Review Procedures. This chapter establishes procedures for reviewing development proposals to ensure that projects comply with all applicable development and design standards/guidelines, and minimize potential adverse effects, in compliance with the actions, goals, objectives and policies of the general plan, any applicable specific plan and this title.
Encourage Creativity. This chapter is not intended to restrict imagination, innovation or variety, but rather to focus on development and design standards/guidelines that can result in creative, imaginative solutions and a quality design for the city. It is, therefore, the purpose of this chapter to:
Recognize the interdependence of land values and aesthetics and encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of development within the city;
Assist developers to understand the public's concerns for the aesthetics of development, and ensure that new developments do not cause an adverse health, safety or aesthetic related impact(s) on the community;
Achieve a reasonable level of quality in terms of harmony and community objectives for economic, physical and social well being, and to protect existing and potential developments and uses on adjacent property and the surrounding neighborhood; and
Provide consistency for comprehensive review of development projects.
Allowed Uses Only. This chapter is not intended to deny any use already allowed by this title, nor to grant any use not allowed in the respective zoning district.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
The commission shall approve, approve with conditions or disapprove precise plan of design applications, and impose conditions necessary to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses, to preserve the public convenience, health, interest, safety or welfare, and necessary to make the findings required by Chapter 21.44.050 (Findings and Decision) of this chapter.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
An application for precise plan of design shall be required for any proposed structures in the city, except for structures in the R-1 zoning district.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Filed with Department. An application for a precise plan of design shall be filed with the department in compliance with Chapter 21.32 (Applications, Processing and Fees) of this title.
Filed Concurrently. The applicant may choose, or the commission may require, that the application be made and acted upon concurrently with an application for a conditional use permit, final map, variance, zoning map amendment or other matter requiring city approval in compliance with this chapter.
Before Building Permits. The application shall be filed before issuance of any building permit(s) for the subject parcel.
Contents. The application shall be accompanied by detailed and fully dimensioned site plans, architectural drawings/sketches, elevations, floor plans, landscape plans and/or any other data/materials identified in the department handout for precise plan of design applications.
Project Review Procedures. Following receipt of a completed application, the director shall make an investigation of the facts bearing on the case to provide the information necessary for action consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
Factors to Be Considered.
The proposed development should be compatible with surrounding developments, including the siting of the project as it relates to the character of the neighborhood and the street, the massing of structures, and architectural style and detailing.
Facades of structures visible from streets, freeways or other public rights-of-way should be fully finished and should receive similar architectural treatment as the primary facade.
Mechanical equipment, storage, solid waste and recyclable material storage areas and utilities should be located out of public view or otherwise screened from public view (See Section 21.18.080, Screening and buffering of this title).
The proposed project should be designed to protect sensitive land uses by promoting a harmonious and compatible transition in terms of scale and character between areas of different land uses and zoning districts.
Additions/alterations to existing structures should be substantially the same (or an improvement, if warranted) in appearance as the original, especially in terms of exterior materials, color and roof lines(s), windows and doors, etc.
Notice and Hearings.
Public Hearing Required. An application for a precise plan of design shall be scheduled for a public hearing once the director has determined the application complete.
Noticing. Noticing of the public hearing shall be given in compliance with Chapter 21.58 (Public Hearings) of this title.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
The commission, or the council on appeal, shall record the decision in writing with the findings on which the decision is based. The precise plan of design application shall be approved, with or without conditions, only if the following findings of fact can be made in a positive manner:
The design and layout of the proposed development would:
Be consistent with the actions, goals, objectives and policies of the general plan, any applicable specific plan and the development and design standards/guidelines of the applicable zoning district;
Not interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring existing or future developments, and would not create traffic or pedestrian hazards; and
Provide a desirable environment for its occupants and visiting public as well as its neighbors through good/proper aesthetic use of materials, texture and color, and would remain aesthetically appealing and retain an appropriate level of maintenance.
The architectural design of the proposed structure(s) would be compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and would maintain and enhance the attractive, harmonious and orderly development contemplated by the actions, goals, objectives and policies of the general plan, any applicable specific plan and this chapter;
The proposed development would not:
Be detrimental to the public convenience, health, interest, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the immediate vicinity; or
Substantially depreciate property values in the immediate vicinity or interfere with the use or enjoyment of property in the surrounding neighborhood, because of excessive dissimilarity or inappropriateness of design in relation to the surrounding neighborhood.
The proposed project has been reviewed in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the city's environmental review procedures.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Compliance. In approving a precise plan of design the commission may impose conditions (e.g., buffers, landscaping and maintenance, lighting, off-site improvements, parking, property maintenance, signs, surfacing, traffic circulation, etc.) deemed reasonable and necessary to:
Compliance with Chapter. Ensure compliance with the general purpose of this chapter, the actions, goals, objectives and policies of the general plan, and any applicable specific plan;
Compliance with Findings. Ensure that the approval would be in compliance with the findings required by Section 21.44.050 (Findings and decision) of this chapter;
Protect Interests. Protect the best interests of the surrounding property or neighborhood; and
Ensure that the applicant acknowledges receipt, full understanding and agreement with all of the conditions before issuance of the precise plan of design.
By signing the written acknowledgment, the applicant acknowledges acceptance of the benefits of the precise plan of design and agrees to waive any right to later challenge any condition(s) imposed as unfair, unnecessary or unreasonable.
Conditions. The conditions of approval shall further ensure the following:
Adequate pedestrian and vehicular circulation (e.g., access ways and parking) shall be required to be designed, provided and maintained to avoid congestion and to prevent adverse effects on the surrounding neighborhood;
Elevations shall be designed to be compatible with the characteristics of the surrounding neighborhood;
Exterior lighting, fences, landscaping, screen planting, walls and other similar appurtenances shall be designed, provided, and maintained in a manner that would be compatible (e.g., proportion, scale, style, etc.) with the characteristics of the surrounding neighborhood. The commission shall give special consideration to the retention of existing vegetation and land formations in their natural state;
Structures shall be arranged to allow convenient access for emergency and service equipment, fire hydrants, standpipes and other fire protection devices;
Proposed developments shall not present a hazardous situation due to any erosion, flooding, seismic, soil or topographic condition(s) applicable to the site;
Proposed developments shall be conditioned to require the payment of a landscape inspection fee, in compliance with the city's fee resolution, to ensure that the landscaping is installed in compliance with the approved plans; and
Proposed residential developments shall be conditioned to require the dedication of land, or payment of a fee in lieu of land dedication, at the option of the city, for park and recreation land in compliance with the provisions of Chapters 21.66 through 21.84 of this title).
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Procedures. Procedures relating to appeals, changes, performance guarantee, revocation and time extensions, as identified in Chapters 21.52 through 21.64 of this title, in addition to those identified in Chapter 21.54 (Entitlement Implementation, Time Limits and Extensions) of this title, shall apply following the approval of a precise plan of design.
Run with the Land.
Continue to Be Valid. A precise plan of design that is valid and in effect, and was granted in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, shall run with the land and continue to be valid upon a change of ownership of the land or any lawfully existing structure on the land.
Resolution Review. In addition to securing a business license, any new applicant seeking to operate a previously approved use in substantial compliance with an existing precise plan of design shall submit a project description (e.g., narrative and/or a site and floor plan) to the director ensuring that the new operation would be in compliance with the previous use and that the new applicant agrees to operate in full compliance with the previously issued conditions of approval.
Substantial Compliance. Once approved by the commission, the design and general appearance (e.g., colors, materials, etc.) of the structure(s) shall not be substantially altered. Substantial changes shall require commission review and approval before construction.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
It is unlawful for any owner, operator, tenant or other person in control of property within the city for which the specific standards set forth in this chapter apply, to develop or construct property without a precise plan or to operate or maintain property in violation of the precise plan or to fail to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1358 § 13, 2004)