In addition to the general sign provisions of Chapter 19.904, the following sign standards of this chapter shall apply to all signs in the commercial and industrial zones.
The following types of signs are permitted in commercial and industrial zones, subject to the standards and regulations of this Division:
Ground signs,
Wall signs,
Canopy signs,
Display board signs (permanent panels for the posting of temporary notices or changeable messages),
Electronic display board signs (permanent panels for the posting of electronically changeable notices or messages),
Pennants, banners, and forced cold-air inflatable signs.
Total Allowable Sign Area. The total sign area of all signs permitted by this section for each development site, other than an integrated development or certain uses (as described in Section 19.912.050), shall not exceed the greater of:
2 square feet per foot of building frontage, or
For any development, other than an integrated development, 1/2 square foot per foot of total street frontage.
Ground Signs.
Number of Ground Signs. There shall be not more than 1 ground sign structure on each lot, except where permitted under Section 19.912.050 for certain uses or for an integrated development under Sections 19.912.020, 19.912.030, and 19.912.040. If a lot has more than 1 street frontage and is not a corner lot, there may be 1 such sign for each street frontage which has both vehicular access and business frontage on a public street.
Location of Ground Signs.
Any ground sign structure shall be located within the middle 40 percent of the lot width and between the street frontage line and a main building or other center of activity for the establishment identified; except, for a corner lot, a ground sign structure may be located in the portion of the lot near the street intersection. Alternatively, a ground sign structure may be located nearer a side lot line than prescribed above when authorized under a conditional use permit.
Vision Clearance Area. Ground signs may be located within required vision clearance area adjacent to driveways, as defined under Section 19.536.020, provided that the ground sign supports and sign cabinets do not obstruct sight between the heights of 2 feet and 7 feet.
Height of Ground Signs. The maximum height for a ground sign structure shall be twenty feet, with the following exceptions;
For a ground sign adjacent to a freeway, as permitted under Section 19.912.080,
For a ground sign for an integrated retail development, as permitted under Sections 19.912.030 and 19.912.040,
For a ground sign fronting on a major or primary highway, as defined in the Buena Park General Plan, with a maximum height of thirty feet for any development when authorized under the conditional use procedure of Section 19.128.020.
The property address shall appear in minimum 8-inch high letters on all ground signs, to be illuminated and visible to the public and emergency vehicles.
Wall Signs.
Number of Signs. There shall be not be more than one wall sign for each building frontage; except, for each building frontage, there may be one additional wall sign containing a logo only. Also, in addition, for each public or service entrance to a building or use from a public alley or parking area, there may be one wall sign identifying such entrance.
A wall sign may be mounted on a fascia provided such sign shall not extend in a vertical plane beyond the limits of the fascia surface, except such sign may hang beneath and parallel to a fascia provided there is at least seven feet clearance from ground level.
A wall sign may be mounted on a mansard-type roof having a slope of seventy-five degrees or more from horizontal, provided the edges of such sign are boxed into the roof.
A wall sign shall project not more than one foot from the wall surface, fascia, or mansard-type roof upon which it is mounted.
A wall sign within the commercial zones shall not be painted directly on the building facade, unless authorized with a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 19.128.020.
Canopy Signs. There shall be not more than one canopy sign for each business frontage. Each such sign shall have not more than two sign faces. Each sign face area shall not exceed two square feet.
Display Board Signs.
There shall not be more than one display board sign for each establishment.
Any display board shall be firmly attached to a wall or supporting structure, and shall not extend above the nearest roof nor more than twenty feet above ground level. A wall-mounted display board sign is permitted in addition to the permitted number of wall signs. A display board sign may be mounted on a permitted ground sign structure, provided it meets the height and clearance requirements for ground signs. A displayboard sign shall not be mounted on a freestanding structure which is additional to the permitted number of ground sign structures.
The face area of all display boards shall be included in the measurement of sign area and shall not exceed thirty percent of the total allowable sign area.
Display boards and the notices and messages posted thereon shall be maintained in a neat and safe condition.
Electronic Display Board Signs. An electronic display board sign may be permitted only within the following designated special areas of the commercial and industrial zones:
CR Zone. For property within the CR zone as part of a master sign program pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 19.556.
ECSP Zone. For property within the ECSP zone, with authorization under a conditional use permit as specified under Section 19.128.020.
ACSP Zone. For property within the ACSP zone pursuant to the provisions of the Buena Park Auto Center Specific Plan.
Pennants, Banners, and forced cold-air Inflatable Signs.
Pennants, banners, and inflatable signs shall be displayed only in connection with grand openings or similar events for which prior notice has been given to the Director in writing. Displays of pennants and banners by any establishment shall be limited to a total of ninety days each calendar year. Displays of inflatable signs shall not exceed a total of thirty days in a calendar year. A longer period for pennants, banners and inflatables may be authorized under a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 19.128.020.
Any pennants or banners shall be suspended so as to maintain at least a seven foot clearance from ground level.
Each business establishment shall be limited to one banner per business frontage.
The time limit for banners of business establishments undergoing reconstruction, alterations, or remodeling may be approved for the period of construction activity or a total of 180 days, whichever is less. The 180 day limit may be extended by the Director for extenuating circumstances.
(Ord. 1318 § 11, 1995; Ord. 1382 §§ 20, 21, 1998)
Prior to the issuance of any sign permit for an integrated development in the commercial zones, other than the CR zone, a sign program shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission to enable zoning compliance review of individual signs within that development. The approved sign program shall specify the following criteria:
All details regarding locations, materials, colors, dimensions, etc., shall be specified on the sign plan submittal.
All signs shall be harmoniously integrated with the architecture of the development to which they pertain, including locations, materials, coloration, height, size, and shape, and said signs shall not detract from existing developments in the area.
Ground Signs for an Integrated Development.
Allowable Ground Sign Area. The total allowable amount of ground sign area for an integrated development shall be limited to the following formula:
Sign Area = 2 feet × 30 percent of building frontage.
Number of Ground Signs.
Except as permitted in subsection b of this subsection B.2, there may be one ground sign structure for each street frontage which is at least three hundred feet in length, but in any case, at least one ground sign shall be permitted for an integrated development. Furthermore, if an integrated development has more than one street frontage and is not a corner lot, there may be one such sign for each street frontage which has both vehicular access and business frontage on a public street.
One additional monument sign may be permitted for each use within an integrated development which solely occupies a separate structure abutting a public street and containing a minimum 3,000 square feet in floor area.
Height of Ground Signs. For an integrated development, the maximum height for a ground sign structure shall be twenty feet, with the following exceptions:
For an integrated retail development with a total floor area of more than 15,000 square feet, the maximum height for a ground sign structure shall be thirty feet.
For a ground sign structure fronting on a major or primary highway, as designated in the Buena Park General Plan, the height may be increased to a maximum 30 feet when authorized under the conditional use procedure of Section 19.128.020.
Ground signs shall be designed to include all advertising within a single framework. Framework or poles shall be wrapped with masonry, wood, or metal to be compatible with the buildings on the site. Any add-on modules shall be confined to within the existing framework.
Any ground sign designed for the signing of more than 3 tenants shall include a permanent area for the listing of the leasing agent. No other temporary ground sign advertising space for rent or lease shall be permitted.
The property address shall appear in minimum 8-inch high letters on all ground signs, to be visible for the public and emergency vehicles.
Wall Signs for an Integrated Development.
Allowable Wall Sign Area. The allowable amount of wall sign area per tenant space shall be limited to the following formula:
Sign Area = 2 feet × 70 percent of width (in feet) of the tenant business frontage, except, for a business frontage of less that 15 feet, a minimum of 20 square feet shall be permitted.
Number of Wall Signs. For an integrated development in which the individual tenants have no business frontage, the permitted number of wall signs for that development shall be the same as for a non-integrated development in Section 19.912.010. For other integrated developments, the number of wall signs shall be limited to one sign per tenant business frontage, with the following exceptions:
Upon a sign program approval, one wall sign may be permitted for each additional tenant wall facing a parking lot or street. Total sign area of all such wall signs shall be within the allowable wall sign area for that tenant space.
For a tenant space exceeding 30,000 square feet in floor area, up to four additional wall signs may be permitted for the purpose of advertising goods or services offered. The area of all wall signs for such tenant shall be within the total allowable wall sign area for the tenant space. Furthermore, the additional signs permitted within this section shall be subordinate in area and size to a primary wall sign.
Materials and Design.
A wall sign shall not extend in length beyond 70 percent of any business frontage. For a business frontage of less than 15 feet, the wall sign may extend beyond this point, if a minimum 5-foot separation is provided from any other wall sign.
All wall signs shall be uniform in size, shape, and construction.
All wall signs shall have a uniform background color and material, if applicable.
All trim details shall be uniform.
If applicable to the design or theme of an area, all lettering shall be uniform or compatible in shape and style.
All advertising copy shall be within the envelope framework.
(Ord. 1382 §§ 22, 23, 1998)
The general sign provisions and definitions of Chapter 19.912 and this chapter shall apply for signs in the CR zone wherever applicable, with the exception that the special sign provisions of Chapter 19.556 shall supersede and/or apply in all other instances.
(Ord. 1382 § 24, 1998)
Prior to the issuance of any sign permit for an integrated development in the industrial zones, a sign program shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission to enable zoning compliance review of individual signs within that development. The sign program shall comply with the requirements of this section and specify the following criteria:
All details regarding locations, materials, colors, dimensions, etc., shall be specified on the sign plan submittal.
All signs shall be harmoniously integrated with the architecture of the development to which they pertain, including locations, materials, coloration, height, size and shape, and said signs shall not detract from existing developments in the area.
Ground Signs for an Integrated Development.
Allowable Ground Sign Area. The total allowable amount of ground sign area for an integrated development shall be limited to the following formula:
Sign Area = 2 feet × 30 percent of building frontage.
Number of Ground Signs.
Except as permitted in subsection b of this subsection B.2, there may be one ground sign structure for each street frontage which is at least three hundred feet in length, or, if other than a corner lot, there may be one such sign for each street frontage which has both vehicular access and business frontage on a public street.
One additional monument sign may be permitted for each use within an integrated development which solely occupies a separate structure abutting a public street and containing a minimum 3,000 square feet in floor area.
Height of Ground Signs. No ground sign structure shall exceed a height of twenty feet.
Ground signs shall be designed to include all advertising within a single framework. Framework or poles shall be wrapped with masonry, wood, or metal to be compatible with the buildings on the site. Any add-on modules shall be confined to within the existing framework.
Any ground sign designed for the signing of more than 3 tenants shall include a permanent area for the listing of the leasing agent. No other temporary ground sign advertising space for rent or lease shall be permitted.
The property address shall appear in minimum 8 inch high letters on all ground signs, to be visible for the public and emergency vehicles.
Wall Signs for an Integrated Development.
Allowable Wall Sign Area. The allowable amount of wall sign area per tenant space shall be limited to the following formula:
Sign Area = 1 foot × 70 percent of width (in feet) of the tenant business frontage.
Number of Wall Signs. For an integrated development in which the tenants have no business frontage, the permitted number of wall signs shall be the same as in Section 19.912.010. For other integrated developments, the number of wall signs shall be limited to one sign per tenant business frontage.
Materials and Design.
A wall sign shall not extend in length beyond 70 percent of any business frontage.
A wall sign within a multi-tenanted development shall not be painted directly on the building facade, unless authorized by a comprehensive sign program approved by the Planning Commission.
All wall signs shall be uniform in size, shape, and construction.
All wall signs shall have a uniform background color and material, if applicable.
All trim details shall be uniform.
If applicable to the design or theme of the area, all lettering shall be uniform or compatible in shape and style.
All advertising copy shall be within the envelope framework.
The uses listed below and under Chapter 19.552 (Special Requirements for Certain Uses) have certain sign provisions other than the general sign provisions of this chapter. Except where specifically noted otherwise under Chapter 19.552, all other sign provisions of this chapter shall apply.
Automobile Service Stations (See Section 19.552.050).
Recycling Centers (See Section 19.552.080).
It is the purpose of this section to permit building graphics (including the use of exposed neon) and murals which are appropriate in context, design, size, location, and color for the aesthetic enhancement of any development in the commercial and industrial zones.
CR Zone. For a development in the CR zone, special provisions apply for building graphics and murals pursuant to Chapter 19.556.
Other Commercial and Industrial Zones. For a development in the commercial and industrial zones, other than the CR zone, building graphics and murals may be authorized with a conditional use permit when, in the view of the Director, such graphics and/or mural cannot be considered as an architectural element to a building's design under the site plan review process, and/or, such graphics and/or mural would be considered as a sign by interpretation of this Division. Authorization under this section would exempt such building graphics and murals from allowable sign area calculations. Such building graphics and murals shall be of general interest without direct advertising of businesses and/or services or products related to a business.
(Ord. 1382 § 25, 1998)
For a business or industrial park, additional monument signs may be permitted with a sign plan review in addition to the number of ground signs and allowable sign area otherwise permitted in this Division, subject to the following criteria:
The park shall consist of 5 or more buildings under a single ownership or a property management association at the time of the application.
The park shall contain buildings which do not all have frontage on a major or primary highway, as defined in the Buena Park General Plan.
The monument identification sign(s) shall be for the primary purpose of identifying the park. Identification of major tenants may be permitted under a sign plan review but such identification shall be subordinate to the overall design of the sign(s).
The approved number, size, location, and design of the identification signs shall be determined through a sign plan review with the Planning Commission.
Each nonresidential parcel within 500 feet of a freeway right-of-way may have 1 sign oriented to freeway traffic. Such sign shall meet all requirements of Chapters 19.904 and 19.912 with the following exceptions and additional limitations:
The message on such sign shall be limited to the name of 1 establishment or product located on the same site and 1 logo or trademark. There shall be no temporary or changeable messages.
Where a lot abuts a freeway right-of-way line, such property line may be treated as a street frontage, in lieu of another street frontage of the same lot, for determining the permitted location of such sign, but for no other purpose.
The maximum height of a ground sign adjacent to a freeway shall be 30 feet, except that a greater height may be authorized with a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 19.128.020. As part of the conditional use permit request for a greater height, the sign height shall be balloon-tested for visibility and possible impact on surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
Purpose. Billboards are recognized as a legitimate form of commercial use in the City. However, the size, number, location and illumination of billboards can have significant influence on the City's visual environment, and can, without adequate control, create or contribute to visual blight conditions. The purpose of this section is to provide reasonable billboard control, recognizing that community appearance is an important factor in ensuring the general community welfare. This section contains the entirety of the City's zoning regulations with respect to billboards in the Billboard Overlay Zone. Nothing herein shall affect the right of any billboard or digital billboard in the Billboard Overlay Zone in existence as of the date of the ordinance codified in this section pursuant to a development agreement to continue to legally exist and be maintained pursuant to such agreement (including any amendments or extensions thereof).
Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
means a static or revolving free-standing sign that identifies or communicates a commercial or noncommercial message related to an activity conducted, a service rendered, or a commodity sold at a location other than where the sign is located. This includes, but is not limited to, building graphics, supergraphics, building wraps, and wall drop signs containing off-site messages, and billboards painted or applied to building walls. The terms "billboard" and "off-premises sign" may be used interchangeably to mean the same thing.
Electronic billboard
means a billboard, utilizing digital message technology, capable of changing the static message or copy on the sign electronically, such that the alphabetic, pictographic, or symbolic informational content of which can be changed or altered on a fixed display surface composed of electronically illuminated or electronically actuated or motivated elements can be changed or altered electronically. An electronic billboard may be internally or externally illuminated. This includes billboards with displays that must be preprogrammed to display only certain types of information (i.e., time, date, temperature) and billboards whose informational content can be changed or altered by means of computer-driven electronic impulses. This includes, without limitation, billboards also known as digital billboards or LED billboards.
Billboard overlay zone or BOZ
means a zone that overlays an existing industrial, commercial or Auto Center Specific Plan zone, and that allows for the placement of billboards that conform to this section.
means a sign containing either on-site or off-site advertising, and consisting of an image that is applied to and integrated with a wall, or projected onto a wall, or printed on vinyl, mesh, or any other material, or other light pliable material not enclosed in a rigid frame. The term "supergraphic" also shall include signs known as "building wraps."
General Requirements.
Billboards shall be allowed in the BOZ only after a development agreement has been approved. A development agreement shall be entered into prior to approval of any project involving installation or construction of a new billboard, expansion, modification, or digitization of a billboard, or addition of additional face(s) to a billboard. A development agreement may include compensation to be paid to the City as a result of the installation and operation of the billboard. A billboard or digital billboard in existence on the effective date of this ordinance pursuant to a development agreement (including any amendments or extensions thereof) may be relocated and rebuilt within 100 feet of its existing location within the BOZ.
Locations allowed. Billboards shall be allowed only in the BOZ, and shall not be permitted in any location which would result in violation of any applicable federal, state or local law. Pursuant to the Section 5412 of the California Business and Professions Code, the Development Agreement required in Section 19.912.090(C)(1) may include provisions related to the relocation or removal of billboards in areas outside or inside the boundaries of the City of Buena Park.
In the event of any conflict between any provision contained in this section and any other provisions contained elsewhere in this code, the provisions of this section shall govern.
No billboard will be approved without the applicant first providing proof of lease, easement or other entitlement demonstrating the right to install the billboard on the subject property, including the written consent of the property owner if not readily ascertainable from the foregoing documents.
No billboard will be approved, and no billboard may be maintained, unless a designated maintenance service is available 24/7, by telephone, to be contacted and to respond in the event a billboard becomes damaged or dilapidated.
Billboard Overlay Zone Established. A new Billboard Overlay Zone is hereby established in the following areas:
On the southwest line of the Santa Ana (I-5) freeway, the length of the BOZ begins at the intersection of the north line of Orangethorpe Avenue and the railroad and the freeway right-of-way and extends to a point 1,050 feet northwest along the southwest line of the freeway right-of-way (Point 1A). The depth of the BOZ is 150 feet perpendicular and to the southwest line of the freeway right-of-way starting at Point 1A.
On the southwest line of the Santa Ana (I-5) freeway, the length of the BOZ begins from the intersection of the west line of Beach Boulevard and the north line of Orange County Assessor parcel number 276-213-39 and extends to a point 250 feet northwest and parallel to the southwest freeway right-of-way (Point 2A). The depth of the BOZ is 100 feet perpendicular from the south line of the freeway right-of-way starting at Point 2A.
On the southwest line of the Santa Ana (I-5) freeway, the length of the BOZ begins from the intersection of the west line of Western Avenue and the north line of Orange County Assessor parcel number 276-202-23 and extends to a point 250 feet northwest and parallel to the southwest freeway right-of-way (Point 3A). The depth of the BOZ is 100 feet perpendicular from the south line of the freeway right-of-way starting at Point 3A.
On the north line of the Artesia (I-91) freeway, starting from a starting point that is 1,072 feet west along the north line of the freeway right-of-way from the intersection of the west line of Western Avenue and the southeast corner of Orange County Assessor parcel number 136-173-25, the length of the BOZ begins from said starting point and extends to a point 285 feet east (Point 4A). The depth of the BOZ is 100 feet perpendicular from the north line of the freeway right-of-way starting at Point 4A.
On the north line of the Artesia (I-91) freeway, starting from a starting point that is 600 feet west along the north line of the freeway right-of-way from the intersection of the west line of Beach Boulevard and the north line of the freeway, the length of the BOZ begins from said starting point and extends to a point 500 feet east along the north line of the freeway right-of-way (Point 5A). The depth of the BOZ is 100 feet perpendicular from the south line of the freeway right-of-way starting at Point 5A.
The City owned parcel Assessor Parcel Number 066-020-36 as described in Grant Deed number 2016000223043, as recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California.
Physical Requirements.
Minimum distances. The minimum distance between 2 billboards, shall be 1,000 feet if placed within 200 feet of the freeway right-of-way or if a billboard is primarily oriented to the freeway and placed greater than 200 feet from the freeway right-of-way. The minimum distance between 2 billboards shall be 500 feet if placed on the street at a location that is greater than 200 feet from the freeway right-of-way, provided the billboards are not primarily oriented toward the freeway. Distance shall be measured from the vertical centerline of each billboard and parallel to the freeway or street toward which the billboards are oriented. The minimum distance requirements in this subsection 1 shall not apply to the relocation of a billboard or digital billboard in existence under a development agreement pursuant to subsection (C)(1) above.
Utilities. All utilities for each billboard shall be underground.
Face orientation. No billboard shall have more than 1 face (display surface) oriented in the same vertical plane.
Name of owner. All billboards shall plainly display (to be visible from no less than 100 feet) the name of the person or company owning or maintaining it and the billboard identification number.
Driveways. Billboards projecting over a driveway or driving aisle shall have a minimum clearance of 16 feet between the lowest point of the sign and the driveway grade.
Pedestrian walkway. Billboards projecting over a pedestrian walkway shall have a minimum clearance of 8 feet between the lowest point of the sign and the walkway grade.
Other minimum clearance. All billboards not projecting over drive areas or pedestrian walkways shall have a minimum clearance of 8 feet between the lowest point of the billboard and ground level.
Screening. All new billboard structures shall be free of any visible bracing, angle iron, guy wires, cable, and/or similar supporting elements. All exposed portions of new billboards, including backs, sides, structural support members and support poles, shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.
Mobile billboards are prohibited. To the extent not in conflict with any provision of the Vehicle Code, any "mobile billboard advertising display," as that term is defined in Vehicle Code Section 395.5, including any billboard installed upon, mounted, attached, or applied to any vehicle, non-motorized vehicle, bicycle, scooter, or trailer whose primary purpose is conveyance, transportation, or support of the billboard message surface, shall be prohibited from any display or placement on public or private property or the public right-of-way in a manner making it visible from any other public or private property or the public right-of-way.
Residential zones. All billboards shall be placed at least 100 feet from any residential zone. The measurement is from the closest edge of the billboard to the closest edge of the residential zone.
Operational Requirements.
No billboard shall display any statement or words of an "obscene, indecent, or immoral character," as that phrase is used in Business and Professions Code Section 5402 and judicial decisions interpreting the same.
No billboard shall display any advertising of any drugs, including, but not limited to, marijuana or tobacco products; adult-type uses, including, but not limited to, nude or topless bars or nightclubs, or establishments that feature nude or topless dancing or mud wrestling, or businesses featuring the sales of adult novelty items, books, magazines, videos, DVDs or tapes.
Each digital billboard shall be connected to the National Emergency Network and provide emergency information, including child abduction alerts (i.e., "Amber Alerts"), in accordance with local and regional first responder protocols.
Digital billboard operating criteria.
Digital billboards shall contain static messages only, and shall not have movement, or the appearance or optical illusion of movement during the static display period, of any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial segment of the sign, including the movement or appearance of movement. Each static message shall not include flashing lighting or the varying of light intensity.
Minimum display time. Each message on the sign must be displayed for a minimum of 4 seconds.
Digital billboards shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3 foot candles above ambient light, as measured using a foot candle meter at a pre-set distance.
Pre-set distances to measure the foot candles impact vary with the expected viewing distances of each size sign. Measurement distance criteria:
Nominal Face Size
Distance to be measured from:
12′ x 25′
10′6″ x 36′
14′ x 48′
20′ x 60′ or 25′ x 48′
Each digital billboard must have a light sensing device that will adjust the brightness as ambient light conditions change.
Each digital billboard shall be designed to freeze the display in 1 static position, display a full black screen, or turn off, in the event of a malfunction.
Walls or screens at the base of the billboard shall not create a hazard to public safety or provide an attractive nuisance and shall be continually maintained free from graffiti.
Billboards shall not be operated in such a fashion as to constitute a hazard to safe and efficient operation of vehicles on streets or freeways and shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Digital billboards when operated in accordance with the operating criteria in subsection 4 above and static billboards operated pursuant to local, state and federal law shall be deemed to be in compliance with this subsection 7.
No billboard shall simulate or imitate any directional, warning, danger or information sign, or any display likely to be mistaken for any permitted sign intended or likely to be construed as giving warning to traffic, by, for example, the use of the words "stop" or "slow down."
No billboard shall involve any red or blinking or intermittent light likely to be mistaken for warning or danger signals nor shall its illumination impair the vision of travelers on the adjacent freeway and/or roadways. Digital billboards when operated in accordance with the operating criteria in subsection 4 above shall be deemed to be in compliance with this subsection 9.
No digital billboard shall be operated or maintained so as to constitute an "improper display," as defined or described in Business and Professions Code Section 5403.
(Ord. 1582 § 5, 2015; Ord. 1717 §§ 4, 5, 6, 2023)