For the purpose of administering and enforcing this Title and providing an inspector to enforce State and building safety laws, there is established in the City a Building Department which shall be under the jurisdiction of the Building Official.
Appointment by City Manager. The Building Official shall be appointed by the City Manager.
Reports and Recommendations. The Building Official shall submit, when directed, interim reports and an annual report to the City Manager covering the work of his or her department during the preceding period and containing a summary of his or her recommendations as to desirable amendments to the codes.
City Enforcement Official. The Building Official is designated as the City Enforcement Official referred to in Section 19122 of the Health and Safety Code of the State.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
General. This Title applies to all buildings and structures, or parts thereof, in the incorporated area of the City, unless hereafter specifically exempted.
Use of Heat and Cooling Equipment on Rooftops Restricted. Unless specifically approved by the Landscape Architectural Committee, there shall not be installed any refrigeration, heating, or mechanical equipment on the roof of any building or structure.
In no event shall any equipment be visible from any nearby property; except that solar collectors which are thoroughly integrated into the building design may be permitted, provided that a determination has been made by the Architectural Landscape Committee and City staff that no aesthetically detrimental effect will occur in relation to adjacent and nearby properties.
Construction in Violation of City Code. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Official for any structure if the construction thereof violates any provision of the City subdivision and zoning ordinances (Titles 20 and 21).
Penalty for Violation. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this Title, or occupies or causes to be occupied any building without authorization from the City, or who interferes with or obstructs the work of the Building Official or authorized representatives, while engaged in the act of making lawful inspections of any building or building site, or who continues working in violation of posted stop work notice, or demolishes or removes any building or structure without authority from the Building Official, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Liability. This Title shall not be constructed as imposing upon the City of Indian Wells, or upon any of its officers or employees, any liability or responsibility for injury or damages resulting from any building, plumbing, electrical or mechanical work approved or performed pursuant to this Title, or by reason of any permit issued or inspection performed thereunder.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
Title Applicable to Salvaged Vehicle Body Used for Inhabitation or Business. No one shall use as a place of habitation, residence or business any discarded, used, secondhand, salvaged, abandoned or replaced street car, box car, refrigerator car, motor bus body or similar vehicle body, unless such structures are altered, changed or reconstructed so as to comply with all other conditions and requirements of this Title.
Self-Accomplishment of Title Requirements Not Prohibited. Nothing in this Title shall be construed as prohibiting any person from doing his or her own work in accordance with the provisions of this Title, nor from employing any qualified and licensed person to work on a building or structure to which the provisions of this Title apply. The reasonable value of such labor shall be included in the permit valuation. Prior to the issuance of a permit, all construction plans submitted shall be complete in detail in accordance with accepted architectural and engineering practices. Prior to final inspection, occupancy or use, a completion bond may be required by the Building Official to guarantee landscaping or other City requirements.
Exempted Buildings and Structures—When No Longer Exempt. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Title exempting certain buildings or structures from its application, any person may submit an application of this Title, provided, if the permit is issued with knowledge by the applicant that a permit is not required, the provisions of this Title shall thereafter apply to the construction.
Construction Identity by Sign Conditions. All buildings constructed in places other than a subdivision shall have posted a legible sign bearing the street address, and all subdivisions shall have lot numbers posted in a like manner so that the sign may be read from the road, highway or ingress easement. Such sign shall not exceed two (2) square feet in size.
Building Official May Employ Qualified Assistance in Plan Checking. To facilitate and expedite the function of plan checking during periods of heavy work load, the Building Official may, at his or her discretion, employ engineering firms or their facilities to check plans and specifications at the same fees that are allowed to the Building Department.
Underground Utilities. Utilities, including, but not limited to, electric, communications, vaults and other appurtenances, street lighting and cable television, shall be placed underground on all new buildings and when additions, remodeling, or repairs exceed fifty percent (50%) of fair market value of existing buildings. In every case where electric meter service panel is changed or altered, service entrance wiring shall be placed underground. Utilities for the purpose of this Section shall include appurtenances and associated equipment such as, but not limited to, surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets and ducting.
Exceptions for Underground Utilities. If for some reason utility vaults and other appurtenances cannot be placed underground, the applicant can request a waiver subject to the review and approval of the Architecture Landscape Committee, the Planning Commission, and the City Council.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
Subject to Regulations of New Buildings. Prefabricated buildings which are to be located in the City, are subject to all of the provisions of this Title regulating the construction of new buildings and shall not be considered as relocations.
Meaning of "Prefabricated Buildings." A prefabricated building is designed as a building which is assembled, or partly assembled, at a place other than the site on which it is to be permanently located. It does not include the prefabrication of panels which are then assembled at the permanent building site.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
No occupancy of any building is permitted until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The Certificate of Occupancy and approval for permanent utility service shall be issued only after the final building, architecture and landscape inspections have been made.
The owner, developer or contractor must request a final building inspection through the City's Building Department to confirm compliance with all requirements of Title 16 Building and Construction of this Code and any final architecture and landscape inspections required through the City's project approvals.
Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy and release of utilities, all properties utilized for the temporary storage of construction materials, equipment, vehicles or construction trailers (office and storage) shall have all construction material, equipment, sanitary facilities or refuse cleared and the site returned to its original condition.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)