All subdivisions shall conform to the standards of subdivision design set forth in Chapters 20.6420.72, except in those cases where the Council determines that the size or shape of the land, topographical conditions or proposed land use make compliance impractical. Upon such a determination, the Council must make the further findings required in Section 20.76.070 before any variation from these standards of subdivision design will be allowed.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
All subdivision maps shall conform to any plan adopted by the Council as a General Plan or element thereof, a precise plan or a portion thereof, except that a final subdivision map may be recorded if the Council has adopted an ordinance changing the zone or zones to which the final map conforms, but no use of the lands included shall be made for which such zone change ordinance shall be necessary until such ordinance becomes effective.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Lots Intended for Business or Multi-Family Dwelling Use. Improved alleys twenty feet (20') wide shall be provided at the rear of all lots intended for business or multi-family dwelling use fronting on a street or highway eight feet (8') or more in width.
Alley Intersections. Alley intersections shall have corner cutbacks of not less than ten feet (10')
Cul-de-sac Alleys. Cul-de-sac alleys shall have a turn-around at least forty-five feet in diameter.
Dead-End Alleys. Dead-end alleys are not permitted.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Paved pedestrian ways six feet (6') wide shall be provided in blocks over one thousand five hundred feet (1,500') in length or where deemed by the Council to be necessary for the public safety and convenience.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Blocks shall not be less than one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') in length wherever traffic, flood channels or facilities or other elements permit.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Overhead public service lines shall not be permitted.
Electric power, telephone or other communication, street lighting and cable television lines placed underground as required by Chapter 20.72 shall be installed in accordance with standards prescribed by the California Public Utilities Commission, in street or alleys, or in easements provided for that purpose with widths and locations that are adequate for the serving agencies. Such standards shall apply to any agency owning or operating the line, whether or not it is subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission. If no standard is so prescribed, installation shall be made in accordance with practices usual in the particular field, subject to approval of the Engineer.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Setback lines shall conform to existing zoning.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Areas which, because of geological or topographical conditions, unstable surface conditions, ground water or seepage conditions, hazard of flood inundation, erosion or any other condition, are deemed by the Council to be dangerous or to create unsatisfactory living conditions, shall not be subdivided except under restrictions as to the use of all or any part thereof as approved by the Council.
Design for the control of foreign storm waters crossing a subdivision shall be based on a storm having a frequency of one in one hundred years.
Design for the control of waters falling on a subdivision shall be based on a rate of one cubic foot of runoff per second per acre of land in the subdivision.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Portions of any adjacent property within the ownership of the subdivider shall not be excluded from within the boundaries of a subdivision when needed or required for dedication or improvement of any traffic, drainage or flood control facilities.
Adjacent property within the ownership of the subdivider but not included within the boundaries of a subdivision shall be of such size and shape as to conform to the provisions of this Title or any element of the General Plan.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
No final map shall be recorded unless public access is provided from the subdivision to the City, County, State or Federally maintained road. For the purpose of this Section, "public access" means a dedication or offer of dedication to the City or a permanent written easement from the owner of any land across which such access is requested.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)