Any structure or use of a structure or premises must be brought into conformity with these provisions when it is changed, repaired, or improved [NOTE: The assumption that all buildings will be brought into compliance unless an exception is found is not required by the federal regulations; it is a recommended change for the sake of administrative efficiency and improved compliance.] unless one of the following exceptions is established before the change is made:
The Floodplain Manager has determined that:
Change is not a substantial repair or substantial improvement; and
No new square footage is being built in the floodplain that is not compliant; and
No new square footage is being built in the floodway; and
The change complies with this chapter and the VA USBC; and
The change, when added to all the changes made during a rolling five-year period, does not constitute 50% of the structure's value. [NOTE: This cumulative change requirement is a recommended higher standard. DCR has found that not having a time period for cumulative change can lead to people trying to split work up to avoid hitting the 50% limit which puts the community in a difficult place with enforcement and increases administrative burdens.]
The changes are required to comply with a citation for a health or safety violation.
The structure is a historic structure and the change required would impair the historic nature of the structure.