[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Birnamwood as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-1-2006 by Ord. No. 06-10-01]
This article may be referred to as "An Ordinance Regulating Large Outdoor Signs in the Village of Birnamwood."
The citizens of the Village of Birnamwood, acting through the Village Board and Planning Committee and in various other forums, have indicated their strong desire to maintain the character and scenic beauty of the Village.
Depending on their size, number and character, signs either provide useful information or detract from the quality of life for residents and attractiveness of the area for visitors. Large and tall signs may reduce tourism and the location of certain business with high-paying jobs. Since large and tall signs are out of proportion with Village streets they distract motorists and thus pose a threat to public safety. Therefore, to protect public health, safety and welfare, and specifically to promote the safety of public travel on Village, county and state highways, this article prohibits the construction and reconstruction of outdoor signs that are excessively high or excessively large. This article, authorized by Ch. 61, Wis. Stats., sets those standards to protect and promote the safety of public travel on Village, county and state highways by minimizing distractions and obstacles to clear views of the road and of directional or warning signs.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any sign that does not display a well-maintained message for a consecutive 120-day period;
Any sign the owner of which cannot be located at owner's last address, as reflected on the records of the Village-designated office; or
Any sign no longer fully supported by the structure designed to support the sign for a consecutive 120-day period.
The area of one side of a sign is calculated from the smallest rectangle that encompasses all the exposed face that could be filled with a message or graphics.
Sign placed without a permanent structure containing a time-bound message and used in aggregate no more than 21 days in any calendar year on any private parcel.
Sign with a message on both sides of a support structure, thus counting as two sign faces.
A sign authorized by this municipality, another governmental agency, the State of Wisconsin, or the federal government.
Any roadway that is accessible to the public and maintained by the Village, state or by the county for purposes of vehicular traffic.
The Village of Birnamwood office that has responsibility for administering this article.
A person owning a sign.
Contiguous real estate, irrespective of public roads, with tax bills sent to a single address.
The authorization for a sign issued by the office, as defined in this section.
Any individual or entity, including a firm, partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, trustee, and their legal successors.
An object, including a structure, wall, image or movable device displaying any message visible to the public. Notices legally placed on public property and removed on a daily basis are not considered signs. Letters individually painted on or attached to a building that merely identify the owner or occupant or name of the establishment are not considered signs.
A sign for events such as grand openings, displays, craft shows, benefits, fund-raisers, festivals, and other limited-term events and that in aggregate are used no more than 21 days in any calendar year on any private parcel.
A sign, less than three square feet, that warns the public about trespass to private property, dangerous conditions such as an aggressive dog and unusual hazards such as drop-offs, high voltage, fire dangers and explosives.
No new outdoor sign may be constructed in the Village of Birnamwood that has any of the following characteristics:
An area of more than 40 square feet on Village streets in residential areas or 100 square feet on county and state highways.
A combined area of all sign faces on any one parcel of more than 80 square feet on Village streets in residential areas or 200 square feet on county and state highways.
A height of any part of the sign that is more than 10 feet above the uniform finished grade on Village streets in residential areas and 18 feet for county and state highways.
The following signs are exempt from the provisions of this article:
Governmental signs and flags.
Warning signs.
Special event signs.
Intent. This article is intended to encourage the eventual elimination of signs which do not comply with the article. The elimination of nonconforming signs is important to the purpose stated in § 181-2. However, it is also the intent of this article to avoid unreasonable invasion of property rights while accomplishing removal of nonconforming signs.
Compliance. A sign not complying with this article, but in place on the effective date of this article, shall be brought into compliance with the article, if it is practical to do so, as determined by the owner of the sign.
Continuance. A nonconforming sign may be continued if it is maintained in good condition. It shall not, however, be replaced by another nonconforming sign. It may not be structurally altered so as to prolong the life of the sign. It may not be reestablished after damage or destruction if the office, as defined in § 181-3, determines that the estimated cost of reconstruction exceeds 50% of the estimated replacement value. However, it may be replaced if intentionally damaged or destroyed by person(s) who are proven to be unconnected to the owner(s) of the sign.
Nuisance. An unsafe or abandoned sign is declared to be a nuisance, which shall be abated within 60 days of receiving notice from the office. After 60 days, the sign may be removed by the office.
Appeals to the determination of the office, as defined in § 181-3, may be made in writing directly to the governing body, who shall hear the appeal within 60 days. Variances may be granted if all of the following criteria are fulfilled:
That the circumstance are not of the applicant's making;
That the applicant's request mitigates unusual site conditions;
That the applicant's request would not create a detriment to the neighborhood or reduce property value;
That the applicant's request is consistent with the spirit and intent of this article;
That, without a variance, the applicant would experience a hardship and cannot make any reasonable use of the property.
Administration. The office shall appoint personnel to administer and enforce the terms and conditions of this article.
Enforcement. The office shall issue permits as required by this article. The office shall also ensure that signs comply with this article and any other applicable law. The office shall also enforce the requirement that all sign owners properly comply with this article by procuring a permit. The office shall make such inspections as may be necessary and shall initiate appropriate action to enforce compliance with this article and other applicable laws.
Office powers. The designated Village office, as defined in § 181-3, shall have the power and authority to administer and enforce this article. Included among such powers are the following specific powers:
Upon presentation of proper identification to the sign owner or owner's agent, a representative of the office may enter the sign area for purposes of inspecting the sign's area and height. In cases of emergency, where imminent hazards to persons or property are known to exist, and where the sign owner or owner's agent is not readily available, the office's designated representative may enter the sign area for purposes of inspection or remediation. When on private property, the office shall observe rules and regulation concerning safety, internal security, and fire protection. If the office is denied admission to inspect any sign, inspection shall be made only under authority of a warrant issued by a court of proper jurisdiction. When applying for such warrant, the office shall submit an affidavit setting forth a belief that a violation of this article exists with respect to a particular sign, and the reasons for forming this belief. The affidavit shall designate the place and name of the person believed to own or possess the sign. If the court finds probable cause exists for the search of the sign and supporting structures, then a warrant authorizing the search shall be issued. The warrant shall describe the property with sufficient certainty to identify the same. This warrant shall constitute authority for the office to enter the sign area and to inspect the property.
Upon issuance of a stop order from the office, work on any sign that is being conducted in any manner contrary to this article shall be immediately stopped. This notice and order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the parcel, the sign owner, or to the person performing the work. The stop order shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. The Police Department of the Village or the County Sheriff shall have authority to enforce a stop order.
The office has the authority to revoke any permit authorized by this article if the sign violates this article or another law, provided that the office shall offer the sign owner an opportunity to be heard. The person whose permit is under consideration shall be given at least 10 days' written notice of the time, place, and reason for the hearing. The sign owner and/or person identified in the permit shall be permitted to present relevant facts and legal argument concerning the pending revocation. Following this hearing, the office shall consider the merits of the case and shall present a written decision. If the office determines that a violation has occurred, the owner shall have 30 days to remove the sign. If, however, the office believes violation of the article is causing imminent danger, the office may immediately revoke any sign permit and order immediate removal.
A sign installed after the effective date of this article and not conforming to this article shall be removed by the owner. The sign owner shall not be entitled to compensation for the sign removal and shall reimburse the office for any cost incurred in connection with the removal.
Any person violating any provision of this article shall, upon adjudication, forfeit not less than $50 and not more than $150 for each violation. Each day subsequent to the 30-day removal timetable on which a violation continues to occur shall constitute a separate offense. In addition, the Village Attorney is authorized to take all action, legal, injunctive and equitable, to assure compliance with this article.
Severability. This article and its parts are declared to be severable. If any section, clause, provision, or portion of this article is declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this decision shall not affect the validity of the article as a whole. All parts of the article not declared invalid or unconstitutional shall remain in full force and effect.
Conflict. If any part of this article is found to be in conflict with any other ordinance or with any other part of this article, the most restrictive or highest standard shall prevail. If any part of this article is explicitly prohibited by federal or state statute, that part shall not be enforced.
This article shall be effective on November 1, 2006.