No person shall lay, construct, reconstruct or repair in any public street any curb, sidewalk, gutter, roadway surface, pavement, sanitary sewer, sewage works, storm drain, culvert, stairway, retaining wall or similar structure, building or improvement, or perform any grading or filling, or subject any water line sewer, or storm drain to excessive live or dead loading, without first obtaining a written permit therefor from the public works department engineer and without first obtaining approval of plans and specifications and the lines and grades therefor from the city engineer.
Any person who desires to make any such improvement upon any private property not dedicated to a public use, may, in order to obtain the city engineer's approval of plans and specifications therefor, city inspection and supervision of the work, and to assure that the improvement when completed will be to the satisfaction of the city engineer and that his acceptance thereof will be available if the improvement be later submitted for dedication to public use, apply for and obtain a permit therefor which shall, after such voluntary application, be treated in all respects as a permit required by law, except that the bond for the faithful performance of the work, provided for in Section 13.16.070 may be waived. All fees, and all deposits, provided for in the following sections must be demanded and received as in the case of permits required by law, and the engineer may impose such other conditions as may, in his discretion, be required to assure that the work may be inspected and supervised without cost or expense to the city, that the work will not cause loss or damage to the city or to the public, and that the improvements when completed, will be acceptable for public use if and when they shall be dedicated to or devoted to such use.
The inspection, supervision and other services rendered or undertaken by the city shall be consideration for any conditions imposed upon the applicant and shall be withheld if he refuses any such condition. Whenever any applicant hereunder shall post with the city engineer a bond conditioned in all respects as provided in Section 13.16.070, and adequate in amount to comply therewith, such bond shall for all purposes be deemed a bond posted pursuant to that section.
Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to bind the city to accept such improvements for public use, however, if for any reason said improvements are not in a condition satisfactory to the city engineer at the time they are offered for acceptance for public use.
(Ord. 117 § 4.01, 1962)
All permits for work mentioned in Section 13.16.010 shall be granted under one of the following classes:
Class "A" shall include only the repair, construction or reconstruction of curbs, sidewalks, driveways or gutters and work appurtenant to the foregoing, where, in the opinion of the city engineer, the work contemplated is so limited in extent and of such simplicity of design that the deposit of those fees provided hereinafter for class "A" permits will with reasonable certainty compensate and reimburse the city for the cost of the inspection and supervision entailed.
Class "B" shall include all permits for work not included in class "A".
(Ord. 117 § 4.02, 1962)
All work mentioned in Section 13.16.010 shall be performed in accordance with the specifications and plans, if plans are made, and shall be performed to the satisfaction of the public works department and under the supervision of the engineer.
(Ord. 117 § 4.03, 1962)
Any person desiring a permit to perform any work mentioned in Section 3.16.010 shall file a written application therefor with the public works department, which shall specify:
The location, nature and amount of work to be performed;
The material to be used;
Such other information as the public works department may require.
(Ord. 117 § 4.04, 1962)
If the application provided for in Section 13.16.040 is for a class "A" permit, as defined in Section 13.16.020, the applicant shall deposit with the public works department, before such permit shall be issued, an amount which shall be set forth by a resolution of the city council. For any work not mentioned in said resolution, the applicant shall pay a fee equal to the estimated cost of inspection and other services required to be provided by the city which are related to the project, to be computed by the city engineer, and thereupon, a permit for the work may be issued by the department of public works.
(Ord. 117 § 4.05, 1962; Ord. 512 § 10, 1968; Ord. 947 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1254 § 4, 1996)
If the application is for a class "B" permit, the applicant must, before the permit is issued, deposit with the public works department an amount estimated by the city engineer to be sufficient to reimburse the city for its costs of design, surveying, inspection, supervision, testing of materials, and appurtenant work and incidental costs including overhead.
Final charges for a class "B" permit shall be the actual cost to the city for its expenses incurred in connection therewith. The permittee shall be entitled to a refund of any excess between the amount deposited and the final charges. In the event the final charges exceed the deposit, the permittee shall be required to pay the deficit to the city, and such payment shall be made before acceptance of the work.
Upon completion of the work and acceptance thereof by the city engineer, an itemized statement of the final charges shall be rendered at the request of the permittee.
(Ord. 117 § 4.06, 1962; Ord. 1254 § 5, 1996)
Plans, When Required. Prior to the issuance of a class "B" permit, special plans shall be prepared therefor and thereafter approved by the city engineer, if in the opinion of the city engineer such plans are necessary.
Class "B" Permits, Bond Required. No class "B" permit for the doing of any work for which such permit is required shall be issued unless the applicant shall first file with the city engineer a good and sufficient bond, approved by the city engineer or the city engineer's duly authorized representative. The bond shall be in an amount equal to the cost of the proposed work as estimated by the city engineer and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance and completion of the work for which the permit is issued, in accordance with the permit and the plans and specifications prepared therefor, and referred to in the permit, and also upon the payment of all necessary costs and expenses which may be incurred or expended by the city in causing such required work to be done, and the payment of all engineering and inspection costs and fees incurred by the city. The bond shall be either a cash bond or a bond executed by a company authorized to act as surety in this state.
Cash Bond, Reimbursement to be Made Therefrom. Whenever the applicant elects to post a cash bond, the city engineer is hereby empowered, in the event of any default on the part of the permittee in the performance of any work or improvement for which the permit was granted or in the payment of any charges due the city arising out of the issuance of such permit, to deduct therefrom on behalf of the city an amount sufficient to reimburse and to indemnify the city for any and all damages sustained by the city by reason of faulty or defective work, or by reason of carelessness or negligence of the permittee, or by reason of any failure on the part of the permittee faithfully and properly to perform and complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. In the event of any such default on the part of the permittee, the city engineer may, at the city engineer's option, cause all the required work to be done and may expend therefor the whole amount of such cash bond or any part thereof.
Surety Bond, Collection and Enforcement. Whenever a surety bond has been filed in compliance with this section, the city engineer is hereby empowered, in the event of any default on the part of the principal, to enforce collection, under such bond, of all sums due and unpaid to the city as charges arising out of the issuance of the permit, and for any and all damages sustained by the city by reason of faulty or defective work, or by reason of the carelessness and negligence of the permittee in the performance of the work, or by reason of any failure on the part of the permittee faithfully and properly to perform, in accordance with the permit and the plans and specifications, the work or improvement for which the permit was issued. In the event of any such default on the part of the permittee, the city engineer may, at his option, cause all the required work to be done and the surety upon the bond shall be firmly bound for the payment of all necessary costs thereof.
Termination of Bond. The term of each bond filed or posted pursuant to this section, shall begin upon the date of the filing or posting thereof and shall end upon the date of the completion, to the satisfaction of the city engineer, of all the improvements covered by the permit. The fact of such completion shall be evidenced by a statement thereof signed by the city engineer, a copy of which shall be furnished to any surety upon request. In any case where a cash bond has been posted there shall be returned, on demand, to the permittee or to his successors or assigns, upon or after the date of the issuance of said certificate, the amount of such cash bond less the amount, if any, expended by the public works department to complete the work or otherwise taken or deducted by the public works department to reimburse or to indemnify the city for any loss or damage incurred prior to the date of such acceptance as a result of any default covered by the cash bond.
Duplication of Security, Not Required. If the applicant has already on file with the city engineer, and in full force and effect, a surety bond or a deposit posted pursuant to the provisions of this title approved and adequate in amount to meet the requirements of this section, no other bond shall be required to be posted by him in order to comply with this section.
(Ord. 117 § 4.07, 1962)
No person shall commence any work mentioned in Section 13.16.010 for which a permit has been issued, unless such person has made application to the public works department for an inspector therefor at least twenty-four hours before commencing said work, specifying in said application the location at which and the day and hour when said work will be commenced.
(Ord. 117 § 4.08, 1962)
Whenever any permittee has completed any work under class "B" permit, said permittee shall so notify the city engineer, or his duly authorized representative, in writing. If the city engineer has found, by survey or inspection, or both, that the work has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the permit issued therefor and all the provisions of Sections 13.16.010 to 13.16.070, inclusive, he shall issue upon request of the permittee, a certificate of acceptance which shall contain a statement of the location, nature and total amount of the work performed under the permit.
(Ord. 117 § 4.09, 1962)
All class "A" and "B" permits issued under the provisions of Sections 13.16.010 to 13.16.070, inclusive, shall expire and be cancelled six months after the date of their issue, unless sooner requested by the permittee and unless actual construction of the work authorized by the permit has been commenced prior to the expiration of the six month period; all class "A" and "B" permits shall expire and be cancelled sixty days after the date on which actual construction of the work was commenced, unless a longer construction period is specified in the permit, in which case such permit shall expire at the end of the longer construction period specified therein. The public works department may extend the time for the starting or the completion of the work, upon good and sufficient cause being shown therefor by the permittee, and such extension shall not be deemed to release any surety or any bond posted pursuant to Section 13.16.070.
In the event any permittee shall not construct a portion of the work authorized by a class "A" permit, such permit, upon the application of the permittee, may be cancelled as to the omitted work only.
(Ord. 117 § 4.10, 1962)
Upon the cancellation of any unused class "A" permit or upon the cancellation of the unused portion of any class "A" permit or upon the expiration or cancellation of any class "B" permit, the moneys paid to the city pursuant to the requirements of Sections 13.16.050 and 13.16.060, less the sum of two dollars and less any amount expended by the city for engineering and incidental costs in connection with the permit plus fifteen percent of such costs, shall be returned to the permittee, if so requested by him in writing within six months from the date of expiration or cancellation and upon the surrender of the permit.
All money deposited under class "A" permits and required by this section to be refunded shall be paid by the public works department from the departmental receipts of the public works department.
(Ord. 117 § 4.11, 1962)
No Person to whom a permit has been granted under the provisions of Sections 13.16.010 to 13.16.070, inclusive, shall perform any of the work mentioned in Section 13.16.010 in an amount or quantity greater than that specified in the permit, except that upon approval by the engineer, additional work may be done under the provisions of this permit in an amount not greater than ten percent of the amount specified in the permit. Any bond posted in connection with the original permit shall be deemed to cover any such additional work as may be approved pursuant to this section, within the limit mentioned herein.
(Ord. 117 § 4.12, 1962)
No person performing any work under the provisions of Sections 13.16.010 to 13.16.070, inclusive, shall fail, neglect or refuse to remove all material and debris within three days after the completion of the work. Where new work is covered with earth, the terms of the specifications of this city governing such work shall control.
(Ord. 117 § 4.13, 1962)
Sections 13.16.010 to 13.16.070, inclusive, shall not be construed to apply to the performance of any of the classes of work therein mentioned under contracts made by property owners and duly authorized by ordinance, or under contracts made by the department of public works in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the state of California, providing for the improvement of streets in municipalities.
Sections 13.16.010 to 13.16.070, inclusive, shall not be construed to apply to the construction, reconstruction, or repair of any curb or sidewalk by any department of this city or other governmental agency which elects to perform such work using its own departmental forces where in the opinion of the city engineer surveys, plans or inspection are not required. This exception shall not apply to the performance of any such work by a contractor engaged to perform the same by any such department or governmental agency.
(Ord. 117 § 4.14, 1962)