[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Birnamwood 8-22-2005 by Ord. No. 05-08-02. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All structures constructed on a mobile home lot apart from the basic mobile home unit, and shall include awnings, cabanas, storage cabinets (or sheds), carports, windbreaks, attached porches and garages.
A mobile home which does not have complete bathroom facilities.
A minor private way used by vehicles and pedestrians on a mobile home lot or used for common access to a small group of lots or facilities.
The total area reserved for exclusive use of the occupants of a mobile home.
A manufactured transportable single-family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy, containing water supply, waste disposal and electrical conveniences, and is ready for occupancy except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations at the site; and as defined in Ch. 66, § 66.0435(1), Wis. Stats.
A parcel of land located in a mobile home park for the placement of a single mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants.
A parcel of land which has been developed for the placement of mobile homes and is owned by an individual, a firm, trust, partnership, public or private association, or corporation.
That part of the individual lot which has been reserved for the placement of one mobile home unit.
The person who owns or has charge, care or control of the mobile home park.
An enclosed space designed to provide auxiliary general storage space for an individual mobile home.
All mobile home developments and modifications of or additions or extensions to existing development shall comply with the following:
Chapter SPS 326, Wis. Adm. Code, as now existing or hereafter amended, is hereby made a part of this chapter and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth, except that such regulations shall not be deemed to modify any requirement of this chapter or any other applicable law or ordinance of the state or Village.
No mobile home development shall be laid out, constructed or operated without Village water and sanitary sewer service.
All liquid wastes originating at units or service or other buildings shall be discharged into a sewerage system extended from and connected with the public sewerage system. Such systems shall comply with all provisions of the state code and Village ordinances relating to plumbing and sanitation. Each individual space shall be provided with a three-inch watertight sewer connection protected from damage by heaving and thawing or parking of the unit, with a continuous grade which is not subject to surface drainage, so constructed that it can be closed when not in use, and trapped in such a manner that it can be kept odor-free.
Adequate provision shall be made for the disposal of solid and liquid wastes in a manner approved by the Village Board. Open burning of waste or refuse is prohibited.
No mobile home development shall be laid out, constructed or operated without Village water and sanitary sewer service.
All refuse containing garbage shall be collected at regular intervals. Where suitable collection service is not available from public or private agencies, the mobile home park operator shall provide this service. In no instance may disposal of the waste be carried out through incineration on the mobile home park site.
All television cable systems, electrical and telephone distribution lines and oil or gas piping serving the development or spaces therein shall be installed underground. Distribution systems shall be new, and all parts and installations shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local codes.
Each space shall be provided with direct electrical service of not less than 100 amperes for 220-volt service.
In addition to the records kept and fees collected for the normal operation of the mobile park by the owner/manager, the Village of Birnamwood requires the mobile home park owner/manager to keep the following records and collect the following fees for the Village. The fees shall be collected monthly from the mobile home park occupants and paid to the Village on a regular schedule approved by the Village. The Village shall have the right to collect the fees in the absence of an owner/manager, during a transition period, or whenever it is deemed necessary by the Village Board.
Maintain a register of all mobile home park occupants, to be open at all times to inspection by state, federal and municipal officers, which shall show:
Names and addresses of all owners and occupants of each mobile home.
Number of children of school age.
State of legal residence.
Dates of entrance and departure of each mobile home.
Make, model, year and serial number or license number of each mobile home and towing or other motor vehicles and state, territory or country which issued such licenses.
Place of employment of each occupant, if any.
The records for each mobile home unit shall be kept on a form supplied by the Village, or a similar form approved by the Village, and be signed by both the occupant and mobile home park owner/manager.
Monthly property tax fee. This fee will be determined by the Village and is based on the value of the mobile home unit and the state mobile home tax fee formula.
Water/sewer utility fee. This fee will be based on actual cost of metered service, average cost of similar households, or calculated fees based on total metered service fees for the mobile home park.
Any other utility or service fee required or used by the mobile home park.
Park owner/manager shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of this chapter and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this chapter.
The park owner/manager shall supervise the placement of each mobile home on its mobile home stand, which includes securing its stability and installing all utility connections.
The park owner/manager shall have each mobile home unit, new or used, inspected by the Village Building Inspector or designated agent, and an occupancy permit shall be issued before allowing the mobile home unit to become occupied.
The park owner/manager shall have each mobile home unit that changes ownership, occupancy, or is unoccupied for a period of 30 days or more inspected by the Village Building Inspector and Village Health Officer, or their designated agents, and a new occupancy permit issued before allowing the mobile home unit to become reoccupied.
Notify mobile home park occupants of the provisions of this chapter and inform them of their duties and responsibilities and report promptly to the proper authorities any violations of this chapter or any other violations of law which may come to their attention.
Maintain mobile home park grounds, buildings and structures free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation and accumulations of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and other pests.
Maintain the mobile home park free from growth of noxious weeds.
Allow inspections of mobile home park premises and facilities at reasonable times by municipal officials or their agents or employees.
The park owner/manager shall notify and furnish such information as required to the Village Clerk-Treasurer and/or Village Assessor of mobile home units added to the park within five days after arrival in accordance with § 66.0435(3)(c) and (e), Wis. Stats.
Mobile home park occupants shall comply with all applicable requirements of this chapter and regulations issued hereunder and shall maintain their mobile home space, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
Park occupants shall be responsible for proper placement of their mobile homes on the mobile home stand and proper installation of all utility connections in accordance with the instructions of the park management.
Mobile homes shall be parked only on the mobile home stands provided and shall be placed thereon in accordance with all requirements of this chapter and mobile home park requirements.
The park occupant shall maintain the connection and proper operation of all utility services, including water and sanitary service connections, to their mobile home unit.
No mobile home unit shall be occupied without proper connection and operation of municipal water and sanitary sewer services.
No person shall discharge any wastewater on the surface of the ground within any mobile home park.
If permitted in the park, no owner or person in charge of a dog, cat or other pet animal shall permit it to run at large or to cause any nuisance within the limits of any mobile home park.
No mobile home owner or occupant shall conduct in any unit or any mobile home park any business or engage in any other activity which would not be permitted in single-family residential areas in the Village.
The park occupant shall store and dispose of all his or her rubbish and garbage in a clean, sanitary and safe manner. The garbage container shall be rodent-proof, insect-proof and watertight.
Porches, awnings, and other additions shall be installed only if permitted and approved by the park management and after obtaining a permit from the Village Building Inspector, if necessary. When installed, all porches, awnings and additions shall be maintained in safe and good repair. The space immediately below a mobile home shall be for storage if permitted by the park management. If permitted, the following conditions shall be satisfied:
The storage area shall be provided with a base of impervious material;
Stored items shall be located so as not to interfere with the underneath inspection of the mobile home;
The storage area shall be enclosed by skirting.
It shall be the duty of every resident of the mobile home park to give the management thereof or its designated agent access to any part of such mobile home park at reasonable times for the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with this chapter.
Accessory structures remain, as per definition, dependent upon the mobile home and shall not be used as complete independent living units with permanent provisions for sleeping, cooking and sanitation. Such structure shall be erected, constructed and occupied on a mobile home lot as directed by the management of the mobile home development, as required by applicable state or local standards, and as specified in this chapter.
Accessory structures shall be designed in a manner that will enhance the appearance of the mobile home development.
Accessory structures shall not obstruct required openings for light and ventilation of the mobile home and shall not prevent inspection of mobile home equipment and utility connections.
Construction and electrical installations shall comply with Village building codes and ordinances.
Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform to the requirements of the Village ordinances.
The mobile home park shall be maintained free of accumulations of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and other pests.
Storage areas shall be so maintained as to prevent rodent harborage; lumber, pipe and other building material shall be stored at least one foot above the ground.
Where the potential for insect and rodent infestation exists, all exterior openings in or beneath any structure shall be appropriately screened with wire mesh or other suitable materials.
The growth of brush, weeds and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of ticks, chiggers and other noxious insects. The park shall be so maintained as to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and other noxious weeds considered detrimental to health. Open areas shall be maintained free of heavy undergrowth of any description.
The Village President or his or her authorized agent is authorized and directed to make such inspections as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this chapter.
The Village President or his or her authorized agent shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this chapter.
The Village President or his or her authorized agent shall have the power to inspect the register containing a record of all residents of the mobile home park.
It shall be the duty of the park owner/manager to give the Village President or his or her authorized agent free access to all lots at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection.
The Building Inspector is authorized and directed to make inspection when he or she has valid reason to believe that a violation of this chapter has occurred.
The Building Inspector is authorized to enter and inspect all mobile home parks and mobile home units subject to the provisions of this chapter between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (except Sundays and holidays), for the purpose of determining whether there is compliance with the provisions of this chapter. He or she shall give the occupant thereof, or if there be none, then the owner thereof, reasonable notice of his or her intent to inspect the premises and may then make his or her inspection only if he or she is given permission to do so. In the absence of such permission, he or she shall obtain a search warrant before entering the premises. However, if delay in inspection would pose a serious and imminent threat to human life, health or property, he or she may enter the premises without such permission or notice and with or without a search warrant, as the circumstances may prescribe. The Inspector and the owner or occupant in charge may agree to an inspection by appointment at a time other than during the hours specified above.
If any owner, occupant or other person in charge of a mobile home park or home subject to the provisions of this chapter refuses, impedes, inhibits, interferes with, restricts or obstructs entry and free access to any part of the structural premises where inspection authorized by this chapter is sought, the Inspector may seek from any court of competent jurisdiction an order that such owner, occupant or other person in charge cease and desist with such interference.
Whenever the Building Inspector determines that there has been a violation or that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provisions of this chapter, he or she shall give written notice of such violation alleged to the party responsible for maintaining the premises in compliance with this article or an agent as designated in writing and:
Include a description of the real estate or site sufficient for identification;
Include a statement or statements concerning the alleged violations;
Include an order for remedial action;
Allow a reasonable time, up to three months, for performance as required.
Any person may apply for a variance from the provisions of this chapter to the Village Planning Committee.
Any person feeling aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Building Inspector may appeal from such order or ruling to the Board of Appeals within five calendar days after written notice of such order or ruling being delivered to the aggrieved person. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Village Clerk. A majority of the voting members of the Board of Appeals shall be sufficient to sustain the order of the Building Inspector.
If the Building Inspector shall determine that a mobile home park or mobile home is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance and that there is a great danger to the public health, safety and welfare, and if the owner, or occupant if appropriate, refuses to comply with the orders within the time prescribed, the Building Inspector shall cause the use of such mobile home park or mobile home to be posted unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use by posting a placard containing the following words: "These premises or mobile home cannot be used for human habitation, occupancy or use."
It shall further be the duty of the Building Inspector to notify the owner or occupants, whichever applies, that such premises or mobile home is unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use, and shall not be occupied until approved by the Building Inspector.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, General Penalty, of this Code.