No person shall install, keep, maintain, or fill any aboveground
storage vessel for the purpose of storing flammable/combustible liquids
or gases. They must obtain a valid storage permit from the City. This
Section does not apply to emergency back-up generators utilizing fuel
tank systems of five hundred (500) gallons or less located within
any Public Owned/Controlled Lands (PF and PP) or Resort Commercial
(CR) land use zones. Flammable/combustible liquids or gases may be
stored in aboveground tanks at governmental facilities, emergency
power plants and any golf course maintenance area located within a
Commercial Resort (CR), Public Owned/Controlled Lands (PF and PP),
Public/Private Golf Course (PPGC), Country Club Open Space (COS),
and Public Owned Open Space (POS) land use zone or any agricultural
operations. All storage tanks shall be screened so as to preclude
viewing of same from adjacent residences, public rights-of-way and
golf courses (public or private). At no time shall aboveground storage
tanks be installed in Residential Very Low Density (RVLD), Residential
Low Density (RLD), Residential Medium Density (RMD), Residential Medium
High Density (RMHD), Office Professional (OP), Commercial General
(CG), Watercourse (WC) and Natural Preserve (NPR) Zones. All aboveground
tanks shall meet the requirements of the current adopted editions
of the California Fire Code and the California Building Standards
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)