[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Birnamwood 10-1-2011 by Ord. No. 11-10-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
To provide definite and consistent hunting and weapon regulations within the Village of Birnamwood.
The following definitions shall apply:
Any permanent structure used for human occupancy and includes a manufactured home, as defined in § 101.91(2), Wis. Stats. "Building," as used in this article, does not include any tent, bus, truck, vehicle or similar portable unit.
A weapon that acts by force of gunpowder. For purposes of this chapter, a firearm is defined as any instrumentality from or with which a shot, bullet or pellet may be discharged or expelled, regardless of whether the propelling force is provided by air, spring or other mechanical device or gunpowder.
Any person employed by the state or any political subdivision of this state for the purpose of detecting and preventing crime and enforcing laws or ordinances and who is authorized to make arrests for violations of the laws or ordinances he is employed to enforce.
Includes bow and arrow, crossbow and other similar weapons.
Any building owned by the Village.
A handgun, shotgun, rifle, electronic weapon or any device which is designed, redesigned, used or intended to be used, offensively or defensively, to immobilize or incapacitate a person.
In addition to the provisions of § 175.60, Wis. Stats., enumerating places where the carrying of a weapon or a firearm is prohibited, it shall be unlawful for any person other than a law enforcement officer or designated person to enter a public building while carrying a weapon or a firearm. In Birnamwood such buildings include but are not limited to the following:
Matsche Center.
Birnamwood Department of Public Works Building.
Birnamwood Fire Department Station.
Birnamwood Municipal Water Utility buildings, pumping stations and water towers.
Birnamwood Municipal Sewer Utility treatment plant and utility buildings.
Any other duly posted Village of Birnamwood buildings or structures.
Signs meeting the requirements of § 943.13(2)(bm)1., Wis. Stats., shall be posted in prominent locations near all entrances of such buildings/places indicating that possession of a firearm in that building or place is prohibited.
Hunting on Village property. Hunting is not allowed on any land owned or leased by the Village.
Hunting within Village limits. Hunting is allowed within the Village only in areas designated as residential/agricultural.
No person shall shoot or discharge any dangerous weapon anywhere in the Village, except as provided in Subsections A and B of this section.
No person may discharge a firearm within 100 yards from a building located on another person's land. This restriction does not apply if the person who owns the land on which the building is located allows the person to discharge a firearm within a specified lesser distance from the building.
A person may not hunt with a bow and arrow or crossbow within 100 yards from a building located on another person's land. This restriction does not apply if the person who owns the land on which the building is located allows the person to hunt within a specified lesser distance from the building.
Other miscellaneous types of projectiles (not meant to be all inclusive): It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or throw by any means any dangerous missile, object, stone or other missile within the Village of Birnamwood.
This chapter is amended and effective on publication or posting.