles shall be cleaned and disinfected and at all times shall be kept free from any refuse on the outside thereof.
Repair Requirements. The Contractor shall maintain in good repair all containers furnished to multiple family residences, and commercial and industrial establishment.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The Contractor shall prepare and file with the customers and the Director of Public Works, not less than 30 days prior to the beginning or change of any service, schedules setting forth the days on which industrial, commercial, multifamily and/or residential collection shall be made.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Residential. In residential areas, pickup shall be once per week. Pickups shall not be made between the hours of eight p.m. and seven a.m., unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. No collection will be allowed on Sundays or between the hours of eight p.m. and seven a.m. on weekdays or weekends unless requested and specifically approved by the Director of Public Works. In the event of a holiday, pickups shall be completed one day later than the regularly scheduled collection day. The following are considered holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
Commercial, Industrial, and Multifamily. The schedule for collection from commercial, industrial, and multifamily units shall be determined by the Contractor and occupants of such units, in accordance with Section 8.04.020.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Collection Points for Non-Residential. Unless otherwise directed by the Director of Public Works, all collections of refuse, other than from single-family residences, shall be made from the curb along the street in front of each place of business or human habitation, except that where paved alleys exist in the rear of such properties, collections shall be made from such paved alleys; provided that this requirement shall not apply to a blind alley or alley the width of which will not accommodate the vehicle used for collection.
On the day prescribed for collection and removal of refuse, containers shall be placed adjacent to the street curb in front of the premises or in the refuse alley in the rear of or at the side of the unit not before seven p.m. on the day prior to the day prescribed for the collection of refuse. No person shall place any container in any street or alley of the City at any time or place other than as above provided, or allow any container placed by him in any such street or alley to remain there or be visible from said street after twelve p.m. on the day the container has been emptied by the agents, servants or employees of the City or any Contractor with whom it has made a contract for such purpose.
Placement and Handling of Containers. The Contractor, his agents, and his employees, shall not throw refuse containers from the truck to the pavement, or in any other way damage or roughly handle the same. All containers shall be placed in an upright position.
Collection Points for Single Family Residential. No container for single-family dwellings shall be placed adjacent to a street or public right-of-way for collection service. The collection point for single-family dwellings shall be the rear yard of the residence or another collection point as approved by the Director of Public Works.
Right of Entry for Pickup. With regard to single-family residences, the Contractor shall be allowed, unless specifically forbidden to do so by the owners or occupants, to enter private courts or places or other private property to make collections under this Chapter.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Telephone Numbers and Office Hours. The Contractor shall maintain a local telephone, listed in the telephone directory in his own name or in the firm name by which he is most commonly known. During the hours between eight a.m. and five p.m., Monday through Friday, said office must be staffed to receive complaints regarding collection. An emergency number shall be made available to City Hall for the hours between five p.m. and eight a.m. and for days upon which collections are not made.
Response Time Requirement. All residential service complaints shall be attended to within 24 hours and all commercial complaints within 12 hours of receipt by the Contractor.
Recording Requirements. The Contractor shall supply the City with copies of all complaints on a form acceptable to the City and indicate the disposition of each. Such records shall be available for City inspection during normal business hours: eight a.m. to five p.m., Monday through Friday. The form shall indicate the day and hour the complaint was received and the day and hour it was resolved. The Contractor shall maintain, at all times, a written log exclusively from the City in which the Contractor shall record all communications including complaints from customers in the City. A copy of the log shall be forwarded to the administrator on a scheduled basis together with any written copies of complaints received and recorded in that log.
Maintenance of Emergency Vehicles Required. The Contractor shall maintain, at all times, an emergency service vehicle to attend to complaints or emergency calls.
Tag for Unremoved Garbage or Trash. If for some reason garbage or trash is not collected, the Contractor will leave a tag at least two inches (2") by six inches (6") on the receptacle or bundle explaining why. The condition referred to on said tag must be corrected within one week. The Contractor shall be required to maintain daily logs of all tags issued, stating the location and the reason for refusing collection.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The Contractor shall, in person or by his agent, visit the office of the Director of Public Works at such times as the Director shall designate for the purpose of discussing any matters or subjects relating to, any complaints which may concern the performance of his contract. The Contractor shall report back to the Director of Public Works within the next working day regarding any action or procedure taken with reference to complaints or other matters discussed.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
In the event of a natural disaster, earthquake, storm, fire or other extraordinary occurrence that may tend to generate abnormal amounts of refuse, the City may require additional collection upon agreement between the City Manager and the Contractor.
In the event that service is interrupted due to labor disputes or other events impacting the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City, and scheduled collection and disposal services are discontinued for more than 72 hours, the City shall have the right to take over and operate any and all equipment of the Contractor for up to one hundred twenty days (120) in order to continue service pursuant to the terms of the contract if it is determined by the City Manager to be necessary to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City. If necessary, in the judgment of the City Manager, City employees may operate said equipment.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The Contractor shall at all times keep fully insured, at his own expense, all persons employed by him, in connection with the contract as required by Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of the State, and shall hold the City free and harmless from all liabilities that may arise by reason of the injuries to any employee of the Contractor who is injured while performing any work or labor necessary to carry out the provisions of the contract. The Contractor, during the life of the contract, shall keep on file with the City Clerk evidence that the Contractor is fully and properly insured as required by such act.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The Contractor shall deposit with the City a cash deposit or a performance bond guaranteeing the performance of any contract which he may have with the City. The cash deposit or bond shall be in the amount approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The Contractor shall indemnify the City against, and hold the City harmless from, any claims asserted against the Contractor on account of the negligence of the Contractor or its employees, by employees of the Contractor or by third parties, arising out of personal injuries or property damage suffered by any such person on account of the operations of the Contractor thereunder. The Contractor shall provide and maintain in effect, bodily injury liability insurance with limits as set forth in the contract entered into. The Contractor shall have the City named as insured under each of the aforementioned policies, and such policies shall be endorsed to require 30 days' written notice to the City prior to any cancellation thereof. The Contractor shall furnish to the City endorsements evidencing that the insurance required thereunder is in effect.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The City Council declares that the most flexible and effective way to provide revenue for the collection and disposal of refuse in the City is to impose a charge on all residential units and all commercial and industrial uses in the City.
The City Council imposes a charge on all residential units, and all commercial and industrial uses in the City. The amount of the charge to be imposed pursuant to this Section shall be set by separate resolutions of the City Council. The residential charge shall be collected on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separate from, the City's general taxes. The commercial and industrial charge shall be billed and collected by the franchisee.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991; Ord. 344 § 1, 1994)
Exclusive Collection Rights of City. The City reserves the authority to contract the exclusive collection rights of recyclable materials. The materials, including, but not limited to, newsprint, corrugated cardboard, plastic, glass or metal, which are placed for collection purposes shall become the property of the City; and no person other than the employees or contract agents of the City acting in the scope of their agency or employment shall remove from any place or premises in the City or transport over the public street thereof any such recyclable material. No person shall scavenge.
Agreement Between Resident and Nonprofit Organization. Any agreement between a nonprofit organization and a resident under which the nonprofit organization is to receive recyclable materials shall not include the right to collect or transport any recyclable materials by the nonprofit organization. Any such organization must substantiate its nonprofit status upon the request of the Director of Public Works.
Exception. this Section shall not apply to a person personally removing non-green waste recyclable materials which have been generated on premises owned or controlled by such person.
Disposal of Green Waste. It shall be the responsibility of every property owner, either personally or by or through a landscape Contractor, gardener, or other, to dispose of all green waste generated from such owner's property by delivering said green waste to a composting facility for recycling. Disposal of green waste by placement as trash for pick-up, by delivery to a burning facility, or by delivery to any landfill, is prohibited.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991; Ord. 297 §§ 3-5, 1992)
The City Council may enter into contracts pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 49300 for the collection and disposal of refuse from residences, commercial establishments, and industrial establishments within the City, and may establish rules for the regulation thereof as it may from time to time deem best and necessary. The terms and standards set forth in this Chapter shall be the minimum terms of any contract approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
Any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse entered into by the City Council shall not be transferable unless prior approval is received from the City Council.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
The work to be furnished under the contract by the Contractor shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the collection of refuse pursuant to said contract.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)
It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this Chapter. Any person violating any provision of this Chapter or failing to comply with any of the requirements is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 284 § 2, 1991)