[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Birnamwood as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 8-24-2020 by Ord. No. 20-8-3; amended in its entirety 2-1-2024]
To address the use of storage/shipping containers when used as an accessory structure for permanent or temporary use.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any type of container typically used to transport goods via rail, truck and/or ship.
The Village does not and will not allow the placement of a storage/shipping container, as defined in § 201-2, in any residential area within the Village limits.
The Village strongly encourages the use of traditional and conventional building materials, i.e., wood, siding, shingles, when placing or constructing a temporary or permanent storage structure.
A building permit is required for all storage units, permanent and temporary, which are not defined as shipping containers.
In all areas zoned as commercial areas of the Village, storage/shipping containers (as defined above) could be used on a temporary basis. A permit must be obtained with the approval of the Village Board.
The said permit is a 30-day permit, subject to a possible renewal.
If at the end of the permit the storage/shipping container is not removed, the Village will have said container removed with the cost of removal charged back to the property owner plus a $500 fine. Unpaid bills and fines will be added to that year's property tax for said property.
This article is effective on publication or posting.