[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Birnamwood 6-12-1995 by Ord. No. 6-95-1. Amendments noted where applicable.]
For the purpose of promoting the orderly and logical identification of properties utilizing the physical property address within the Village, all properties or parcels of land shall hereafter be identified by reference to the 911 uniform numbering system adopted herein.
The existing numbering system shall be rescinded, and any street name changes shall be made as required and incorporated into the 911 uniform numbering system. Identifying street signs shall be placed at the intersections of all Village streets.
All properties on the east side of north-south streets and the north side of east-west streets shall be assigned even numbers. All properties on the west side of north-south streets and the south side of east-west streets shall be assigned odd numbers.
The principal building on each property shall bear the number assigned to that property based on the location of the front or main entrance of the building and the street on which the front entrance is located. In cases where a principal building is occupied by more than one business or family dwelling unit, each separate front entrance of such principal building shall bear a separate number. Multiple occupancy numbering guidelines:
Side-by-side multiple occupancy shall be designated by A, B, C, etc.
Upstairs occupancy of a two-unit building shall be designated by adding 1/2 to downstairs number.
Multiple occupancy buildings not having individual entrances shall be assigned on a case-by-case basis, with the approval of the Village Land Use Committee and/or Village Board.
Address plates indicating the official address for each principal building or front entrance will be provided by the Village of Birnamwood. The address plates will be made of white reflectorized material with black lettering.
The address plates shall be posted in a manner as to be visible from the street on which the property is located.
When affixed directly to the principal building, the address plates shall be centered over and within 12 inches of the front or main entrance. As an alternate, the address plates may be mounted to the side of the front or main entrance, 60 inches to 72 inches high, within 12 inches of the door frame.
If not clearly visible from the street when affixed to the principal building, the address plates shall be mounted on posts placed within 10 feet of the driveway to the property and within 10 feet of the property line.
There shall be no trees, shrubs, plant growth, ornamentation, or structure obstructing visibility of the address plates from the frontage street.
The Village Land Use Committee shall assign property identification numbers to all existing and new properties within the Village of Birnamwood. Information on identification numbers assigned to all new properties shall be sent to the Shawano County Sheriff's Department for inclusion in the county 911 system.
The Village Land Use Committee shall keep and maintain a record of all property identification numbers assigned and system maps of the same for the Village of Birnamwood.
In those cases where the requirements of this chapter cannot be met because of unforeseen or extenuating circumstances, a variance may be granted upon a written request filed with the Village Land Use Committee, Land Use Committee approval, and concurrence by majority vote of the Village Board.
Any person owning or occupying a principal building or parcel of land required to be numbered by this chapter who neglects or fails to obtain a proper number and display it in a manner as to be visible from the roadway on which the property is located and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $200 along with penalty assessments and costs. Each separate day such number is not displayed shall constitute a separate offense. Any person altering, destroying, removing or otherwise rendering numbers required to be posted by this chapter from the road on which the property is located shall forfeit not less than $100 nor more than $500 along with penalty assessments and costs.
Any law enforcement officer duly authorized to enforce Village of Birnamwood ordinances is authorized to issue citation(s) for violation(s) under this chapter.
Should any provision of this chapter conflict with the Wisconsin Statutes or the Wisconsin Administrative Code, only those provisions of the chapter in conflict are affected and the rest of this chapter shall continue in full force and effect.
This chapter shall take effect upon passage and publication as required by law. Deadline for affixing address plates shall be September 1, 1995.